Rank 6 Blood Purifying Lotus


People started gathering at the entrance of the Tang family manor, only to see some children's having tattered clothes and blood flowing through them.

They could also see a beautiful girl carrying someone on her back while taking deep breathes.

After hearing, the servants of the Tang family came to the main gate as fast as they could, only to see that the one calling them for help was the daughter of the 2nd Elder brother of the Patriarch.

They went towards her to see if she was the one injured, as they can see a lot of blood on her clothes. Well, everyone's clothes were dirty of blood at this stage but they give her more importance as she was the only granddaughter of the Old master who doted on her plenty.

Suddenly they saw a small boy coming from behind Tang Lan, who was equally as dirty with blood sweat, and dirt showing himself.

"Isn't that Tang Kai! the son of Third brother Tang? Look! is he also injured ... O shit! Who was brave enough to hurt these Ancestors" Said one of the servants after he took a closer look at the little boy.


Everyone who heard that took a deep breath, as not only the granddaughter but also the grandson got hurt by someone. It seems like there is going to be a big show here.

"Hey, you! Yes you, come here and Help Sister Meihui take down Brother Tang Huang from her back. Hurry!! And someone call the medical staff, he is very injured. HURRY!!" Said Tang Lan to a servant nearby.

"What even Tang Huang is injured! That little genius of the family? Is it the other large families, have they attacked us. Go, Someone! Call the Elders! Hurry up!!" Said one of the servants.

It was at this time Lady Chen and Old lady Xiaoyu come to the entrance, only to find the situation very serious as almost all the children of there family were seriously injured. And there was even One very seriously injured.

The Old grandma Looking at her grandchildren's state became angry as she shouted "What happened to all of you? Who did this!! YOU IDIOTS WHAT ARE YOU DWINDLING HERE FOR GO CALL SOMEONE FROM THE MEDICINAL HALL!!!"

Tang Kai who saw his grandma, came to her with little tears in his eyes as he said " Grandma !! Help Brother Huang, he is very badly injured.. HE..he .. sniff" as he started crying after the experience he had but tried to hold himself.

The Old Grandma seeing this little boy coming for her to help hugged him as she comforted him saying " Its all right... Grandma is here for you... Tell me what happened."

It was at this time Tang Lan also came running to her Grandma as she asked in a hurried voice " Grandma You.. you have to come with me .. brother .. brother he.. "

"It's fine, your brother will be fine. They are checking on him now." said the old lady.

"No! it's not about him... Its Brother Long .. he is in danger!!! " said Tang Lan hurriedly.

"WHAT!! what happened to Tang Long!!!" This time its was Lady Chen who asked.

She had seen all of them knew that they were not in any danger, only Tang Huang was seriously injured but he will be alright after some rest and eating some pills though it will damage some of the resources of the family, it was still doable.

But when she heard that Tang Long was in danger it was as if a huge mountain has fallen on her heart as she wasn't able to see Tang Long here even when Mehui was also present. She was having a bad feeling and with what happened earlier to her she was sure that something has happened to him.

Looking at Tang Lan who wasn't able to answer her, she went to Meihui who was still breathing hard and asked " Tell me!! what happened to Tang Long! and why is he not with you all ?? HURRY UP!!!"

Meihui looking at Lady Chen who was looking very upset of the news took a deep breath and said " We went to the Dark Valley Forest"

Hearing the name of the forest, everyone had cold sweats on their bodies, not even the old Grandma was any better and asked " What the hell were you guys doing there!! "

"We...." Tang Lan wanted to answer but was interrupted by the sudden shout.

" What happened here !! what happened to my son!!! TANG HUANG !!!! WAKE UP!! sons what's wrong with you ??? " Su Wei came out of the mansion running towards her son crying and screaming ... asking for her son to answer her.

Following her were the rest of the family members such as the old man Tang Caihong, following him the new Patriarch Tang Chun, his third brother Tang Shu with his wife An Ni. Following then at the end were the 2nd brother Tang Hai Rong and his Wife, Li Ling.

When they saw the state in which their children were they too started to ask questions. Lady Chen who was already on the verge of a mental breakdown due to excess worry got annoyed as she shouted " SHUT UP EVERYONE!!! CAN'T YOU SEE I AM ASKING HER SOMETHING!! SO KEEP THOSE MOUTH SHUT!!"

Hearing the sudden loud voice everybody shut their mouths. Even though Su Wei wanted to retort at the sudden voice but shut herself when she saw who it was.

"Now explain everything to me. Weren't you all only hanging in the town's market? Why did you go to the forest?" asked Lady Chen while suppressing her anger.

Meihui who was much calmer now started talking after seeing that the lady would probably kill anyone if they stopped then now so she said " It started when we were in the market and meet them on the way as they were going ..." as she continued how they came together and decided to go there to fight some fierce beasts and collect some herbs for pocket money and came across a level 2 herb and beast then Lan finding a Level 4 Herb according to Tang Huang.

" wait wait wait ... You people came across a level 4 herb?" asked Grandma as if astonished.

"Yes! it was Tang Huang who identified it after seeing it, Feifei brought it." said Meihui

"Feifei?" asked grandma looking at the children and saw a shadow in the back.

"Yes! she is Tang Lan's friend and came with us. Tang Huang got hurt protecting her!" said Meihui

"I see, Child come here !! Let me look at the herb" Said Bai Xiaoyu.

"Here it is madam! " Feifei gave the herb to Grandma Bai when she saw that everyone was hungrily looking at her.

Granny Bai looking at the herb asked " What herb did he say it was? "

"Level 4 Fire Lotus Herb"

"Hmm, this doesn't look like a fire Lotus herb ?? Said Granny Bai after looking at it

Lady Chen was getting annoyed but thought she might be able to find the trouble by guessing the origin of the herb asked Bai Xiaoyu to let her see it" Let me see!"

"Here you go!" said Granny Bai.

Looking at the herb Lady Chen Frowned a bit and smelled the herb and had an astonishing face said" This is not a Level 4 herb but a Level 6 Blood Purifying Lotus Flower"

" WHAT!! " Everyone was astonished when they heard her say that, even the children who brought the herb, got so shocked that their mouths were left open.

"Yes! This is clearly a Level Six Herb. This herb is very rare in an area like this but it is an important herb used in helping cultivators to purify their bloodlines. Tell me! what happened next," asked Lady Chen While the bad feeling she had increased after seeing the herb.

Meihui then explained how Feifei and Tang Huang went to pick it up and how they got attacked by the river monster and Tang Huang's injury. Then she told what Tang Long had done and told her to take the rest to flee from the forest while he baited the beast in another direction as she continued " We don't know about the rest, afterward, we came here to ask for help." said Meihui finishing her story.

After hearing the whole story there was a pin drop silence. No one expected that Tang Long would do something so dangerous just so that everyone can escape from there. Even when he was such a weak boy he showed such bravery, determination and love for his family that he would rather risk and face danger himself but not let the others get hurt even knowing full well that he wasn't able to inflict any injury on it.