Tang Long's Bravery and Feifei's Determination!!

Listening to the story everyone was so astonished, and this was especially true for Granny Bai Xiaoyu and Su Wei.

When they heard that Tang Long has risked his own life to save all the children from the Beast which attacked them, they don't know what to feel.

Granny Bai was embarrassed by what she had said to Lady Chen, That Tang Long is not their family, He won't like it if he found out, And now seeing his actions, when he cares so much and saved every child's life, saving their generation.

Granny Bai knew that she had made an error in her judgment. She decided to never let him leave this family, even if he can find his own family in the future, as such a soft and honest-hearted person was hard to find. She decided that he will always be the descendant of the House of Tang, Even if she has to make him as her own son, she was ready to do it.

On the other hand, 'Su Wei', When she heard that her son's life was saved by someone she had always called trash, she didn't know how to respond anymore. She was feeling guilty, Ashamed, and sorry for how she had treated him in the past. She vowed to herself that if he was able to return safe and sound, she would apologize to him in front of everyone and treat him like she treats her own blood.

Lady Chen's situation was much worse when she heard the whole story she coughed a mouth full of blood due to extreme stress. Granny Bai who was by her side took hold of her and said:" Don't worry he should be fine, he is a brave and intelligent boy, so he should be safe."

Lady Chen said while shaking her head " Don't you get it, the herb was a Level 6 herb, and the monster that attacked them would definitely be at peak of Level 9 stage who waiting for the herb to mature so it could purify its bloodline. Now tell me, how much hope do you have?"

Listening to Lady Chen, Everyone took a deep breath. A peak level nine beast was something that they had only heard in legends. Now listening about it they also thought that there was no way he would be alive.

But then Lady Chen said" But he is still alive "

"How do you know that? " Asked old granny with some hope.

"Because I am still fine, So he should be fine too," said Lady Chen with confidence.

"Yes! Big Brother Long should be fine. He was very fast when fighting that thing and that beast wasn't able to catch Big Brother so he should be fine." shouted Tang Lan with vigor.

Lady Chen didn't wait for anyone and went to Meihui as she said " Come with me there. Take me to that place. " Then she caught her shoulder ready to leave but was interrupted by Granny Bai as she said

"Let me come with you"

Looking at her for a while Lady Chen didn't want to waste time so nodded and caught her shoulder as they flew away.

Looking at the direction in which they had gone, everyone's mouth was opened wide except for the Tang family seniority, as they already had known about it.

But their children didn't know that and looking at their Aunt, they always see in the mansion, flying away, got them riled up.

"Did I see it correctly? Aunt Chen just flew!" said Tang Kai while looking with his mouth open.

"No! You see the right thing as I am also seeing it." said Tang Lan with the same expression.

"Big Brother Long mother is so cool," Said Feifei also having her mouth open wide looking in the same direction.

Looking at the children having such cute expressions everyone laughed while easing the atmosphere. But back in there minds they also thought " She looked really cool". While having their own fantasies.

The Patriarch came to the doctor and asked "How is he?" with a serious expression on his face. He could already tell that his son was very serious and it was already lucky that he survived.

The Doctor shaking his head said. "It's very serious. His left arm is completely broken and some of his ribs have punched in his lungs. He was lucky that his heart is safe or else. His tight bone is also fractured while different organs are badly hurt and some have even stopped working especially his kidney. Looking at the state its a wonder how he is still alive. "

Hearing Doctors honest words, The Patriarch had a grave expression. He did think that it was serious but only after listening to the doctor, did he knew how naive how was. Thinking for a moment he turned towards his Oldman to seek guidance.

The Old Grandpa was also there listening to the Doctor and also had a grave expression, after seeing that his son was asking his permission he nodded his head and said: Do whatever you want to do! I want the boy fixed."

Looking at his Father who permitted him to use the family resources, he smiled and then turned to the doctor as he asked" So can you fix him?"

The doctor who also heard everything nodded his head but then shook it.

Looking at the expression of the Doctor, he frowned and asked" What's the meaning of this?"

The Doctor knowing that his son was injured, didn't get angry and said patiently" I can treat him, that is, his outer injuries and some of his hidden injuries, but my method has its limits. I can let him be able to walk no doubt but because of how serious the injuries are, he won't be able to practice martial arts again. And...." the doctor said till here and hesitated to say further.

Listening to the doctor Su Wei cried at his son and The Patriarch who was still holding himself asked in a quivering voice " And?"

The doctor hesitated but then looked at the person in front of him, as he sighed and said" And because of the damage to his kidneys he won't be able to have any children in the future, probably."

Hearing the Doctor's word Tang Huang's parents were as if the ground has shattered for them. Even the old man Caihong sighed at this when he heard that his grandson is impotent now.

Feifei who was still there standing at some distance also heard it and started crying, she knew that he got hurt because of saving her. She was hesitant at first on his confession, but after what he did for her, her heart only had him in it and was constantly worried about him.

Now knowing that he can't have his own children in the future, she was horrified at his fortune but at the same time decided to spend the rest of the life, serving him from today onwards.

Lan who was next to her also knew about the relationship between them and consoled her.

The Patriarch sighed and asked" Is there a way to save him?" having a hopeful expression.

The doctor nodded at him but again sighed saying" He will be fine if you can find a Level 5 healing medicine that to repair his bone, nerves, and muscles. Except that everything else will be useless as the damage is too much for any lower grade pills to restore it."

Hearing the cost it would take everybody inhaled a large amount of air, the cost was too much for them to bear. The Patriarch after hearing the cost just hold his head with one hand, knowing his son was done for and said" Just heal him for now, I will see if I can even find it"

"Yes!!" said the doctor and started doing his work.

When Feifei heard that he can be treated was so happy that she couldn't describe it, but after knowing the cost she paled and sat down crying again. Tang Lan who was with her from the start, held her and was also sad for her Big brother.

After crying for a while, Feifei stood up with a determined face and came to the Patriarch. Lan also followed her when she was going in the direction of her elder uncle and thought whatever she was going to do?

The Patriarch who was already upset at his son's condition saw Feifei coming towards him. Knowing that she was also a victim he asked her gently "Yes?"

Feifei who already had determined herself said "I will marry Tang Huang" While having a little blush on her face.

Tang Chun and the rest, who heard her proclamation were very surprised at her decision, as they knew Tang Huang's position. Tang Chun was also surprised by the sudden proclamation asked gently " Why?"

Hearing him ask such a question, she blushed hard but still settled herself while saying confidently " I Love Him!! And he loves me too! If it weren't for him at that time, saving me I would have died for sure. Although It was this stupid idiots fault to propose to a girl at such a time, I still love him. Even when I know his condition, knowing he can't have children and feel pity but it is not the reason for it. I love him and want to help him at his weakest period just as he saved me at mine. I love him and take care of him all his life. I don't want him to spend his life regretting his choice. I want to show him that he won the gamble! And prove to him that I love him!!!"

When she said this she was so red that it looked like her skin color was red but she still said everything loud and clear.

When everyone heard their discussion and had to say that this girl was very gutsy asking to marry the patriarch's son even when he is impotent but after hearing her declaration they changed their view of her and said that their young master was very lucky to find such a girl.

Tang Chun who heard her word was able to see that she really loved his son and wasn't targeting him. He then looked at his second brother who also looked at him and smiled while nodding and holding his wife's hand.

Looking at his brother, he made a decision but asked " Will your parent be fine with this? "

Hearing the Patriarch asking her this, she didn't know what to say but said " I don't know! But I will try to convince them." while smiling a bit.

Seeing her smile, he thought that his son has really lucked out this time and thought' I see, He Won his gamble'. and said to her" If you are really that determined then, I will talk with your Parents"

Hearing that the Patriarch was going to ask her parents for marriage she jumped and hugged him saying"Thank you, Father!"

Seeing her hug him and calling father he chuckled a bit patted her head saying" I am not your father yet!"

"I know! But you can do it!" she said while releasing him and showed a fist-pumping action.

Though he was a bit speechless, still smiled and thought " I guess not all is lost."