Lady Chen's First Disciple!!

After waiting for half a day worth of time, Granny Bai woke up first from her enlightenment and was amazed at what just happened. She looked much younger than before and had a rosier skin.

Looking at Bai Xiaoyu who woke up, Lady Chen said "So you have ended your enlightenment, It seems that you got many benefits".

Looking at Lady Chen, she suppressed her bewilderment and asked " Did you not touch it? And what is this tree.? "

"It won't have any effect on me as I am now," said Lady Chen as she continued " As for what this is, Just think of it as a side benefit of the Inheritance"

Listening to her Granny Bai exclaimed as she said "This is just a side benefit!!! I got my cultivation improved with it and got a more powerful Cultivation Technique!! Even my old injuries and Clocked meridians also got fixed. And you are saying it is a side benefit!! then whats in the main trail as a reward"

Looking at her amazed and stupefied face, Lady Chen giggled a bit and said "I Wonder!! But you really lucked out this time. Getting directly from 1st stage Qi Reforming stage to low level Golden core Stage. You might be the strongest in the whole kingdom now. But I will prefer, you not to show your strength to anyone until you stabilize it or many greedy people will come to look for you and your family."

Hearing Lady Chen's word Granny Bai 'while she doesn't look like one now' said " I know! Even if I am strong! My family is still very weak, but let me go and bring them here so they can also take this opportunity"

"It's not possible for others to get anything now, when you and Meihui touched the tree, all the benefits were given to you both, so even if others come here, they won't get anything anymore," said Lady Chen To Bai Xiaoyu.

After learning that they won't be able to get anything now, Bai Xiaoyu was saddened as she said " That's too bad! I was thinking of bringing my son here as I thought he might be able to get better after coming here. Sigh maybe the heavens don't want that."

Hearing her Lady Chen Raised an eyebrow as she asked "Your Second Son? Who is crippled? Hmm maybe he would have been able to but it can't be helped. You are strong know and should be able to travel and find some other method to help him and maybe a new husband too!" as she had a cheeky smile on her face.

Bai Xioayu listening to her words also nodded her head at first but blushed when she heard the later part and said "What nonsense are you spouting now. I am fine with what I have and besides, I already have Kids and Grandkids and am already old, Let the Young People enjoy these things"

Lady Chen Smilied and said "How are you old, you are just in your 60s and with your new cultivation level, you should be able to live for 700 years no problem. Huh! I bet You are saying this to me but are already thinking of getting a young hot-blooded man to marry him in another city or country. "

Bai Xiaoyu was red after hearing it as if she got caught scheming, but still stood stubborn and said " Enough of me, What are you going to do now? "

"What are you talking about," Lady Chen said nothing anymore after she changed the subject.

"You know what I am talking about, Now that Tang Long is gone you..... " saying Bai Xiaoyu but was interrupted

" HE IS ALIVE!... I know you don't believe me but I can feel it, he is fine" Glaring at her Lady Chen said.

Looking at her who looked like a ferocious lioness Bai Xiaoyu just sighed and said "OK! Even if he is alive, It's not like anything changed right, You are Still his supposed mother. Do you think that you can love and live with him? How long are you going to keep this lie up? Staying like this you are just hurting yourself! And If by chance you ended up doing something stupid, he might get disgusted by you. Why not just tell him. And Tell him, how you feel about him. Looking at the situation he might be able to understand. If you want help then, I am willing to take him as my godson and will treat him like my own."

Understanding her Lady Chen Didn't say anything for a long while. Even she knew that if she wants to live with him and marry him she can't keep it from him as even if Tang Long doesn't mind it, society won't take it as a good example and do anything to get rid of them.

Bai Xiaoyu who was standing next to her didn't say anything too, as she knew that Lady Chen had to make a decision or else she might regret it her whole life.

After pondering for a while, Lady Chen said "Let's wait and see after he comes back! I will not tell him the truth, If he wants to remain in the village, and will just let him marry a normal girl and leave, but if he decides to leave to travel the world, I will tell him the truth and once he is strong enough, I will confess my feeling to him" while clenching her hands " So It will Depend on his decision what will happen".

Hearing her Bai Xiaoyu didn't say anything to her and thought this was the best way but it was much harsher on Lady Chen who loved him so she said " So You are just letting fate to decide huh"

"Yeah!" said Lady Chen While looking at the sky.

After some moment of silence, Lady Chen had a cheeky smile again as she said to Bai Xiaoyu" So what was that think of taking him as your Godson. Are you really going to do that? I thought that now that you are young again you wanted my long'er between your legs or something and are using this as an excuse"

Hearing her Bai Xiaoyu blushed again suddenly and got annoyed at her while shout "Don't spout nonsense, He like a grandson to me."

Lady Chen snickered a bit and said "Well, What can I say, Women, can be dangerous creatures if they want to take hold of something," While having a dangerous light passing through her eyes.

Catching her meaning, Bai Xiaoyu chose to remain silent, even when she agreed with her somewhat.

Then looking at Meihui who was still in the state of enlightenment Bai Xiaoyu asked "She is still not out of it yet"

Lady Chen also looked there and replied " Well She is Young and she's got much more potential than you can think of, She doesn't know of it but she has a unique constitution but its still locked, I guess she will unlock it after today and her path ahead will be very smooth."

Bai Xioayu Listening to her asked "Ohh what Kind of constitution does she have? "

"Well, She has a rare Pure Ice Pheonix Divine Yin Body, It's one of the best body types out there. Normally people don't know about it as they think it as a Pure Yin Physic and use those girls as a partner for duel cultivation but that's wrong as it doesn't bring them any benefit instead cause harm to there cultivation.." Explaining Lady Chen said.

"It was still alright when her body was locked but now only someone with an extreme yang constitution can become her partner or she else will just devour them."

"But if she can find someone with such physic or stronger, then the benefits will also depend on the type of her partner she gets beside women of such body cultivate very fast so there is no need to worry for now."

After listening to Lady Chen's words she looked at Meihui as if she was some kind of monster but suddenly thought of something and asked " But is it alright for her to unlock her body, From what I can see, she seems to like Tang Long too. Ahh! I see, so you already know and are doing this to stop her." hitting her hand on the other while forming a fist.

Lady Chen who heard her words got speechless for a moment and said "I am not that type of woman, I don't care how many girls he brought home as long as I am still in his heart. Besides, you don't need to worry about that. From what I know of this trial from the records, he will soon become the strongest man in the world and will just need time to mature."

"That is if he chooses to do so," said slowly.

Raising an eyebrow Bai Xiaoyu said "Ohh!!! Maybe I should also think about that suggestion of yours from earlier" While holding her chin as if pondering over it.

Lady Chen who heard her had a tick mark on her head, As she got angry and laughed weirdly, scaring Bai Xiaoyu as she quickly said " I was Joking!!! "

"Ohh Look she is waking up," She said while interrupting Lady Chen who looked very scary at the moment.

Lady Chen also Looked in Meihui's direction and could feel Cold air being released from her body.

While raising her eyebrow she said "Ohh! I was right!! But this is still much more than I expected, well, she can't control the energy as her level is too low and but she will be fine after some practice."

Meihui who was out of her enlightenment was also amazed as she looked at the tree, then she went to Lady Chen and bowed saying "Thank you! Mistress, for giving me such opportunity I will forever be in your debt".

Hearing her words Lady Chen Just waved her hand saying "Its fine don't mind it."

Then looking at her for a while she considered something and asked " Meihui! You don't have any family members now, right? "

Hearing her mistress suddenly asking such a question she was a bit surprised but said " No! I don't. my parents are already dead so.."

Lady Chen nodded at her then looked at her again while asking " Then why don't you become my disciple, I Promise you won't lose anything by becoming my disciple."

Hearing what she asked of her, Meihui blanked out not knowing what to say. She was happy, surprised, and wondered why she asked that she wasn't able to talk for a moment muttering " I..I ."

"What you have a problem with me," said Lady Chen in an annoyed tone.

" No no... That's..." Said Meihui stuttering

"Then what's the problem? Don't you want to be strong enough to protect Long'er anymore? Or due you want to again just stand behind him or ran away while he protects you like this time. Don't you want to follow him when he goes on a journey" asked Lady Chen while bombarding questions after questions to Meihui. She wanted her to be ready for everything that's going to come to her from here onwards and wanted to toughen up her mentality. She already knew her answer looking at her expression, but still wanted her to express her feelings and determination not to her but her own self.

Listening to the questions Lady Chen asked Meihui blanked out again remembering as to how she had left Tang Long behind and Couldn't do anything of it. She fell on her knees crying and hitting her head down the ground saying loudly " Please let me be your disciple. I don't want to feel like that again, leaving him behind while being helpless only to be able to pray for him to be fine. I want to get stronger to be of help to him and stand beside him and not behind like he did to protect me. Please "

Lady Chen heard her and smiled at her confession and said" Good! You passed my test. If you were just going to forget everything for a little benefit, I would have never accepted you. Not to mention, I would have never allowed you to be much more than a servant to Long'er. "

Hearing her Meihui was startled but listening to her to the end she blushed and said." I only wish to be near him... I. I "

Lady Chen waved her hand said" Don't try to give me lame excuses. I know about your feelings for him but I would never let him have a girl who would just be a burden. Now kowtow me as of now you are my First disciple and should call me Master. "

Meihui said seriously while shouting " Yes! MASTER!! "