The TANG Family Jade Token!!

"Ugh... Ahh... The hell..." a voice came out of a dead body.

"Ugh...! The heck I am again? The scenery's all different? Ohh I remember!!... Is this heaven?... Why is it so painful? Nobody told me about this... And why the heck is it so bloody here!" shouted the voice.

"Hello! Is any angel nearby... Please help me? I think I got stuck in the wrong door" said the voice while chuckling at his own stupid joke.

"Ouch...! Even my ribs hurt.."

"Oh! What a minute.... hurt?... My body hurts..." said the voice in a startled manner.

After some time,

"Ohh Yeah... I AM NOT DEAD YET..!!." said the voice suddenly.

"Ouch ouch, it hurts... But still, where am I.. Ahh! I can't seem to move my left arm... Hm, the right one is still movable but hurts... What about the legs... Ohh the right one moves... Hmm, the left one also looks fine but I can't seem to feel anything under the knee... Don't tell me its separated... no way.. " said the voice as if trying to judge his body situation.

After some muffling sounds, a hand came out of the dead body of something which was not recognizable anymore.

The one who came out was none other than Tang Long. But looking at his condition, nothing of the previous Tang Long could be seen, as the bright and cheerful face of his had long scares which were bleeding, his left arm was twisted while having some bone shards stuck in the right arm.

His right leg was still fine just some scratches but his left leg under the knee was just hanging as if without any bones in it.

Several of his ribs were broken and looked like he was beaten by a hammer but his lungs were safe as he could still breathe while having a large cut on his back as if sliced by something sharp.

Looking at him one can't believe how is he still alive and kicking or even able to stand.

"I have to look for something to stop the bleed or I might really die" While looked around to search for something useful.

"Damn! this fellow even when unlucky was very lucky for me as it cushioned me from the fall, or else I might have also been pasted on the ground like him" Thought Tang Long to himself.

"But this place is really weird and also have lots of herbs ... A pity I don't really know about medicine or else I could have used it to heal the wounds at least." Thought Tang Long while shaking his head.

"What's that? Is that a cave? Its looks naturally formed, maybe I will find some water there if I am lucky." said Tang Long in a slow voice while getting out of the dead body's remains.

"Ouch .. ouch .. this is painful .. but I have to get out ... ugh .. " as Tang Long clenched his teeth to not shout.

"Argh ... Finally out... My condition is not very good and I am losing blood fast... I will probably faint if this continues."

He took out the sword that was beside him with a broken tip and walked towards the cave holding it like a cane.

"Damn!! This Cave is so huge!! I hope there is no Monster living here or else I will surely die now if not before"

As Tang long walked into the cave he can see that the cave was very brightly lit, there were shiny stones on the walls like crystals which made the whole cave to be bright. Walking forward he could hear voices as if dripping of water, hearing it he walked towards it as fast as he could.

When he saw the pond of water in front of him, he didn't hesitate and jumped right into it.

"Ahhh! Finally, some water to drink and clean why wounds," as he started rubbing himself to clean the blood off of him.

While he was doing this, he didn't notice that a shadow behind him looking at him but didn't speak.

Tang Long who was in the pool cleaning his wounds drank a large amount of water and rested his head on the side of the pond "Ahh! This water is so good, I can already feel the energy coming back to my body and the bleeding has stopped too, maybe this Is some sort of healing water. I should take some with me if I can. "

As he was about to close his eyes he heard a voice "Is the temperature good for you? How are you feeling now?"

"Yeah, The temperatures good and I feel very good already " as he answered unconsciously.

But then remembering something he jumped up only to open his wounds again but looked in front of him vigilantly as he asked "Who are you? "

"Ho-ho! I see! You still have a lot of energy. But stay still this water can heal you up slowly." said the turtle-like figure in front of him.

Tang Long didn't let his guard down and asked again " Who Are You??"

The turtle seeing him still on guard sighed and asked "Don't you know what this place is, Or why would you come here if not to get the inheritance? Did you hurt your head or something along the way? " While tilting its small head as if checking him up.

Tang Long who didn't know anything asked " Inheritance ?? what inheritance ?? Isn't this place the center of the Dark valley forest ??"

"Huh! what Dark Valley forest!! This is the trial grounds for the inheritance of a True God, Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something." Said the turtle while spinning around his head to check if he has missed a spot or something.

Tang Long was much more comfortable now after talking to the thing in front of him and didn't feel any danger so he let it do what it was doing as he asked " GOD's Inheritance You must be joking this place only has people strong enough to be at middle Stage of Qi Reforming, so what Gods are you talking about, It's not me but you, who has something wrong in your head."

"What! There are no gods here ..... How's that possible wait... I see so that's what happened ... He's already done that .. " said the turtle as if muttering to itself.

Tang Long, who was totally clueless asked "What has been done? "

The Turtle like figure said, "You don't need to know but tell me something the trial is something even strong beings have difficulty passing through how did you pass it?"

"Huh! I don't know I was fighting a four-armed bear or something and we fell into the valley and here I am .. the bear thingy died in my hands and I think that its body cushioned me, You can see from my situation that I was barely hanging..." sad Tang Long after recounting the event.

The turtle who heard him was speechless. The trial that even the Gods feared was passed by him by accidentally falling while fighting a bear? Who would believe that? "No! there must be something else, as I didn't even feel the trial grounds activate."Thought the turtle.

Then looking at his figure again the turtle saw a jade piece hanging around his neck.. looking at it his eyes almost popped out and asked "Where did you get that thing? "

Tang Long who saw the turtle pointing at his chest looked down to see the jade hanging. Taking it in his hand said "I don't know mother said that father left it for me. The writing on the piece is written 'Tang' and I am also named Tang Long so I didn't care about it much. "said Tang Long while swinging the jade in his hand by the string.

The turtle saw his actions and was flabbergasted. It slapped his head and shouted " You Idiot! that thing is the key to the Inheritance Palace, and the surname Tang was the name of my master. This is the reason you are still fine or else you would have died a thousand times."

Tang Long held his head and looked at the turtle in front and said "Ohh! I see!"

Hearing his laid back voice the turtle got angry and was going to hit him again but then stopped "Hmm well it's not impossible to have been given to the next generation of the family of Master, So maybe you got it to be its successor or something"

Tang Long who heard him also thought "I wonder who were they" thinking of the first time he came here about his family.

Looking at the boy who seemed lost in his own thoughts the turtle coughed a little as he said "Well! no matter! You are the first one to arrive here and are eligible to obtain his Inheritance but let tell you about myself and other things first"

Tang Long Comeback from his thoughts and nodded to the turtle and started listening to him.

The turtle said "It all happened...!!