Chap 22 True God's Inheritance!! Part 2

"Why Does It Look Like A Mobile Phone????" thought Tang Long looking speechlessly at the item m before him.

"Ohh!! So, It was that magical treasure" nodded Grandpa Tian "I see, this device is very good as only Top Tier Gods had It when I was still alive if I remember."

Tang Long looked at the device dumbfoundedly as he listened to the Turtle's gibberish while looking lost. He turned his head to the Turtle and asked with a shaky finger pointing at the device" This is that Divine Thing that you wanted me to fuse with?? "

Grandpa Tian nodded as he smiled but then shaking his head said" Well, you do need to take control of this thing here first but why do you look disappointed? Do you perhaps know what this is? " asked while having a curious face.

"Isn't it just a phone! It's used to text, call, and take pictures with and share with others? " said Tang long without much emotion on his face.

"Huh! How can a God's treasure be that simple you Idiot.! Though it also has this function, it has much more to it then you can think. " said Grandpa Tian loudly.

"Then tell me," said Tang Long with the same deadpan face.

Grandpa Tian coughed a little and said" Then let me tell you. This is a God's Magical Communication Artifact called GMCA for short. It was a device Master Tang Qing had worked hard to make, I don't know why he kept the shape like this but If I remember correctly he happened to found a world accidentally, where he spent a lot of his time and when he came back he promoted this artifact so that everyone can keep in contact of others but what they got was the simple version like you said, but this ... this thing in your hands is the original with many other effects one of which is that it can let you steal anything you point its camera at may it be ability, spatial ring or other things within the area of the screen but it will be all random for you depending on your luck."

After hearing the Turtle's explanation Tang Long was truly shocked but after some time he asked" Why does it seem like he was more of a thief than an almighty God, Steal ability really? "

Grandpa Tian coughed again and had a blush on his face while trying to avert his eyes. Looking at his face Tang Long asked him forcefully. "TELL ME!!!"

Grandpa Tian sighed as he looked at the ceiling of the cave while mumbling 'I am Sorry Master!!' and said with a serious face. "MY Master was a Pervy bastard who stole goddesses clothes by taking pictures of them, though he was very famous for his strength, he was also famous for his perversion as many goddesses were after his Life." At the End of his sentence, he was so ashamed that he bowed his head in shame.

Tang Long who was listening to him blanked out while having a lost look in his eyes. Even when he considered something this was the one thing he didn't think a god would do. He was such a perv that he created a device so he can steal women garments I mean come on.

Grandpa Tian who Looked at the lost look of Tang Long sighed and said."This is also the reason that my 3rd Sister even when loved him very much but also hated this device the most so I recommend to never show her this or else you will be through hell" said in a serious expression without any sigh of embarrassment.

Listening to him Tang Long promised himself never to use the steal ability on women as he asked "What else does it do? And wait a minute do you said he went somewhere before he designed this thing?? where did he go? "

Grandpa Tian nodded as he said " I don't really know where he went as he only said the place was heaven for him? "Thinking about it he said, "He introduced many things in the Gods community afterward, as it was really boring there and with this device, in use, they were in touch with each other."

"Only some prominent people have access to the Gods community as not everyone is privileged enough to use it. You need to show strength if you want to have it and access the thing in the community, so there are often fights about it and even tournaments are done for what I remember, I don't know about now as it seems like some million years have gone by."

Tang long who heard him thought "Did he went to Earth by accident but what did he do there??" as he asked Grandpa Tian " So you are telling me I can use The channel called the Gods community? "

Grandpa Tian looked at him as if an idiot and said" Are you stupid!! I Just told you that strength is needed to use this device. If you try to use it now let alone call you won't even be able to text anyone. Besides you shouldn't use it because if you use it the other Gods will descend to this place kill you and anyone who knows about it, to get rid of witnesses and take it away. Don't forget this is God's Original Artifact! Who knows how many are looking for his inheritance just for this thing."

Looking at the thing in his Hand Tang Long thought, 'he really has taken hold of a hot potato' as he asked "So what else can it do except the steal ability?"

Grandpa Tian then explained " Though it has a steal ability which can steal everything in its range which should be 10 meters for you and you will only be able to use it twice a month. If you want to increase its use then get stronger. Except for that, you can store things in it but that's an ability all GMCA's has. So that's nothing special for now I only know this, Use your blood to bind with it, you will be able to use it afterward."

Tang long did what Grandpa Tian said as he cut his finger a little and let a drop of blood fall on the phone. When it fell on the screen He could feel some sort of connection with it.

Grandpa Tian smiled when he saw the connection was done and he said " The real thing, the thing which is much important then this little treasure should be in the memory of the artifact, why don't you take it out!"

Tang Long heard him as he asked in a surprised tune "This is a little treasure? "

Grandpa Tian smiled again and nodded as he said "Compared to the thing that I told you about this is indeed a Little treasure. If I say that the thing in the Artifact is the real treasure than this thing in your hand is just the side benefit. How can a God's treasure be so simple boy? My master though a pervy bastard was still the strongest known God alive."

Tang Long was also anticipating a little after hearing him as he opened the storage to see four things in it. He tapped on the screen as they came out of the Artifact.

There was a jade bottle which looked like it has pills in it, The second was 10 pieces of rainbow coloured stones which I don't know of, the third was a book which gives an ancient feeling and the last one was a Dark Red Drop Of Blood which shined violent golden sometimes. When it was out it gave a very dangerous feeling as if it will devour everything in its path.

Grandpa Tian when Looked at the Items seemed emotional as he sighed and said "Looks Like master left most of his things with me. Let me tell you what they are, The first one is a pill which is called True Gods Supreme pill. Its a pill only my master could make as it can even heal the body of god including there soul as well as clean any alignments the injury may have left. But there's more as the ingredients used were very special, it can let any God breakthrough there current level instantly. Even if the person is in the Latter Stages of GODHOOD he can breakthrough once. but I guess its no use for you now."

Tang long nodded as he knew this was of no use to him but was still shocked by the ability it had. If any Gods from the realm of Gods knew he had something like this they would definitely come for the kill.