Chap 23 True God's Inheritance!! Part 3

After telling him about the 1st treasure Grandpa Tian continued" Well then, The 2nd one is also not much use to you as they are Super Tier Divine Crystal, just like spirit stones they can be used by the cultivators for different uses"

Tang Long who had no idea of spirit stones raised his hands as he asked "Grandpa Tian I don't know what spirit stones are."

Grandpa Tian Who Heard him looked speechless as he said "Do you really don't know what a spirit stone is?"

Tang long shook his head to the sides telling him.

Grandpa Tian sighed as he continued "Spirits stone is what cultivators use in their cultivation. Normally we can absorb the Qi from Heaven and Earth but that process takes to long as our cultivation increases, so we use spirit stones as they contain an abundant amount of spirit Qi in them. They can also be used as currency in large cities or some countries as some things cant be purchased by gold."

"Then there are 5 types of of spirit stones which are as Lowest tier spirit stones which are equal to dirt, then their is lower tier spirit stone and medium tier, than higher tier and the last which is the most top tier spirit stones. Except these there are some exceptions when the spirit mine produces a special spirit stone which are of higher Quality then the top tier one they are very rare and difficult to come by."

"Similarly comes the Immortal stones which are also divided into these sections. And above them all are the Divine stones. Did you get it!"Asked Grandpa Tian while showing his knowledge.

Tang Long nodded while saying "Yes! I got it that there is no treasure for my use except for the artifact."

Grandpa Tian who was nodding at him slapped his head saying "You Idiot! Don't Forget, This trial was supposed to be for God's to pass. Although I don't know how The trial ground ended in the mortal's realm, you should still consider yourself lucky. If the gods were able to know of you they would have died of envy first and then kill you too."

Tang Long rubbed his head as he said"But you can't deny that this is just trash to me."

Grandpa Tian who wanted to get angry with him but couldn't refute to him as they really were trash things to him at this stage. but he continued saying "You don't need to be discouraged as the next two things are important for your growth."

"The third is a book my master found in a lost temple. It is a body strengthening technique. It's a special technique that you can use while practicing internal cultivation techniques. It's mainly for body tempering technique but can be practiced even when you are a god and will not interfere with your internal cultivation. My Master Loved this technique very much but couldn't practice as if he wanted to, then he had to first get rid of his present cultivation, but its the best for you as you have just started."

Tang Long Looked at the book and was very happy as he asked "What's the name of the book?"

"Its called Primordial God Body Technique, It will be good for a person like you who has a weak body. I remember my master saying that this technique should also have its internal technique with it but it was never found. But you don't have to worry as you can practice this technique with any Internal Qi technique."

"And the last thing which is also the best one yet especially for you. This is the drop of True Gods Blood which my Master refined by using Earth and Heaven treasures for a million years. This was one of the most important creation that my Master had, as many Gods came after him to get this but they were helpless and left because they were all weaklings" Said Grandpa Tian while raising his head as if to show how proud he was.

"Even though he was a pervert!" mumbled Tang Long.

Grandpa Tian blushed with shame as he said angrily" No one is perfect in this world, there are always things in which people are bad at, even when he was a perv old bastard, He was still a strong pervy old bastard."

Listening to him Tang Long got Speechless, 'Even cursing his own master he looks so awesome' thought Tang Long.

Grandpa Tian then said to him "Now that you have gotten everything its time for me to say goodbye to you."

Hearing that he was going to go Tang Long shouted "Wait!! Cant, you stay with me? Isnt there a way for you to stay with me. We can stay together and you can come with me on my journey,."

Grandpa Tian Smiled brightly as he said "Good child! when there is a start there will also be an end. I have traveled with my master for so long and now that he has left I want to join him, Even when he has left me for years I am still loyal to him, now that I have completed my task I want to join him."

Hearing Grandpa Tian's Heartfelt words Tang Long didn't know who to answer him thinking as to how even he wouldn't want to leave someone he loves wholeheartedly he became quiet.

Looking at his quiet and sad expression Grandpa Tian was also a little emotional as he rubbed Tang Long's head and said "You don't have to worry it's not as if I am going to die again, Maybe we can meet again someday. Here let me gift you something before leaving. " as he took three things out of nowhere.

"This is a body defensive technique of Divine Level, It's separated into nine levels as the higher you go the more difficult it is to practice. This is a technique I personally made. As you are going to practice a body tempering technique than this will be of help to you."

"This here is a map for the locations of three different levels of spirit stones mine, as the Divine stones are pretty much useless to you, you can have this but there may be danger involve so be careful."

"The last thing is a gourd with which you can store any level of water in it. It has a separate space in it so the water or any other liquid in it will not get mixed. you can take the Water you use on the way out of here. That water outside is equal to the best elixir and can heal any injury fatal or not as well as increase the aptitude of the user. There are 1000 gallons there and you can use this gourd to take it as after I leave this place it will evaporate."

Tang Long nodded and took the water in the gourd. After coming back he could see that the Turtle's spirit was vanishing slowly. Tang Long Knew that he was leaving so he held his tears and said "Thank you For Everything Grandpa Tian!!! I promise that I will see You again someday and I will defiantly be stronger than now!!"

GRandpa Tian smiled as he nodded to Tang Long's declaration as he said "I can't wait for that day. Lastly let me help you get out of this valley."

As he said that a wave of water came and picked Tang Long along with it as it raised to the sky. Tang Long who was riding the wave can see that everything in the valley was slowly withering as it became barren in a few minutes.

After a few minutes Tang Long was already out of the valley and on the cliff he was before while looking down he said "Goodbye Grandpa Tian."


Tang Long heard this voice and turned around to see three figures standing behind him. surprised he said "Mother, Meihui, and .. Is that you grandma .. You look so different."

Lady Chen didn't say anything and just hugged him seeing his tattered clothes and the tired look she understood everything and said "Everything is fine now, You are safe!! "

Hearing his mother's warm tone Tang Long Got tears in his eyes saying "It's nice to be back"

She didn't say anything and kept hugging him while looking at the sky.

Then a voice that only she could hear said "HOOH!! This is Interesting!! You should use the things he got, it will heal you!! Especially when you both are connected by fate itself. " and it disappeared as it had never been there.

Lady Chen looked down at Tang Long Who was hugging her tightly and smiled.