Chap 24 Managing The Treasures !!

After having a reunion with his mother and the rest, Tang Long went home under their protection. Well, he was a bit surprised at the thought of his mother and grandma being able to fly, but after what had happened to him and learned from Granpa Tian he wasn't that surprised anymore.

He knew that he was just an ant in the face of a true Expert, maybe not even an ant but just dirty. So he didn't think much about it. After coming back everyone was happy at his return and thanked him and said he had made them proud.

During all this Tang Huang's mother also apologized in front of everyone, though he said he didn't mind it, he was happy about it. And after hearing what happened to him, he was sad but was also surprised after hearing from Lan that Feifei has decided to marry him.

Thinking of what to gift them, he smiled and thought maybe that will be the perfect gift for their marriage.

After greeting every one Tang Long was already working on fumes, so Lady Chen took him away to have rest after all that had happened he must be both mentally and physically tired.

The next day he woke up late at noon but nobody disturbed knowing everything.

After thinking for a while, Tang Long had his lunch and went to find his mother. He had already made his decision but still, the thought of having to die was not right in his mind.

Coming in Lady Chen's courtyard, He saw her sitting under a tree while drinking tea and reading something. He stood there to admire her for a moment and only woke up when his mother called him.

"Long'er what are you here for? You should rest more!!" said Lady Chen.

Tang Long went to her side while pouring a cup for himself, After taking a sip he said "I am fine now! You shouldn't worry. I am here to talk about something important. So should I talk here?"

Knowing what he was going to talk, Lady Chen stood up and said to him "Follow me!"

Tang Long followed her to her room but what he didn't know was as he stepped inside, the space inside and outside was separated by a powerful array formation. Now even if someone wanted to eavesdrop on them they wouldn't be able to hear anything.

Coming inside he saw Meihui sitting cross-legged while meditating. Hearing the footsteps she woke up and answered " Master!! and Young master? "

Lady Chen just nodded to her but Tang Long was confused at her addressing. Looking at his face Lady Chen told him "I have accepted her as my disciple so she calls me that from now on!!"

Hearing her Tang Long congratulated her and wanted to continue but Lady Chen stopped him as she looked at Meihui and said: "If you want to stay then stay but everything you hear should also stay here!!"

Meihui looking at her master nodded as she chose to stay.

Tang Long looking at her mother's carefulness smiled as he brought the phone out of his body. It was an artifact so he can store it inside his body.

Looking at the artifact Lady Chen was astonished but quickly hide it and had a serious expression on her face while Meihui was looking at it curiously.

Tang Long the said "This is an artifact that I got from the inheritance grounds. This is not the real treasure but is also a treasure nonetheless." as he continued to describe that uses of the artifact.

Lady Chen still had a serious expression but Meihui on the other hand was so astonished listening to him that she had her mouth open wide.

Tang Long after talking about it for a while took out the rest of the seven things from the storage memory.

Looking at the thing in front of them that shines with a golden splendor and giving oppressive feeling both Lady Chen and Meihui were shocked, this time especially Lady Chen as she had twinkles in her eyes.

Tang Long then continued telling about the pill and the stones as he said "Though they are just trash to me! They are also real treasures but even if they are we won't be able to use them.

Lady Chen Listening to him also nodded but said to him "HMMM!! You are right, But Long'er can you give these two things to me. I can make use of them."

Tang Long who heard her was confused as to how she was going to use these but just nodded and handed them to her.

Holding the items she smiled brightly and put those away in her storage ring. Everyone in the Tang House seniority had these so it was nothing shocking to see, but as they are expensive so only a few people have them.

Then he told them about the three scrolls mainly the map, the defensive scroll, and the body tempering technique.

Again hearing about these things they were astonished, Lady Chen was particularly astonished after hearing the name Primordial God Body Technique. She knew that this would be one of the best treasures until now.

Then Tang Long gave the technique to her and said" You can see it and practice it after making a copy and also let Meihui and the others learn it."

Taking the technique in her hands Lady Chen was surprised at his actions but also angry, still said gently " This technique can't be practiced by women, and I recommend you to never show it to anyone ever again or else they will kill everyone you hold dear just so they can get this thing. " as she handed it over to him again.

Tang Long understood the danger too so he didn't argue but asked "Why can't women practice this ? "

Lady Chen then told him "Women's body is soft and practically a yin type body whereas a man's body can become hard and of Yang type. This technique is of Yang nature so if a female ever tried it she would die after a while due to an imbalance of harmony of yin and yang"

Tang Long Nodded at the explanation and then handed her the defensive scroll "Well then this should be fine? "

Lady Chen nodded as she inspected the scroll then shook her head as she said" I should be fine if I practice this but this is too difficult for the both of you, you don't have any experience of trying any fighting technique whereas this one is of divine grade way higher then the ones you can find here. The first level is still fine as it's of top tier heaven rank but it's still too tough for you. Let me have this and I will give you a simpler method of this technique after you practice that you can try to learn this one. Well, that is the first part only."

Tang Long heard his mother and had a long face as he said "So you are saying that this is pretty much trash for me too?"

Lady Chen saw his Face as she giggled and said "Yes! This is also trash for you as of now that is."

Tang Long took a deep breath while Meihui who was there asked "Master what are the grades of techniques?".

Tang Long also looked up to listen as Lady Chen said " Techniques are divided into three parts namely Human, Earth, and Heaven. They are further divided into four parts as lower, middle, higher, and top tier grade. These are the mortal grades. Then there is immortal and then Divine but you don't need to worry about that for now."

Listening to her, both Meihui and Tang Long nodded and absorbed the knowledge. They were so focused that they didn't even think of how Lady Chen knew about this. And she even said to simplify a divine grade technique?

As Lady Chen Looked at the third scroll she said "Well this is certainly not trash, but still is a troublesome thing as if someone knows you have such a map you won't be able to live your life freely, besides you have no power to protect it even if you have taken control of it. Let me have this, I know someone that can help and you can request any amount of spirit stone from the banks after you have made an account for yourself."

Listening to her arrangements he didn't say anything and asked: "Is that person very powerful?"

Lady Chen smiled and said, "Yes! she is very powerful!"

Tang Long just nodded and thought of something as he said " Can you arrange it so the rest of the Family can also get it."

Looking at him Lady Chen said, "You do know what use is of the spirit stone right, If the King of this kingdom knew that there is a family in the village using spirit stone they will kill the whole village for its information."

Tang Long also knew of the danger but still said. "It's fine. They are Family."

Lady Chen hearing him wanted to say that they were not his family but hold herself back. She thought of it and decided to tell him everything after his final decision as she looked at the floating blood.