Chap 25 Managing The Treasures 2!!!

After handling all the things, he took the gourd out.

Tang long told them about the gourd and said" I want to make a pool here of this water as it will be good for the Tang families next Generation and will also be safe from prying eyes. I was very injured when I had fallen in the valley but I was fine after taking a dip in this water for some time. Second uncle and Tang Huang should enter this water as it has medicinal properties and the spirit told me that it can also be used to cleanse meridians and increase a person's talent."

Again Lady Chen only looked at him, she thought for a while as she wondered why he was giving all these things away. Suddenly a light flashed in her head as she understood but waited for him to bring the matter up.

Then after everything was sorted out, Tang Long looked at the things As he wondered" So out of the things I bought, I have this phone for stealing panties... Ahem, I meant Abilities, a Gourd for containing water and cultivation book. Hmm, I guess this is still much better instead of not having anything.

Then he took the blood in his hands and looked at it for a while. Both Meihui and Lady Chen also looked at it as they can feel Pressure coming out of it. The Tang Long Said "This is the Best treasure I was able to get, And the thing that can help me! This is the True God's Blood or that is whats it is said to be. It was Refined by the owner of the Inheritance and can reform the whole body of the person who uses it."

Hearing to him, Meihui was shocked surprised as she also smiled while looking at Tang Long. She knew that her young master always wanted to be able to cultivate but because of his body couldn't.

Lady Chen, who was much clear-headed took the blood in her hand as she asked "Have you decided to use this?"

Tang Long obviously trusted his mother and didn't mind her taking it, as he took a deep sigh and said "Yes! I have decided to use it. But the problem is that the spirit said that I have to die once if I want to fuse with it. I want to be able to practice martial arts too but I don't want to leave you." as Tang Long looked at the figure in front of him with deep eyes.

"WHAT!!" shouted Meihui as she thought in disbelieve.

Lady Chen didn't show any reaction on the face but had her heart skip a beat when he looked at her with such eyes. she thought 'wha.awawh... why is he looking me like that!!

But settled her heart and asked, "But you want to get stronger right!"

Tang Long didn't say anything and kept looking at her but thought 'Yes! I want to get stronger for you!'

Lady Chen looking at his expression didn't say anything too and pushed her hand right through his heart.

"NOOOO!!!" shouted Meihui while crying. She jumped towards Lady Chen and Tang Long to stop but was pushed flying by Lady Chen.

Tang Long was also in disbelieve as he looked at the hand going through his heart but smiled looking at Lady Chen as he started to lose focus.

"Don't faint now and get ready to endure the pain!" he heard a voice as he was about to close his eyes but opened them, as a huge amount of pain started to transmit through his body.

When Lady Chen pushed her hand through his heart, It stopped beating as this meant that he had died but after she pushed the blood in it started to beat again with new vigor.

What Tang Long and Meihui didn't know was when she did this her own heart stopped for 2 seconds indicating that she had died with him. but started beating again when he was started to wake again.

This was also the reason Grandpa Tian said to her that her Fate was tied to him but didn't know that her life was tied to him as well.

Lady Chen whose hand was covered in blood was shaking a bit but both of them couldn't see that as Meihui was still crying and Tang Long had his teeth clenched while standing due to deep pain coursing his body.

After a while, Lady Chen took control of her emotions as she held her bloodied hand in her other hand tightly while saying to Tang Long in a Plain tone "If you what to walk on the Path of being a cultivator then you have to endure this. There are much greater pains when you walk on the path of cultivation, If you can't even hold now then you should stop dreaming about it now."

Tang Long heard her didn't answer her but his eyes could show how determined he was.

"Meihui stop crying there and get up to see him. One day you might also have to walk on the same path and if you have such a weak heart then you should also stop following me," said Lady Chen.

Meihui stopped crying as she saw the bloodied hand of her Master and Tang Long who was going through great pain but still didn't leak any sound.

She was a bit amazed at her Master's Quick decision but was equally surprised at Tang Long who was like he has just taken a bath in blood.

His blood vessels could be seen on his body clearly as if they are going to burst anytime soon. and there was also murky stuff coming out of his body. Looking at it Meihui frowned and asked "What is that?"

"That's the stuff which has blocked his meridians till now. Now that his meridians are being broken to the tiniest amount and rearranging themself, All the dirt and harmful things are being expelled from his body forcefully. Why do you think he looks like that, I am already amazed he can endure till now as having every cell in your body being broken and repair, certainly I don't want to try that."

Meihui looked at Tang Long while hearing her Master with wide eyes she can see a lot of black things come out of his body with a lot of blood. "Will he be alright?"

"Well! Now that will depend on his willpower. Looking at it, he obviously can't see and hear anymore due to too much pain." Said Lady Chen while clenching her fist.

"How long will this keep going on?" said Meihui still looking at him.

"I wonder that too! But the main process should be ending soon," said Lady Chen.

"Main process? Is there still going to be more of this? " asked Meihui in astonishment.

"HMM!! You thought its that simple, having blood fuse in your body, endure pain, and Voila! You got a better body? It takes time. He will probably be out of it for sometime after the pain goes away, as his body needs to adjust itself and the soul also needs to adjust to the new body. It's quite a complicated process but he will be fine after the pain passes away." said Lady Chen

While Looking at Meihui she said, "I know that you love him, I also Love him but sometimes we must make the decision for them, to make our loved one's move forward and that's what he needed, so Meihui don't come to conclusions and see the whole picture as I want him to be alive more than you can think of!!"

Meihui who was looking at Tang Long turned to her head as she was ashamed and said "Yes! Master! I am sorry for being impulsive. I don't know what happened, as my body moved on its own." While looking down.

Lady Chen Heard her and smiled " Its also fine, It tells that your feeling are true to you and not just being an impulsive teenager."

Meihui blushed at her response and wanted to say something but Lady Chen said first.

"He is waking up, the main process has ended!"