Chap 26 Tang Long Being Violated

Tang Long felt like he was going through hell as he felt his whole body in pain. He could feel every fiber of his body screaming getting destroyed and reforming.

It was so painful that he wanted to just stop being stubborn and let himself go, but after remembering the faces waiting for him and how they helped him make the decision and how Meihui cried for him, he held on, but the pain was as if never going to end,

Imagine someone pulling your muscles and blood vessels then breaking them and putting them back with new positions, that was what was going on with Tang Long at the moment as he felt that he was going to get insane because of the pain.

At first, he could hear his mother's voice but it also went away as he couldn't keep his focus on it.

He kept thinking of the things that happened in his past life, about his parents, and about the matter when he woke up for the first time in this world. He also remembered the woman who took him while having a mischievous smile on her face, whom he vowed to spend his life together. But soon everything was becoming hazy for him as he began to lose focus of himself

But just when he thought, he was going to leave them he heard her sweet voice again.

"The Main process is done, he will wake up soon"

As he opened his blooded eyes only to see her in front of him. He moved his hand towards her to hold her and said "Chen'er! " but fainted afterward.


Lady Chen Looked at Tang Long who opened his eyes full of blood. She saw him move his arm to her.

She was going to take hold of him but heard him say "Chen'er" as he fainted in her bosom.

Lady Chen was so shocked for a moment that she stood blankly for a moment holding his bloodied and dirty body without being disgusted as she thought of what she heard just now.

Meihui who was also close heard him but didn't think much at the moment as her focus was on Tang Long all this while. Seeing her Master lost she called her " Master, he has already fainted, what should we do now.? "

Lady Chen woke up from her thoughts and decided to ask later as she kept him holding tightly in her embrace.

Thinking for a while and looking at his dirted body she had a mischievous smile and said "Let's clean him up then. He will be out for some days, we can't leave him Like this right." she said with a wide grin.

Meihui who heard her blushed as she muttered " I..I ..We .. are .. we ..going to .clean him? " as she got red thinking about it.

Lady Chen said " Of course! if not us then do you want to invite someone else? If you feel ashamed then you can stay here and I can do it myself." she licked her lips as if looking at a slice of juicy meat. "Besides he has already fainted might as well take a bath for myself as well," said Lady Chen

Meihui who heard her that she was going to take a both together with Tang Long had steam coming out of her head although she didn't think much, as she still thinks that both are mother and son so it's normal but the thought of looking at Tang Long's naked body made her both feel hot and ashamed.

After thinking for a while she decided and said "I... I will come to help him clean as well!! "

Lady Chen Looking at her disciples cute and embarrassed expression teased her as she said"Fufufu... !! So Little Meihui is such a pervert. I didn't know that, wanting to take advantage of your young master while he can't protect himself huh.." as she had a playful grin.

"I ..I .. I just ..just want to clean him up .. that's it." while her whole body was red as a tomato.

"Hhehehe! I was just teasing you, Lets go to the bath." she princess carried Tang Long towards the bath in her chambers.

Meihui looking at her Master going in also followed behind nervously, but thinking that he was already faint and wouldn't know, she fastened her steps.

When she entered the bathroom she could see that her master had taken off young masters upper garments and was having difficulty bending down while holding onto him.

Looking that Meihui has come she waved her hand for her to come forward, as she said "Hold him from behind while I will clean him up."

Meihui wanted to say that she could do it but was so embarrassed that she just nodded and went to his back and held his chest while passing through his underarms.

"Fuufufufu! Even when he is only fourteen now, he's got nice assets here" Said Lady Chen as she touched his abdominal muscles and used her other hand to stop having a nosebleed.

"Master! What are you doing? He will get a cold if stays like this! " Meihui said as she can't look at her master who was sitting in front.

"Ohh! Right, let's get him cleaned up first then have him in the hot pool for myself" Said Lady Chen As if talking to herself.

She cleaned him thoroughly from head to chest his abdomen his legs and then finally his sleeping dragon. She worked hard on the last one as if wanting to make it shine.

Lady Chen was red while doing this but Meihui was even redder as her Master kept whispering things while cleaning Tang Long.

Finally, after cleaning him up they put him in the pool while putting his head on the side so he won't drown.

"Go! Get yourself cleaned up and join me in the pool then," said Lady Chen as took off her dirty clothes and went to clean her own body first.

Looking at her Body Meihui was amazed as she has never seen such a perfect body in her life but soon came back and also went to take a bath.

When she came back, she saw her Master sitting in the pool behind Tang Long while hugging him with her arms and legs like a baby hugging his mother.

Meihui also sat in front of them and saw Tang Long's naked upper body while having a flushed face. She could see her Master Playing with him while touching his body as if inspecting every detail of him as she suddenly turned his head and kissed his lips.

Looking at her Master's actions Meihui was startled as she stuttered and said. " M-M-Master w-what a-are you doing?" While pointing her finger at her.

Lady Chen Who saw that Meihui watched her blushed at first but then thought about it and said "Its fine! You don't need to worry. "

"It's not fine!!! This is wrong!! " shouted Meihui.

Looking at her face Lady Chen sighed and said "Yes! It would have been wrong if he were my real son. But he is not!"

"WHHAATTTT!!!" Meihui startlingly cried.

"Yes! He is not my son! I am still in mint condition and didn't even have a husband, How would I have a son!?" said Lady Chen in a Plain tone.

"But-But.." Stuttered Meihuhi at the new information.

"He is just like you! You wanted to sell yourself, While he was abandoned while still only a baby in the forest. I found him 14 years ago in a cave. So I picked him up and brought him here. Grandma Bai also knows this as she was with me at the time as I saved her son that day." Said Lady Chen while passing her hands through his hair.

Meihui listening that Tang Long was also an Orphan didn't know how to feel. She felt happy but sad at the same time knowing his parents left him in a forest. she said "But ..But you cant do this he is like your own son.. he even calls you mother .. what .."

"I don't mind him calling me anything .. he can call me grandma or aunty for all I care. There is a reason I have to take care of him, otherwise both him and I will die." Said Lady Chen after remembering something.
