Chap 27 How To Tame A Dragon!!!


Exclaimed Meihui. as she said, "What do you mean by that?"

Lady Chen looking at Meihui for a while said " You are the first disciple I have ever taken, so I think it's fine to tell you. Have you not wondered, why I can know that Tang Long was in danger and when he had fallen in the valley I knew he was fine? "

Meihui as if remembering how her Master kept saying her before that he was fine when they were in the Dark Forest also got curious as she asked " I did wonder but at that moment I forgot to ask. Why is it?"

"Its because both he and I are connected by Life and death. If he dies then will die too," Said Lady Chen holding Tang Long tightly.

"What!! How is that possible." Said Meihui.

"Well, I also didn't think it was possible but it happened the day I found him."Said Lady Chen while holding the token which was around Tang Long's neck as she said "And it's this thing's fault. I don't know what happened but this token was in pieces so I just put it together and hanged it around him only to find my blood and his mixed up and went in it."

" You see the red spot here this is my and his blood. After that, I could feel that my life is connected to this child so I started protecting it, Certainly, nobody would want to die like that, and I hated Tang Long for that. But After spending some time with him I started to fall in love with him, being worried about him and happy when he was happy. I did all that I could do to help him recover, and just waiting for the day to tell him that I am not his mother but I love him very much. And If he is fine with it wanted to marry him. Haha, It's like I am raising my Potential husband." Said Lady Chen While finding it funny as she laughed.

Meihui Listening to all the things felt uncomfortable at first but hearing the whole story she also laughed at the thought of raising her own husband. After thing for a While, she asked "But you said that I -I could ... " as she blushed.

"It's fine. I don't really mind how many women he has as long as I love him and he loves me back. So you don't have to hold yourself back after hearing me. why do you think I accepted you as a disciple otherwise if not for him." said Lady Chen while putting her face on Tang Long's shoulders.

Meihui blushed and said "I see. But are you not going to tell him, you can't just keep doing that behind his back,"

"I already said to Bai Xiaoyu that if he wanted a normal life, then I will just leave him and wait for his death as I die along with him but If he wants to cultivate, then I will tell him everything and once he is strong enough then I will confess to him and I will marry him." Said Lady Chen while looking at Tang Long softly.

Meihui looked at her Master's expression and knew that she really loved him and thought about what happened earlier as she asked "So! When earlier you almost killed him then? ?"

Lady Chen smiled when she mentioned that as she said "Yes! I died with him as my heart stopped with him for 2seconds. I was really scared that I will lose him but when he was fine I got fine too but looking him in so much pain was not a good experience but I had to hold myself back."As she hugged him tighter.

"OHH! "Meihui had her mouth open as she saw her Master with a new understanding. She loved him but didn't want to be the one to hinder his growth, So she took the risk to help him move forward.

Lady Chen felt good after discussing it with her and looked at her disciple as she smiled at her and said"Now that I have told you everything Its fine to love him right. Now that everything is said and done its time for you to get to work." while having a naughty smile.

Meihui nodded at her as it was fine if he was not her son as she would probably do the same in her position if she fell in love with him like that. but hearing she got to work she tilted her head to the side while asking "What work?"

Lady Chen said "You had unlocked your physic earlier, right! but you can't handle the energy that's being inside you as you are so weak right now, you also have the Ice Pheonix Divine Yin Body, and the only way to help you settle that is for you to copulate and share that energy with someone having Extreme Yang Body."

Meihui nodded at her master's words as she really was having trouble with her body but blushed when she heard she need to copulate with someone.

"But since a body type like that is not easy to find you can't do it. But I guess you are in luck since we have this guy here" As she pointed at Tang Long with her fingers on his cheeks.

Meihui looked at her master and blushed hard learning that she needs to copulate with the young master as she stuttered and said" Do I need to do that with him" While feeling embarrassed.

Looking at the Embarrassed expression on her Lady Chen wanted to tease her as she said "HOOOO! you want to do that badly with him huh! Maybe you have been holding yourself all this while."

"I-I-I Its n-not lik-e that...!! "said Meihui.

"HMM! you don't need to do that with him. "said Lady Chen.

Meihui took a deep breath as she said "Is that so!"

"Yeah! you just need to Swallow this dragon here and take whatever it throws at you." Said Lady Chen while taking out the dragon to let it feel the fresh air.

Meihui looked at the thing in front of her and Blanked out saying "I-I-I...."

Lady Chen looked at her and said "That's the only way, or do you not want to do it, Don't you like your young master? It should be fine, Right! I had thought a lot before deciding to have you join us you know.?"

Meihui didn't know what to say anymore as she saw the thing right before her eyes. She had never done this sort of thing or even seen. She was a bit curious at it but when she thought of swallowing this huge thing she doubted if it would even fit.

Lady Chen seeing that she still had a blank face ordered her strictly saying" Are you going to do it or not, If you are, then go ahead, and if you are not, then get out as I want to spend time with him."

Hearing her Master getting angry at her she was startled and said "I-I will do It." As she held the Dragon in her hand. but then looked at her Master and Asked " What should I do now?"

Looking at her Lady Chen also didn't know what to do. She kept quiet for a moment and said "I don't know! Why don't you try licking it first and put it in your mouth?"

Meihui nodded and did what she said. Though It felt weird at first she started to do her job while licking it from top to bottom, Then she put it in her mouth and started tasting the goods.

Looking at her disciple's expression Lady Chen was a bit annoyed but thinking for a while she looked at his body and said "Fufufu! Looking at him he should be out fo at least a week. Well, then he will be all mine till then" As she started to touch his body.

Poor Tang Long didn't even know that he was being violated by the two very women he loved the most.

After looking at Meihui who looked like she liked her new Lolipop very much, Lady Chen also wanted to have a taste but then looked at Tang Long's lips as she passionately kissed him, Even when she was a newbie she wanted to learn it while experimenting on Tang Long's mouth.

After indulging for a while she heard Meihui's scream as she looked at the white stuff coming out she said "Idiot don't waste it! Its good for your body especially since he is in the process of fusing with God's Blood."

Hearing her master's word she didn't wait and had the whole thing as she gulped it.

Looking at the expression of her disciple she was jealous but waited as she said"Soon ..! Soon he will be mine ..! ".