Chap 28 Waking up!!

After Tang Long used the blood, he has been knocked out cold to finish the process for his body to adjust to it. During this time, it was not being wasted as the treasures that Tang Long had brought were being used accordingly.

Lady Chen after discussing with Bai Xiaoyu, had decided to build a pool in one of the hills while protecting it with array formation. According to Tang Long, this water would not be able to remain but she knew that if there was enough spiritual energy then this problem will be solved.

So she looked for a hill which was near a spirit vein or at least has a much higher concentration in it and dug out a pool while filling it. The pool was wide enough for 2 to 3 people to soak in. Tang Long had brought so much water that it would have been enough for a thousand people to use it. but Lady Chen was being stingy as she clearly knew its effects and also knew that he would need this in the future.

After hearing the effects of the water everyone was very surprised this was especially for Tang Hai Rong, Who was Tang Lan's father and the Patriarch learning that his son will get better now. Hearing that it can also improve the talents of the younger generation they were astonished and decided to keep it a secret as well as use this as a reward for the coming-to-age ceremony so that they can have a better future.

After learning that this was also Tang Long's decision they were both surprised and happy to know that he cared for them so much as Granda Caihong said to Lady Chen " When you decide to tell him, call me or Xiaoyu too, Even if he is not our family member, I and Xiaoyu has decided to adopt him."

Lady Chen wanted to refuse at first but think that it was good for a person to have a family to return to, she didn't say anything and looked at Bai Xiaoyu who also nodded to her. Although the Patriarch and the rest were surprised by the decision but thinking of the things he had done for them, they gave him their recognition as having a younger brother as him was not bad.

This was not that was happening as Tang Long was staying in Lady Chen's room. Both Lady Chen And Meihui had tended to him plenty until they were satisfied and every night they became hungry for more. Poor Tang Long even when tended by Two beautiful women didn't get to know or feel about it.

And Like this, a week has gone by, during which both Tang Hai Rong and Tang Huang were well leaving there previous ill bodies. Feifei was especially happy by the fact that Tang Huang was healed and knowing that Tang Long was the one who treated him wanted to Thank him but wasn't permitted to by the Ladies saying he is still unwell and needed some time to recover.

Li Ling and Tang Hai Rong also wanted to meet him to thank him but knowing they waited for a while when he gets better.

Today was the day for Tang Long to wake up as he was clearly showing signs of it. Knowing they won't be able to enjoy him for themselves both Meihui and Lady Chen had sad expressions. Lady Chen who sat beside Tang Long said " AHH! Its a bit regretful that we can't spend the time together like this and have to wait till he gets stronger. I just hope he gets strong fast as I don't think that I can wait that long. I think that I am already addicted to that sweet milkshake."

Meihui who was standing beside her blushed as she thought of what they had done to him but also had a longing expression.

"Ugh.. . emm .."

"Ohh !! He's waking up go get some water he must be thirsty and did you had the cooks prepare the meal for him? He must be starving." Said Lady Chen without even blushing.

Meihui took the glass of water and stood by as she said " Everything is prepared"

Nodding Lady Chen Returned her focus on him.


During the time he has fainted, Tang Long felt that he was floating in a space without any direction nor feeling. He was feeling very lonely but sometime he would feel very good and savored that feeling. Today he felt himself being a bit numb as he tried to move, feeling as if he has control over his body, he slowly started to open his eyes and saw both Lady Chen and Meihui standing beside him Looking while having lovely smiles.

" Welcome back! You should be able to feel and move your body now." Said Lady Chen.

Meihui also nodded as she also smiled while encouraging him.

Looking at both of them, Tang Long felt energy coursing through his body. As he started to move his hand then his arms and started to sit up first.

Looking at him trying to sit they helped him first as he sat while taking rest on the back of the bed.

"THankyou!" Said Tang Long in a hoarse voice.

"HMM! You should drink this warm water first as your throat is dry after all the time, I want to talk to you about something but let's have something to eat first as you should be starving by now." Said Lady Chen While turning to Meihui and said.

"Call Bai Xiaoyu too and call the servants to get the food arranged."

Meihui nodded, then looked at Tang Long before leaving.

"What do you want to talk about ? " asked Tang Long with a still hoarse voice.

"Hmmm! It's about your future, What do you want to do now?" Asked Lady Chen.

Tang Long thought for a while and kept looking at Lady Chen. Lady Chen, who was getting flustered asked " What? "

"I want to get Stronger!!" Said Tang Long.

Lady Chen smiled as she said," I see, That's good!"

" Let me feed you, stay here."

Tang Long just nodded while still looking at her. Lady Chen who was being looked at got flustered and thought he as changed somehow. Then came back smiling and started feeding him, while Tang Long still kept looking at her.

After having gone through such an experience and having known that he can get stronger, He was now confident than before and thought that he didn't need to hide his feelings or fake their relationship now.

Feeling his eyes on her, Lady Chen didn't know why but felt different as she felt that he was not looking at her with the eyes of a son but more like a lover. Though she liked it, but still pretended to not understand as she asked " What are you looking at?"

" You!!" Said Tang Long.

Though the answer made her skip a beat but said with a smile "I am not going anywhere you can look plenty afterward just focus on eating."

Tang Long stopped looking at her and eat everything she feeds him. Looking that everything was finished she said

" why don't you try to get up now, You have eaten and have plenty of energy so you should try to walk to feel the changes in your body."

Tang Long nodded as he started to stand, it was a bit difficult but he was able to stand and walk after some time. Seeing him stand and walk she said "Let's go outside and to get yourself some fresh air."

Tang Long nodded and just followed her, When he got outside he took a deep breath and can feel the energy flowing in his body.

Feeling it he said "I feel very energized now. Before I always felt weak after some exercise but now I feel that I can even kill a bull even when I have to start to cultivate from the start."

Nodding to him she was happy and said " Hmm you have the highest talent body now with the best set of meridians. What's left is your own hard work, determination, and willpower while also having opportunities to find the treasure to help you cultivate."

"There is going to be coming age to the ceremony in six months and you should also participate in that as you are going to be 15 very soon.

Tang Long nodded as he saw Granny Bai Xiaoyu and Meihui coming towards him.

Bai Xiaoyu saw him and hugged him saying " Finally you are awake, I was so worried about you, and thank you for what you have done for the family." while smiling at him.

Tang Long smiled at her and said "It was nothing they are family so we should share."

Hearing her Bai Xiaoyu didn't say anything and looked at Lady Chen, as she also turned to him.

Seeing that somrthing was going on Tang Long looked at them and asked "What!"

Lady Chen took a deep breath as she said to him while looking at his eyes.

" Tang Long I am not your mother!!"