chap 29 Chen XueLi!!

" Tang Long I am not your mother!!"

said Lady Chen while looking at his expression, waiting for him to bust out or something. Even after looking at him for a while she saw no reaction and asked " Tang Long??"

"Yes!" Tang Long replied.

"Don't you have anything to say?" said Lady Chen while the rest also looked at him wondering why he was so quiet.

"Hmm! Well, I already knew about It!" SAid Tang Long without any expression.


All of then have a disbelief face while looking at him.

"How?? I know that nobody has ever talked about it!!" Asked Lady Chen.

"Well, you are right about that, No one has said to me anything but I am not that stupid to not know that. I mean come on I don't even look like you in any way. And You also have no relation to the Tang family, Besides that lie, you told me of having family being hidden and enemies were not very believable from the start, looking at your non-shlant way of living, so I know that I don't belong here too." said Tang Long

" Well, that is true but still? " asked Lady Chen.

"Well, From what I know you haven't married or even had a boyfriend, I guess or You won't be peeking at your son bathing while having a nosebleed, that is if you like to have that kind of interests." Said Tang Long while showing a smile.

Hearing his answer everybody blushed and looked at Lady Chen who was red, After hearing his claim of having known about it. She got flustered as she said "How? I made sure nobody knows about it!"

"Well, I didn't really notice it but just feel like someone watching, now that you have claimed it, I wonder!! " Said Tang Long while having a mischievous smile on his face.

"W-What!!" Lady Chen got flustered as she thought that she was caught in his scheme and didn't know what to do.

Bai Xiaoyu looking at Lady Chen knew that she was out of the picture for a while and said" So What do you have in mind, and why did you not said anything about it."

Tang Long stopped teasing Lady Chen and turned to Bai Xiaoyu and said "Even if I know, Where do you expect me to go? I like it here as it is peaceful and already have friends here so why not, I just waited for the day you will tell me but didn't know it was today. If you all want me to leave then I will go away from here."

"No! You don't need to go anywhere!" said Bai Xiaoyu as she continued and said, " If you are fine with it how about acknowledging me as your Godmother!"

Tang Long who heard her didn't expect this to happen as he had his mouth open while looking at her.

Bai Xiaoyu looking at face smiled a bit and looked satisfied as she said " What do you not want to?"

Tang Long didn't know what to say for a while looking at her he asked " Are you sure?"

BAi Xiaoyu said " Yes! You don't have to worry as I have already discussed it with everyone and they are fine with having you in the family."

Tang Long didn't say anything for a while as he said "I have always treated everyone here as my family so I don't mind having a mother as well though I already had one, But at least you won't peek at me"

Hearing his answer Bai Xiaoyu was happy but laughed as she saw Lady Chen's flushed face and hugged Tang Long as she said " Then from now on you are Bai Xiaoyu's adoptive son and you don't have to worry I won't. Hahaha!"

Listening to then Lady Chen really wanted to go by herself and hide.

Tang Long smiled and asked," So can you tell me more about me?"

Lady Chen who was flustered earlier took a deep breath and said " Well, I should be the one to explain this I guess. Hmm Where should I start." while looking at the sky.

" It happened when I was traveling through this country, I am a cultivator that usually is on the road as I was looking for something." While looking at Tang Long "I was looking for that Trail Tree as It had something I wanted. A friend of mine is seriously Injured and After looking at the records, I found that there was a way to heal her so I kept looking for ways to heal her."

" Just like that, I got clues that there seems to be a divine tree here, so I came here, As these trees have the ability to travel through space and time, so it's difficult to locate them. On the way, I saw some people fighting and those were Bai Xiaoyu and his second son, who was fighting with there enemies which ambushed them on their travel."

BAi Xiaoyu nodded" And It was Lady Chen who saved our lives. though my son got crippled, it was still better than dying. So I offered her to follow me back as thanks for her help."

Then Lady Chen Said "On the way while crossing the forest, I decided to take rest and found a cave there. Just when I was about to call them I noticed an array formation on the cave. That array which was laid on the cave was a time stopping formation so I got curious and broke it, Only to see you inside a basket while having that token on your side saying TANG."

"That's how I picked you and told Bai Xioayu about it as she welcomed you and me so after staying with you I decided to stay until you are grown up cause you were such a cute kid," Said Lady Chen while ruffling his hair.

After understanding the whole affair, Tang Long Looked at the token around his neck and thought it might be difficult to locate his real family. But after thinking for a while he scratched the Idea, as if they could abandon him in a forest then they might not really want him.

Lady Chen looking at Tang Long said "I can tell you something, that looking at the array, You definitely don't belong to this continent as there are not that many Array masters who can arrange such a formation. But the problem is I don't know, for how long you have been there?!"

Tang Long nodded again and said, " Well no need to worry about them as if they wanted me that would have sent someone to investigate already."

Lady Chen and the others heard him and wanted to say something, but didn't know what to as Bai Xiaoyu said " You Don't need to worry! You already are with the family."

Hearing her Tang Long smiled and nodded. He then turned around to look at Lady Chen as he asked" So what Should I call you now?"

Hearing him say like this, she didn't like the feeling and felt hurt but said " You can call me anything you like" while smiling.

"Hmmm!" Tang Long nodded and said, " So! What's your real name?"

Lady Chen blushed a little and said " Chen Xueli. It's Chen Xueli."

"Hmm" Tang Long muttered her name a few times as he looked at her with a bright smile " Thank you for everything you did for me, I am grateful to you."

Hearing him Chen Xueli felt something break in her chest as she forced a smile and said" It is fine, I also liked your company."

Looking at the interaction between both of them, Meihui and Bai Xiaoyu felt something odd for some reason and wanted to ask if something was wrong with Tang Long but stopped themselves.

"Let's go and meet the rest of the family, They must be waiting for a long time now!" said tang Long as he walked forward towards the entrance of the courtyard.

Looking at his figure, Chen Xueli didn't know what to say as she felt her chest tightened as he walked away, she wanted to call him but couldn't voice out. Her lips were trembling as she almost had tears in them as she thought" Is there something I have done wrong?"

Tang Long who was almost at the door as he stopped but didn't turn around said" I will call you Xueli, That's fine right.?!"

Chen Xueli was like her soul had returned to her body as she said hurriedly " Yes! It's fine, you can call me whatever you like!!" while showing her beautiful smile.

Tang Long turned his head a bit as his smiling face could be seen and said" Then let's go everyone is waiting!"


As they all followed him happily.