Chap 30 Rank 1 StarMoon Herb

After meeting with everyone in the family, Tang Long went back to the courtyard to think about his future and where he is going to travel. Looking at his body he smiled as he knew that he can now get stronger.

Thinking about the pain he had gone through to get this, He clenched his fist and thought 'Now that I can practice again and I will use this chance with my all'.

But then he frowned and rubbed his temple with his finger as he said "But how should I start again?"

Then as if he thought of someone, he punched on his palm as he said "Right I should ask her about it"

Then thinking of her reaction in the evening he chuckled as he looked out in the sky from the window and said to himself "Well, It's already late. I will ask her in the morning"

"Now that there is nothing to stop me, I should tell her about my feelings for her right?"

Shaking his head Tang Long said, "No! Let's wait till I get a bit stronger at least, Stronger than any junior member in the house for first, and besides it not like she's going anywhere."

Looking at the moon that was in its full glory he smiled as he muttered "Chen XueLi huh! It's a nice name." and went to his bed.


Not far from him, Meihui was having trouble sleeping as she thought about something.

Not able to rest properly, she got up and then looking at the sleepwear she was wearing, she just took a shawl to cover her body and went outside muttering "Yeah I am just going to see if he needs something, no need to trouble change clothes now, let's check on the young master if he's in any trouble"

As all three people lived in the same courtyard just a distance from each other, she arrived at his courtyard in a short time.

Just as she was about to go forward and call him, she looked to the side as she saw someone there holding something and going towards the window of the room.

Looking at how the person was going while walking slowly and silently and moving their head around to confirm the surrounding, she thought it was a thief or someone trying to harm the young master.

She also walked towards the person silently to catch them, But as she got near she clearly saw the person as she exclaimed in her mind, Then looking at the behavior of the person she got annoyed and moved behind them while patting their shoulder and asked: "What are you doing here, Master!"


"Ahh! What have I done! He knew everything that I have done now. Maybe he thinks that I am a pervert now?"

"No! I can't let him think of me like that! But what should I do?"

Chen XueLi was rolling on the bed while talking out loud and thinking about the things that happened today.

Thinking about it she blushed and said: "He was different today, more confident than before and sharp."

"Hmm.. and the way he looked at me .. " Muttered Chen Xueli as she blushed while hiding her face behind the pillow.

After a while, she said: " Looks like I have to do that .... otherwise it will hindrance for him in future..."

She had an expression of reluctance but thinking about it for a while she had a determined face as if she had come to terms with whatever she was thinking.

"But before that, I still have time so maybe .." As she blushed again.

She got up from her bed and opened a drawer from the side to take out something. Holding it, she got excited and walked outside muttering "Yeah I should enjoy it while I can"

After coming to the place which was in her mind, she started to smile weirdly and started to walk towards the room while walking slowly with each step as to not alert anyone.

Maybe due to her emotions going out of control she covered her mouth as to not leak any noise and walked tiptoeing towards the window and looking around as If a criminal.

"Heh! This time no one will know about it... hehe.. " Said Chen Xueli muttering to herself and laughing.

She took some herb out of her sleaves and was just about to burn when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder and heard "What are you doing here, Master!"

When she felt the hand on her shoulder, she almost jumped and screamed but hearing the voice and think about the place she was in, she controlled herself and covered her mouth with her hands.

Knowing it was Meihui behind her, she started fidgeting and thinking of the ways to get out of the mess. Knowing she was caught, she composed herself, straightened her back, and turned around with a frown on her face saying " Well If it isn't Meihui! I was just checking to see if your young master was alright. After what happened today, I was thinking if there were any injuries left on him so I thought of visiting him but then I heard a sound from here so I decided to check it first."

Meihui just looked at her Master with a speechless expression as she knew all of it was a lie and that she was just covering it up and said "Really! Well, I guess you should do that in the morning as he should be asleep now and it's not good to disturb him right.?!"

Chen Xueli hearing her twitched a bit as she was not willing to leave without being satisfied but when she looked at Meihui again a cunning light flashed in her eyes as she said "Yes, you are right we should not disturb him. By the way Meihui, what are you doing at the hour of the night in such dressing?"

Meihui nodded at first but got flustered afterward as she said " W-well I w-was just thinking if y-young master needed anything-g .. " She got so embarrassed thinking she got caught and didn't know what to do anymore even forgetting that she just caught her master.

Chen Xueli was obviously not going to give her a chance as she smirked and said "Hoh! you were going to visit him like this, were you trying to tempt him and try your way inside his bed huh."

"I-i .. I a-amm no.." Flustered Meihui didn't know how to answer

"Heh. You were not what. hehe, Meihui I didn't know you were such a pervert, going forward without inviting me. I feel hurt. "Said Chen Xueli while rubbing her eyes while having fake tears.

Meihui listening to her wanted nothing more than just to run away from her but after a while of thinking, she remembered something, and looking at her Master's act she understood what she needed to do as she said "Alright! I understand. Just stop faking it already" Though she was still embarrassed being caught for the first time but tried to hide it behind her cold voice.

Chen Xueli knowing that she understood stopped her act and smirked at her saying"Hoh! What happened Meihui, You don't want to share? Or do you want to spend your time alone with him? What a naughty girl you are!"

Meihui didn't know what to do as she was flushed red. She didn't want to continue as she said "S-so what are you doing and what's this in your hand?!" as she tried to change the subject.

Chen Xueli also stopped but had a perverted smile when she remembered what she was going to do and said "Well, I was just going to use this herb so that I won't get caught again but who would have known that another cute kitten got hold of me"

Hearing her Meihui blushed in shame, but tried to hold on and said "What's this herb for then?"

"Well, this is a Rank 1 Starmoon herb. It grows by absorbing the energy of stars and moon. Though the name is great and all but its just a herb used by people having trouble sleeping as it relaxes them into a deep sleep and won't know what happened to them, but they will be energized the next morning" Said Chen Xueli as she smirked and continued

"I was going to use this in his room so he sleeps soundly and won't even know what happened to him and will be full of energy the next day" As she looked at Meihui in a teasing way and said, "You know what I mean right!?"

Meihui listening to her explanation got red again and asked "Will It be harmful to him in any way?"

Chen Xueli said "Don't worry! I won't cause him any harm. Besides, it will be very helpful to him now when he is practically devoid of any energy, this herb has pure star energy and will toughen his mendrian which were just created. Well, that is how it is, So Are you coming then?"

Knowing what she was referring to Meihui just nodded shyly and helped her burn the herb and throw it from the window.

After 15 minutes Chen Xueli got up and looked at Meihui indicating her to follow her. After entering the room they saw the herb fully burned out with ashes remaining and Tang Long in deep sleep.

Chen Xueli looking at his peaceful face couldn't help herself as she jumped towards him while rubbing her cheeks on him saying "Ah! How I missed this!"

Meihui looking at her Master's way got flustered as she said "Be careful not to wake him up! "

"Don't worry! Everything is fine "Said Chen Xueli as she started to undress him and herself.

Meihui looking at her and then at her young master also followed her as she made her mind.

Well, their night had just started and poor Tang Long spending another one of the greatest night ever in his life without him knowing.

The Next morning Tang Long Woke up feeling especially energized. But then he looked at himself and said " Why am I, Naked!???"