Chapter 27: The Beckoning

Chapter 27: The Beckoning

“The Dungeon of Reach, those had been my orders. I was supposed to investigate,” Daniel thought to himself as he mused over his words. But having seen Nicodemus bound up the stairs had caused him to express some doubt, wanting to follow him and help him as he could. This was not his fight alone.

He knew deep within his heart it was the last time he was going to see this man who had entered his life with all these connections to his past that he had never been able to explore before. The man who was by technical definition, his grandfather. The thought briefly touched him, and his stomach churned oddly in response. I don't know him, though, not really. It was an odd, unbecoming thought, and as soon as it crossed his mind, he felt embarrassed. He's trying to help me—my mother's father.