Chapter 28: The Awakened Dungeon

Chapter 28: The Awakened Dungeon

Daniel felt a feeling of apprehension and strange excitement as he walked down the magically lit hall. The Silver Shield on his hand was glowing brighter than it had ever glowed before. Resonating in harmony with something nearby, further confirming his suspicious that a dungeon was near.

It didn’t take him long as he walked along that hallway to reach his end goal as he stood in front of a humble-looking doorway. A simple wooden door that seemed to hold back an unimaginable power, a power that even now permeated the air.

Looking at the door, Daniel had his guesses about what it was and, on a hunch, reached out to touch the door, careful not to open it with his Silver Shield rather than his hand. In response to his touch, the symbol of the Infinite Ouroboros began to shine from a glyph inscribed on the wood surface.