Chapter 5

After about an hour and a half of packing and unpacking so I could get the outfit I would wear tonight and pack again I was finally almost ready to go I just had to actually get ready.

After I finished showering, putting on the adorable outfit I picked out I grabbed my things and headed to the stadium. I decided to wear a cute white tube top with a black and white load-ish skirt, a cute black jacket, and black heel.

"Pass?" the big security guard said when I walked up to him. I showed him my pass and he moved aside letting me by.

"Thank you," I said as I passed.

I walked back a way but I had no idea where I was going so I asked someone "hey excuse me could you tell me where to harry styles is, please?" The guy I asked pointed to a door cracked open a few feet from us. "Thank you," I said

I walked to the door, knocked, and said "Harry? It's Elly".

As soon as I finished my sentence the door flew open and Harry Styles stood on the other side with a huge smile and said "so your parents said yes, you are joining me for the summer?".

"Yes they did and I am so excited," I said as he stood to the side to let me through.

"This is going to be a very fun summer for the both of us" Harry stated as I walked past him. Then I just stood there awkwardly until he laughed "please have a seat make your self at home and love your Outfit by the way".

"Thanks, so what is this promotional performance for exactly?"

"iheartradio" he uttered before sitting back in his makeup chair, so his stylist could finish.

I respond with a smile and say "Oh, ok, cool. This should be a very fun night".

Two hours later

"Oh my god that was so much fun," I say as I stumble out of the stadium.

"Yes, it was. So how do you think I did" Harry asked a little sheepishly as we sat in the limo that I presume was Harry's for tonight.

"Are you kidding you did amazing. You have so much energy while you are performing it was a blast to watch" I say with a huge smile on my face.


"Yes now stop thinking badly of your self you did great!!!"

"Since it's your first night of this amazing adventure we are about to have... Why don't we do something to kick it off the right way!"

"I don't know that was pretty memorable but what did you have in mind?"

"You will be at like at least 10 more of those before the summer is up and I was thinking Hollywood party...?"

"Yeah sure that sounds like fun but I would not picture you as the party type I mean when you were In the band yes but not know," I say with surprises clear in my voice.

"Well usually I'm not but I dunno tonight it sounds like fu... Wait you were a fan of one direction."

"Of course I am. You guys were great."

"Are you a directioner" he asked trying to make fun of me.

"Yes, I am I was there from the beginning and still am. Do you have a problem with that?" I said while trying to keep a completely straight face and completely failing.

"I do not have a problem with that at all but I figured that if you were a 'directioner' you would have asked me a thousand questions about every rumor that group has ever had but you haven't so I figured you aren't one"

"No I am and trust me there are questions I want to ask you but I respect you and if you don't want people to know them I respect that decision."

"Wow that is very mature of you, you ship Louis and I don't you? "

"I am not a Larry shipper..." I stop and he gives me a look like don't lie to me so I continue and say "I am a larrie."

"Wait what's the difference?"

"Well a Larry shipper is someone who thinks you would be cute together, a larrie actually thinks you two are together"

"Oh ok and why exactly do you think we are together?" He asks with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Well for one on stage you two never knew how to whisper you would always be 'whispering' into each other's mouths, not ears... Sometimes when one of the other boys would touch you Louis would get mad and when they touched him you would get mad... Sometimes you two would get boners on stage or how about when you thought the microphone would not pick it up when Niall was doing his solo interview and you said and I quote 'Louis can I give you a blowjob?' And he said 'I'd love it if you just wait'. But that just a few things that prove you two are together would you like to hear more" I said with a small smirk on my face.

"Oh wow wait you guys heard the blowjob bit?"


"Ok some guys - like Louis and I - have that kind of friendship it does not mean we are or were together"

"Ok sure but usually in those kinds of friendships the guys don't give each other boners and ask for blowjobs."

"Wait when did either of us ask from a blowjob from the other," he asked and pulled out my phone to show him the video.

"Ok fine we were together but how do you know if we still a are we could have broken up years ago?"

"I am sure there is proof somewhere out there I just can't think of anything right now but I just have this feeling. You know when there is nothing out there proving your point but you just know with all of you being that something is true. Also, you guys are absolutely perfect for each other and I can't see either of you throughout that away ever. "

"Wow and yes we are still together," he says with a very admirable look on his face.

"Really holy duck that's so cool I mean I new you are but it's still good to have it Confirmed. Anyway, whose party we are going to?"

"Well you know I am friends with Ed Sheehan" he paused and I nodded yes so he continued "Well we were talking today after I stopped by your office and he mentioned that he was going to a party at Justin Bieber's house tonight, he asked if I wanted to and I said I would think about it."

" Oh ok, so you telling me my first party that I will go to is at Justin Bieber's house with tons of celebrities? "

"Yes unless you don't want to go, that is".

"No, no I want to go it's just a little surreal you know yesterday I was a normal high school kid doing a summer internship and today I am friends with Harry styles and going to Justin Bieber's house."

"Wait you have never been to a party?"

"Well I went to like birthday parties growing up but now I am not popular at school so I was not invited or even new the parties were happening."

"Well, that will all change after people hear about the amazing summer you had with me" Harry joked.

"Well, actually I don't think I am going to tell anyone but my 2 best friends".

"Really, why?"

" I don't want to be popular, especially if it because I am friends with you. Not that your bad in any way I just want people to like me for me not because of who I am friends with. "

"You are like the only person who would do that everyone these days just wants clout" after he said that there was a little bit of a pause then all of a sudden he said, "we're here."

I moved records the door and got a little nervous and I think Harry noticed because he said "we need to get you to calm down... how about shots?"

"Harry I am 16" I laughed.

"Nobody has to know and you don't have to it's just if you want to."

"Of course I want to I just wanted to make sure you knew how old I was before I got drunk" I said as we headed into the huge house.