Chapter 6

The morning after the party I woke up with a pounding headache and pain all over the rest of my body. I rolled out of the empty bed that I didn't remember getting in last night and walked downstairs to find Harry talking to a blonde guy his back turned facing me.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Harry said a little sister to loud for my liking which just made my head pound even more. He picked up a cup and handed it to me and said "I made you coffee, it should help a little."

"Thanks but could you please stop yelling," I said and Harry and the blonde bloke just laughed.

"Sure, oh, and Elly this is Niall which you know But I thought I would still introduce you".

"Hey 'm Niall"

"If this wasn't hungover right now I would be hardcore fangirling right know But I am so hey I'm Elly" I shook his hand and for a second we just looked into each other's eyes with our hands still touching until Harry clears his throat which brought us both back to reality.

We both backed up and just stood there in awkward silence until Niall asked "So you're a fan?"

"She's a directioner Nialler," Harry said trying to hold back laughs and doing a trouble job.

"Will you shut it" I said looking at Harry but then turning back to those beautiful ocean blue eyes that you can easily lose in and I did and then pulled myself out of his eyes and finished "but yeah I have loved all of You since the x-factor days!"

"But you're from America how did you watch the X-Factor" Niall asked.

"Uh well, I would get bored and scroll through YouTube and one day I came across the video of when you guys were put together as a group and ever since then I have loved all of you."

"Oh ok... Who's your favorite" Niall asked without hesitation.

"I could never choose a favorite".

"Jesus you sound like our mother" Harry butted in and honestly it scared me a little because I forgot he was there.

"Yeah, you do you have to at least have Like an order of how much you Like each of us?"

"Fine you, Harry, and Louis are all tied for first"

"Really... Ok then if you had to marry one of us which would it be?" Niall asked with a cheeky little smile.

"Like I said earlier any other day I would have fought this but I don't have the energy... You Niall if I were to marry any of the 5 of you it would definitely be you".

"Really I figured you were the type of girl to chose this one over here with his beautiful Luscious Locks and emerald green eyes".

"Uh no because you are adorable, have an amazing voice and you are very caring from what I have seen plus Louis and him are to cute together. "

"Um, Harry you have adopted a larrie for the summer".

"Yeah I know and she knows that we are together. She got it out of me last night".

"I didn't even pressure him I just told him what I knew and he confirmed it all".

Niall, Harry, and I talked for a while before Harry told me that he had an interview in an hour then from there we were headed off to London so I should go get ready soon sink decided to head upstairs even though I would rather sit there and talk to Niall forever.

I was a little nervous about the whole going to London in a few hours thing, I have never been overseas and my first time will be with a famous musician, I mean don't get me wrong I am so excited to go with someone who lived there most there lives but he is also famous so there is a good chance we will get Mobbed by fans and that's a little scary.

At the interview

"Today we have the one... The only Harry Styles" James Cordan announced into the camera and took his cue and Harry walked out.

"Hey James thanks for having me," Harry said as he sat down on the couch next to James's desk.

"Hey Harry how have you been," James asked.

"Good, good. How about you?"

"I'm good, so who was the girl you were with? She was very pretty, is that your girlfriend"

"oh no she is a little young and that would be illegal. No, I met her a few days ago through an old friend. She was an intern at one of my mates' record labels. He told me she wanted to be a manager and I thought it would be better if she had an internship that related to her career so I invited her to spend the summer with me to see what a manager's life is like".

"Really that is very nice of you to bring her on and let her see this side of the industry."

"Thank you very much so far it has been a lot of fun so I guess it's not just good for her it's good for both of us. "

About half an hour later the interview was done and we were headed to the airport. The car ride was a lot of fun we listened to music - mostly one direction's old stuff - and we talked about old memories from when he was in the band, but mostly we talked about Louis. All the drama from management, when they got engaged, the wedding (which by the way the larries were right about they got married on September 28, 2013), and how hard it was having to keep it a secret from all the fans.

Once we had arrived at the airport we had become very close and I know that he was a famous musician and the chances of us staying friends were very slim but I did hope that I never lost him as a friend and we could become closer.