Chapter 10

The rest of the summer went about the same as the first week: interviews, a few shows, some recording, and lots of song writing (which I as no help at). Niall and I were texting all the time and FaceTimeing almost everyday. I got to see the rest of the boys e few more times but mostly Louis because you Know the whole Larry thing. But know it's time for me to head back to reality, I mean ish I will still talk to the boys and Harry said I could probably come up for all my breaks. I am really excited to see my family and friends but I am also going to miss Harry. I think Harry could tell how I felt because he leaned over to give me hug and then said "Elly you are not losing me as a friend for a very long time I promise."

" Oh yeah like you promised you would be back in 18 months after the hiatus" I say and immediately regret it so say "I'm sorry I'm just going to miss you and really don't want to go back".

" I know but you get to see your family again and you get to see Lena again".

"I am excited to see them and some other friends but I would rather not go back to school".

" ok how about we make a deal if you audition for the x factor and get put in a band and that band becomes very popular you can drop out of school... Deal? " Harry says with a cheeky smile.

"Deal" I say back trying to hold back laughs.

"Ok lets get you to the airport and back home".


We were in L.A. so the plane ride was not to long. When I got to the place where people wait to pick up there loved ones I imminently saw my parents holding a big sign that read "welcome home". I walked over to them and then both a big hug.

Once we got our shit together we started to walk twords baggage claim "so how was your summer".

" mom we talked almost every day you know how my summer was. "

"Well that does not mean we don't want to hear it again" my dad butted in.

My face grew and I said "oh my gosh it was the best summer I have ever had, I travelled so much, I got to hang out with the guy that was once my idol but is now one of my best friends, I got to meet people I have only dreamed of meeting. Oh I forgot to tell you right before one of the last interviews Harry's manager got sick and since I new everything that I needed spending the whole summer with him I filled just helping out, I mean I didn't do much but still it was pretty cool."

"Wow that's incredible Elly, you are a very lucky girl" my mom said as I picked up my bag.


The first few days of being back were hectic because school started in five days and all my family wanted to see me. Don't get me wrong I wanted to see them too I just also wanted to see Lena before school started, I really missed her while I was gone. The first night I spent at home, the second my grandparents on my mom's side, and the third I was at my grandparents on my dads side.

It was now Monday which meant I had to get up for school. I mean I was excited to see my friends and stuff but I also spent the summer hanging out with celebrities. Not that it made me egotistical or anything but it's just going to be a little different. I am still not going to tell anyone about what really happened this summer because I now how people are and how if anyone finds out all they will want is to use me to get to Harry or Louis or Niall or liam. Speaking of Liam I know have his number and we have become pretty good friends.


I decided to pick Lena up before school because we hadn't seen each other in months and we had a lot of catching up to do. I pulled up to Lena house and got our of my car to go knock on the door.

When I knocked Lena's mom answered and said "Elly I'm gosh, hi how was your summer?"

" it was a time of fun, how about you? "

"It was good... Lena is in her room if you want to head up."

"Ok thank you" I said and headed for the stairs. When I got to her door, the door was open and the room was empty, so I walked in a little more and saw her in , so I decided to have a little fun with it. I walked in as quietly as I could and say in the chair under her lift bed.

When she walked out of the bathroom and saw me she jumped like a foot in the air and said "holy shit Elly". A few seconds later when she called down she started to freak out again "I missed you so much!"

" I missed you too but I am not looking forward to having to find a parking spot again so can we get going" I ask and she grabs her backpack so we can head out.

As we walk out the door she tells to her mom that we are leaving. When we get to the car we both jump in. I start the car and we head to school.

When we are about to pull out of her neighborhood my phone starts to ring. When I look at the caller ID my face lights up. I apologize to lena and answer the phone "Hey ni, what's up?"

Lena looks at me confused and mouths to me "ni?"

On the line Niall says "I know you have school starting soon so I thought I would call and see how you are doing".

"That is very sweet and I am doing great I just picked up lena and now we headed to school".

" Oh 'm sorry I will let you go but call me later? "

"Of course but you do know that you are in London so it will be 11 there."

"I know but I still want to talk to you" He says and I smile.

"Ok then I will talk to you later" I say As I pull to a stop at a stop light and hang up.

"Elly who was that" Lena asks with shock in her voice.


" Harry was right he definitely likes you".

"No he doesnt we are just friends".

"He wants to talk to you even if it is 11 at night he definitely has feelings for you... I know you are just going to ignore me so I will change the subject, I know we talked like every day but how was you summer."

" it was incredible, I filled in for Harry's manager a few times because he got sick... Which was so much fun. The boys hang out a lot so I have gotten to know Liam, Niall and Louis pretty well. I got to meet liam's son, bear, and he is adorable. Louis was around the most obviously, I also met little Freddie. So it was a ton of fun... Now tell me how was you summer? "

"It was fun I missed you a lot though."

" I know I missed you too, I wish you could have been there".

"Me too" lena says as we pull into a parking spot.

"Oh and by the way I don't want people at school knowing."

"Ok cool I will tell my brother not to tell anyone."

"Ok thank you".