Chapter 11

It's been a few months since school started again and to be honest high school is not to bad. But something really funny happened I have mr. Haven again this year, which kinda sucks because I'm the first day he kept teasing me about leaving early last year but seeing how he does not know that most of my friends are celebrities I'd say the teasing did not big me. He also told me he was not going to let me leave two weeks early this year and I told him that I was not planing on it.

There is a weak left till Christmas break, which means it's midterms weeks one of the most stressful weeks of the year, the other being finals week. I am really excited for break to start because I am going to London the day after Christmas and spending the rest of the break with Harry, Louis and Niall. I was talking to Niall and he invited me to stay with him for a night or two if I wanted and of cource I do if that means I get to hang out with him.


Christmas Day

When I woke up on Christmas day I headed down stairs to find a stack of presents under the tree and that delicious smell of crepes. When I walk into the kitchen I found my dad making breakfast and my mom watching. "Good morning" my mom said when she saw me appear in the door way.

"Merry Christmas" I say back.

"How did you sleep" my mom asked.

"Really good"

My dad turned to me and said "are you excited for tomorrow?"

"I can't wait... When are we going to the grandparents house?" See we have this tradition in our family to do Christmas together ( the three of us) then go over to my grandparents on my mom's side.

"Uh 11 I think."

A few minutes later breakfast was done so we headed into the living room to open presents and eat.

About 2 hours later we had opened all our presents, cleaned up, and got ready to head over.

"Honey I'm home" I talked when I walked into my grandparents house carrying a pile gifts. I walked through the house to the living room and put down the gifts and walked back to the kitchen to find both my uncles, grandparents, and parents.

After a fun day of seeing family and opening gifts it was time to head home.

Just as we were about to head out my uncle called after me and said "Wait Elly you usually stay the night?"

" I leave for London tomorrow morning so I have to go but I wished I could. "

"You're leaving already?"

" Yeah"

"Ok, have fun"

After a lot of goodbyes my parents and I were in our way home and I had to finish packing.


When my plane landed London I walked to baggage claim to find a very happy Niall waiting for me. When I saw him he was taking a picture with a fan so I slowed so I would not bother him. Once the fan left and got to him I jumped in his arms and said "Ni, I missed you."

"I missed you too" he responded. "Ok lets get your bags so we can head back to my place" he said as he dropped me to the floor.

After my bag came down and we grabbed it, we started towards his car, we were stopped a few times by fans but not too many. We got to the car, I walked to the trouncing out my stuff back there, then to the side of the car to get in.

"Hey Elly?"

" Yeah? "

"What country are we in?"

I was confused for a second of why he was asking me that then I looked in the car door and saw a Steering wheel "oh, right" I said as I walked to the other side of the car and he opened the door for me. "Thank you".

The car ride was nice we talked and laughed. We pulled into his driveway and got out of the car to head inside.

He gave me a tour of the house and showed me where my room was so I could put my stuff down. Once I was settled I headed to the living room where I found Niall chilling on the couch, I sat next to him and he asked "what do you want to do tonight? We could watch a movie? Go to sleep if you are tired? Go do something in the world?"

" I am a little tired but I don't want to go to bed... So maybe a movie? "

"Yeah sure what movie do you want to watch?"

" I don't know... Ummmm... The perks of being a wallflower?"

"Sure sounds good!"

We cuddled the whole movie and continued after it was over. After the movie ended we started to talk about the movie, life, friends, etc. We talked for another hour or so and I had changed my position so we were still cuddling but now I could face him. We sat like that for a little while just looking into each others eyes and then he looked at my lips and I looked at his. Then he started to lean in - So did I - and then we kissed.