Chapter 23

We had the lads come to our room so we could tell them about the baby, Niall and I were cuddled up in bed and the boys sat around us. "We need to talk to you," Niall said drawing circles with his thumb on my arm to calm me down.

"Well duh that's why you called us here," Louis said sassily.

"This is really important," Niall said glaring at Louis.

"Things are going to start to change a little bit," I said not really knowing what to say.

"Um ok. How do you mean" Harry asked.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out.

"What, Elly that's amazing," Harry said jumping at me and giving me a very big hug.

"Ahh, thanks Haz," I said hugging him back.

"When is your due date," Liam asked.

"Um, I think August" I replied.

"We are going to be on tour then," Zayn pointed out.

"I know and Niall and I talked about it, I want to stay on tour I will just put headphones on the baby and continue working. I will have the baby then stay in the hospital for however long I need to, then join you guys back on tour and get back to work".

"Ok, well then congratulations," Liam said.

"We will be there to help every step of the way," Harry said and they all agreed.

"Thank you guys," I said starting to tear up a little.

Louis noticed and said, "Hey Elly don't cry".

"I'm sorry it's just I love you guys so much and I am so lucky to have you guys. You all have changed my life."

"Ahh thank you Elly and we love you too," Harry said.

Four Months Later

"The doctor will be right in to look at your baby to make sure it is healthy and tell you the gender," the nurse at our ultrasound said before leaving the room.

"Hey, Niall I was thinking we should spend a weekend in Colorado soon. I mean we leave for tour in a few weeks and we still have to tell my family about this little one" I said looking up at him.

"Yeah we should, how about this weekend?"

"Sounds great," I said and our doctor walked through the door.

"Hey Elly, Hi Niall" she greeted.

"Hi," we said in unison.

She studied our unborn child on the machine and announced "Well looks like you baby is completely healthy, would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes," we said in unison once again.

"You are having a little baby girl" she cheered. We looked at each other with smiles that reached our ears, "Well you guys are good to go, let me just wipe this off your stomach then you can leave."

"Thank you," I said and she left.

Niall and I got in the car and immediately started to freak out in a good way. "We're having a GIRL" I yelled.

"I know I am so excited" Niall yelled back.

Once we calmed down we started driving to Harry and Louis' house because we have a meeting then we are having dinner over there.

"What should we name her, " Niall asked.

"There's this one name I've always liked," I said in almost a whisper.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Kaster" I whispered.

"I love that name, it is beautiful and unique".

"Are you sure because we don't have to it was just an idea".

"Baby I love it. How did you come up with it though".

"You can't laugh at me".

" I promise I won't".

"Fromalarryfanfic," I said as fast as I could fast.

"Babe I could not understand that one bit," he said as he pulled up to Harry's


"From a Larry fanfic," I said my face turning bright red.

"Really," he asked laughing a lot when I nodded yes.

"Hey, you told me you wouldn't laugh" I whined.

"I'm sorry, it's just a little funny that you came up with our unborn daughter's name by being a fangirl of your best friends but I love it and we are keeping it," he said getting out the car and walking over to my side to open the door for me.

We walked up to the door and rang the bell. Seconds later all four boys were standing there asking over and over "is the baby ok" and "what's the gender".

" boys shut up," I tell and they all go silent and look at me expectantly. "The baby is healthy and it is a girl".

"I knew it," Harry said with a huge smile, running through the door to give me a big hug. Once he let go of me we all walked inside and sat down.

"We can talk about all this later but right now we need to talk work," I said and they all shut up and looked at me. "Tour starts in three weeks, how are you feeling about that?"

"Good" everyone cheered.

"Great" we continued to talk about tour and press stuff for another hour then we were done. We head into the kitchen so Harry can finish making dinner.

"So have you thought of any names yet," Liam asked.

Niall and I looked at each other and nodded before saying "Kaster" together.

"That's an adorable name" Zayn complimented.

"It is, it sounds kinda familiar though," Harry said.

"Do you guys know a Kaster?" I asked.

"No, I don't think..." Harry started but was interrupted by a loud laugh.

"I know where we know it from" Louis shouted.

"Where," Harry asked.

"'Dynamic Trio' remember that one fic we read together," Louis said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah," Harry said in realization.

"How did you guys come up with it," Louis asks smugly.

"You guys read your own fanfiction," Liam asked.

"Yes now shut it I want to hear where they came up with this name" Louis responded while Zayn and Liam were dying with laughter.

"Look I read it when I was like 15 and I really liked the name, plus I have read way worse than that," I said without thinking then turned even redder than before.

"What did you mean way worse than that" Harry asked curiously.

"Well, I mean like... More... Inappropriate" I said in a hushed tone.

"You've read us having sex," Louis says with a devilish smile on his face.

Once again I spoke without thinking and said "not only you two".

"Wait what else," Liam asked.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah," they all said including Niall.

"How much detail do you want," I asked trying to postpone telling them.

"Just who it was with" Niall cut in.

"Ok but just know this all happened like a year before I met any of you. So... Obviously Louis and Harry. Liam and Zayn. Niall and Y/N. Liam and Y/N. Zayn and Y/N... Niall, Liam, and Y/N" I finished not meeting anyone's eyes.I

Louis spoke first "You were a very horny 15 years old".

"shut up Louis," I said finally looking at Niall.

"Which is better me or book me," he asked with a smile telling me he was joking.

"Definitely the real you," I said cuddling into him.

"Dinners ready," Harry said breaking the silence.