Chapter 24

That weekend - on the plane to Colorado

"Baby I am really nervous to tell them," I say to Niall.

"We are both very successful and have money, this baby is going to be treated like a queen. And like I keep telling you, you are not a normal teenager. You already have your whole life together" he reassured me.

"Thank you," I said and closed my eyes so I could sleep the rest of the flight.

"Elly, baby wakes up, we landed" I heard Niall say so I opened my eyes to see we were the next row to get of the plane so I gathered my stuff, and then Niall and I got off.

"I ordered us a car and it should be in the pickup area, so we just have to grab our bags then we can head to our hotel. After we drop our bags off we are having dinner with my parents" I say to Niall as we walk through the airport.

"Wow even when you not managing me, you are still managing me" he teased.

"Oh shut up," I said slapping his arm lightly as we reached baggage claim. After a little waiting, we got our bags and headed to the car. Our driver put our bags in the back and we got in and then he drove us to the hotel.

"How are you doing babe," Niall asked when we got to our hotel room.

"Really nervous," I said a little shaky.

"Hey," he said grabbing my arm lightly and pulling me close. "We will tell them about our plan and they are happy for us. Now let's got the jump in the shower, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said and he grabbed my hand and ran us over to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and started to strip us both. I jumped in and was quickly followed by Niall

After our shower, we got dressed and left for the restaurant.

"Hi we are meeting my parents here," I said to the hostess when we walk into The Bent Fork, she looked up and saw Niall standing next to me.

Her eyes went wide and she nervously stuttered "Oh yes right back here".

We walked in my parents got up "Elly, Niall, you're here"

"Hi mom, dad," I said just as Niall said "Hey Mrs. and Mr. Reussow".

"Niall we have told you to call us Nina and Ian," my mom said pulling Niall into a hug and I hugged my dad.

We sat around the table and talked to our waitress came and took out orders. Once she left Niall gave me a look telling me to tell them so I turned to my parents and said: "mom, dad we have something to tell you".

"Um ok, sweetie what's up," my dad said.

"Now when I tell you please don't freak out," I say and the nodded. "So... I'm pregnant and it's a girl".

"What" they both said.

"We have a plan and we have the boys to help out with everything" Niall explained.

"But Elly your only 18" my mom pointed out.

"I know but I also have a job that pays really well and so does Niall, this baby will be treated like a queen," I said with a small laugh at the end.

"What about your career and what if you and Niall split," my dad asked.

" Niall and I are not going to split and if we do then we will still both take care of her. My career is not changing at all for at least 2 years and after that, I will still be managing but this time it will be Niall I am managing. Like I said earlier a have a plan" I said in a reassuring tone.

"So your daughter of going to grow up on the road," my mom asked.

"No after one direction I am going to stop touring and will continue to release music but won't do a lot of the other stuff," Niall said.

My dad was about to say something but my mom interrupted by saying "Well you seem to be very prepared, so I guess congratulations."

"Thank you mom". After that, the subject was dropped and we ate, laughed, and enjoyed the evening.

When we got back to the UK we were hanging out at the house and Louis and Harry were over. "Elly in the US they have middle school right?"

" Yeah, why? "

"Well, what's it like?"

"It sucks," I said bluntly.

"Why did it suck for you," Harry asked kindly.

"Um well, that's a story" I started.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Niall said and they all agreed.

"No, it's fine. In like 3rd I met this girl, Tara, and we immediately became friends. We hung out every weekend and when we started middle school her parents would drop her off at mine then we would walk to school together. In 7th grade, she got more friends and I did not but we still hung out all the time. Then in 8th grade, it all went to shit, she started to ignore me when we were with her other friends so I confronted her about it and she ghosted me. Then right before my birthday, she apologized and we were all good. But after Christmas break, she ghosted me again but this time with no explanation so being the kind caring person I am I texted saying I am sorry for whatever I did and remind her of the good times in our friendship."

"Did she say anything back?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, she did she had one of her friends give me a letter saying I am Bitch and she hasn't wanted to be my friend for a long time. It hurt at the time but honestly, I am so happy that it happened because after that I had never been happier, it turns out I was depressed most the friendship, so that was the best thing that could have happened."

" I'm sorry Elly," Niall said hugging me closer.

"Babe it's fine I am so happy now".

" I know but she made you unhappy at some point and I want my girl to always be happy. did you see her after that? "

"No, we went to different high schools".

"hm, If you don't mind me asking Elly why did she make you depressed during the friendship," Louis asked.

"Well she was a flake, she would always cancel last minute and even a few times come over to my house then leave again almost immediately. I just could not depend on her for anything, but I am happy that our friendship happened because she helped me grow stronger and I do have some good memories" I said with a smile.

"What're your favorite memories with her" Niall asked curiously.

"This one time we went over to her mom's friend's house and we were good friends with her sons. That night we got basically attacked by high school seniors because one of the boys threw a rock at a very expensive camera, we had a food/wet paper towel fight and we stayed up basically all night" I say remembering how fun I had that night.

"Sounds like a really good night," Harry said.

"It was" I agreed.