Chapter 25

We have been on tour for about 4 months now and we have 2 months left. It's been going great, right now we are in Colorado and the show just ended. It was nice to see my parents and some of my old friends from high school, everybody but Lena left after the show.

The boys thought it would be good if I had a friend on tour with me for the rest of the tour since basically the only people I talk to are men, I mean there are some women but no too many. Another reason is that the baby is coming soon so I will need some help, when I ask Lena she of course said yes.

Currently, I am 8 months pregnant and huge, I feel like a fucking whale and I hate it, BUT I am very excited to be a mom.

We have a few more groups of fans left of the meet and greet for the boys, Lena and I have just stayed in the corner on the couches the whole time not paying any attention to any of the fans.

"Hey guys," Harry said as the next group came in, "did you like the show?"

"Yeah" they all cheered.

"What are all of your names," Liam asked.

"This is Val, Haley, Noah, Tyler, and I'm Tara," one of the girls said, and when she said her name Lena and I's head shot up and Niall, Louis, and Harry's eyes widened. It was her, Tara, I haven't seen her since 8th grade and yet somehow she is here at my job. She is with her two younger sisters and the boys we hung out with that night with the food fights and rock-throwing. Niall looked over at me sneakily so nobody would see, asking with his eyes of this was her and I just nodded slightly.

Liam and Zayn started up a conversation with them talking about the show while Louis, Harry, and Niall just stood there in a bit of shock. It was looking like she was not going to see me, but all my hopes of staying invisible were shot out the window when a crew member came in and said "sorry to bother boys but where is your manager?"

I stood up, walked towards him a little more, and confidentially said "right here, what's up?"

"all of the boy's stuff is in the busses and they are ready to leave when you guys are," he said.

"Thank you, we will be out in about a half-hour," I responded and he left.

"Elly," she asked.

"yeah, hey Tara," I said nervously.

"You manage One Direction". Honestly, I don't know if it was a question or a statement.

"Yeah she does," Louis said sassily.

"Louis, be nice," I said in a stern voice.

"and you're pregnant," she asked again.

"yes, she is," Niall said walking over and grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him, which I welcomed.

"Wait, that's why you're their manager, you are dating Niall Horan and pregnant with his kid, which is probably why he stays with you," she smugly. All the shock of seeing me here was gone and now it was just the same Bitch from middle school.

"Actually she was my manager before she was the bands," Harry said sticking up for me.

"And I love her more than anything, I would be with her with or without this little girl," Niall said harshly, motioning towards my belly.

"Yeah right, you were probably only Harry's manager for the last week of the hiatus because he did incredible last year and if you were his manager he would have ended up having no career and be bankrupt," Tara said with a mean smile.

"Actually I hired her at the beginning of 2019 she was the one who brought my career to where it was" Harry replied very sassily making Louis look very proud of his husband.

"Plus if that were true then the band would 'have no career and be bankrupt but we are not, are we?" Zayn fought.

"I think you guys should probably leave but it was great to see you," I said sarcastically.

After a few complaints, they all left. "What was That all about, and how did she know you?" Liam asked.

"I will explain later you guys have more fans to meet," I said and started walking away.

Niall grabbed my arm generally and asked, "babe are you ok?"

"Honestly Niall I have never been better, she can't affect me anymore".

"You sure?"

I walked over to him, kissed him, and said "100%, now go do your job".

I walked over to a very shocked Lena and say down on the couch, "That was..."

"yep," I said nonchalantly.

"You good?"

"I am great," I said truthfully.

"Ok, but I'm here if you need me."

After the last group left we headed to the tour bus and left for the next show.

After I explained everything with Tara, Niall and I decided to head to bed, "Elly are you sure you're ok".

"Yes I am fine, a little bit in shocked but good," I reassured for like the thousandth time since Tara left.

"Ok, I just want to be sure."

"I know and I love you for that," I said pushing my self up a bit to give him a kiss. After that, we both slowly drifted off to sleep.