Seraphine's Agitation


"Your highness, why don't we walk around?"


"We have been in the City of Lo, for two days now, this is the third day, you haven't seen the sights yet in the City...why don't you enjoy yourself?"

"Please, leave me alone, Zeno"


"Zeno... I order you to stop with your offers to go outside"


"Big sister?"

"Enjoy yourself, Ishana, big sister is not in the mood right now, she is very angry, and she doesn't know why"



Fries went to her side and slept.

"Lady Ishana, let us leave her highness alone for now, maybe she needs the alone time"

"I hope she will be okay tomorrow"

"She will, let's hope for it"

We went outside, big sister was crouched on her bed, when we had breakfast, she only ate a bit of it and then returned to her room.

Even big brother became worried about her when she didn't eat with gusto like she used to…