Finally Enjoying the City of Lo

Seraphine POV;

Two days after we arrived here, I felt so tired when I slept, I dreamt about the past once again…

The one grandma Éclair imparted as well as a set of skills that the past prophecy holders had.

The dream was about her and the man, she was talking to him in a beautiful field of flowers, the flowers were selenian flowers, that was what she mentioned.

It was beautiful and attractive, you want to touch and lay down on it, but she says as beautiful as it is, it was dangerous.

But she isn't afraid, Monocerus trained her to endure the toxin of the Selenian flowers so that she could be immune, but that doesn't mean that her blood became an antidote of sorts.

The man being the 'bestower' of the Prophecy is already immune to the toxin the selenian flower might spew.