Find Some Clues

Even though I think Kevin will be a big help since he's on the police side. I still get anxious about the witness so I decided to play along and get Kevin's trust—who knows he may be the key so that I can get rid of that witness fast. I am not a 'hard to get girl' so, I decided this time I'll go to Kevin. I called my secretary to cancel all my meetings for this week—though I can finish it off before a week—so that I can move freely without thinking anything.

When I arrived at the station the detectives seems busy and then I found my target—Kevin—he's looking so damn hot in his desk looking at those case files he have. I went closer so that he can notice me.

"I guess the timing is off, I better go," I said while looking at him.

"Alexa!" he seems so shocked seeing me in the station.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"My, my, are you an attention seeker or what? All people here are staring at us. Do you really need to shout?" I asked him too.

He looks really confused and I love it, how cute he can be.

"I-It's just—" I put a finger on his lips to shush his mouth. I get a chair and sat in front of him.

"Don't mind me, continue your work while I'm watching you," I said.

All people behind me, I can hear them murmuring. I may be looking away from them but I am sure they were staring at us.

Is it that hard to think that this detective in front of me was visited by a woman? Or they're thinking that I am another woman from his collection? Anyways, what's there to think? He's hot, physically fit, and handsome, it's just okay if many girls are swarming to him. He's also different, most people don't want them to be watched but I keep watching him for hours and he still doesn't mind. My, my, he's my style.

As I keep watching him, I can feel that I'm starting to feel drowsy.

I opened my eyes and it's already noon. There were no people at the station—maybe they go and grab some lunch. I was at Kevin's desk covered with his jacket.

This is the right time to find some information about that goddamn witness. But how can I find some?

I started to talk to myself again thinking of ways how to get information when suddenly the fax machine was starting to move.

It's the witness' statement! I need to praise that fax machine to fax that statement at that perfect timing.

I took a picture of it and head back to Kevin's desk. Now that I have what I want, I'll go back to sleep.

I really went back to sleep. When I woke up, I hear people's voices so, I raise my head up. There is only one person looking at me that time—Kevin like how long is he watching me sleep?

"Did I interrupt you? Go ahead don't mind me, continue your sleep," he said with his sparkling gorgeous eyes.

My reflexes just spring up and I instinctively smack him and people around us laughed.

"Well, Alexa you have a heavy fist. It hurts but I'll let it pass since I know you did that because you're blushing," he added and winked at me.

"W-what do y-you mean? B-blushing? Me? No way!" I replied and laughed hysterically.

He hold my shoulders, move forward to my face, and whispered, "Yes you are darling, no matter how much you deny, your face says it."

Another embarrassment, if you're not a goddamn hottie I'll make sure you're dead Kevin Roberts!

I pushed him back because he's too close to me. Then, I went to the comfort room immediately. As soon as I entered the comfort room I open the faucet and splashed some water to my face.

Concentrate Alexa! You are not here to flirt, you're here because you wanted to kill that goddamn witness.

I slapped my face so that I'll come back to my senses. After a couple of minutes, I went out of the comfort room and saw that Kevin was not at his desk, I hurriedly walked toward the station's door to leave immediately but I bumped into someone before I can successfully leave.

"You're leaving?" I lift my head and saw a familiar face—shoot it was Kevin.

"Y-yes! My secretary just called that there were some investors that suddenly appeared and wanted to see the CEO so, I need to go" I answered him.

"Well, if that's the case I can take you to your office," he asked and grabbed my hands.

"No! It's okay I can drive myself besides I took my car I can't leave it here," I said and pulled my hand back, turn away from him and walk out to the door without looking back at him.

I hurriedly went to my car, lock the doors, and leave. In case that Kevin will follow me. It is a nice thing to have a helper but it's not a good thing to execute the plan with someone like him—a detective. As I leave and canceled all my works, I went back straight home to have a plan on how to make this witness out of the scene. I printed the picture of the witness's statement.

"I saw the two young men at my store. They bought some alcohol then leave."

"They are talking to someone right after they left the store. I don't know if it's a man or a woman but the person they talked to seemed to be pissed off."

"The car drove away and they followed it. Then, on my way home I saw from afar that someone went out from their car and it started to drive toward the cliff and someone were there and just looking at the car fall towards the cliff."

"It may be dark and I am not sure what I saw that night, but I know one thing that I won't forget. I heard that someone said a couple of philosophical words and laughed that's when I heard a woman's voice."

"I am sure I can remember the sound of her voice if I ever meet her."

So, that witness remembered my voice. My, my, he's a tenacious one. How will I get rid of this goddamn witness?

I lay down on my bed while thinking of some ways how to do it.

Why I can't focus?

I didn't realize that I fell asleep. The next day, while eating my breakfast another bullfrog ruined my morning.

"Good morning Ms. Alexa, I am Billy, Mr. Peterson's secretary and he told me to get the money you owe him for this month."

Geez, that goddamn old man.

I told my butler to get my check and I hand over it to Mr. Billy.

"Billy right? Can you do me a favor? Upon giving this check to your boss, can you tell him to meet me at Westside Road Site at 10 in the evening sharp and don't be late. No questions, he knew what I mean, just tell him." Billy agreed and the butler escorted him towards the exit.

Good timing! Why not kill two birds with one stone.