A Bloody Night Pt. 1

After a couple of minutes, Billy, Peterson's secretary, left the house, and I just finished my breakfast. I went to my study room and played my favorite classical music to relax my head and plan for tonight's event. I was peacefully listening to it while someone knocked at my door.

"Alexa, it's me," my butler said.

"Okay, you may come in."

My butler entered the study room and locked the door as well. He walk towards my table and handed over a brown envelope. I opened the envelope and then smiled.

"What a coincidence," I said.

"Maurice, are these all true?" I asked my butler.

"Affirmative, based on my research, it is true that Mr. Peterson owns the old guy's house as well as the store that you've asked," he answered.

"But, may I know why do you need to know if there is any connection between Mr. Peterson and that old guy?" he asked.

"Well, they should be eliminated," I said.

"Alexa, you? What is it this time?"

"Remember the two young men on the news since yesterday? I'm the one who did it."

"For god's sake..." he did not yet finish what he wanted to say and I interrupt him.

"Maurice, you knew that I hate people who disrespect others right? As well as catcalling, and so on. Those two did both so why would I let them free in this world. They should be dead, you know."

My butler just sighed and said, "Well, make sure to not leave any trace."

"Who do you think you're talking to, Maurice?"

Then, I laughed while he just remained unbothered. He left the study room and I continue reading the information that Maurice have gathered.

It was past noon and I went to the basement. I get all the things that I'll be needing for tonight. I keep as few as I can be. I need to move freely as well as quickly, who knows what will that witness's next step is. I need to take action first. After I've left the basement I bumped into Maurice.

"Alexa, do you need any help?" he asked.

"Maurice... Let me ask you something," I said with a confused face.

"Go on, what is it?" he said.

"You knew my secret that only my mom knows, but you still insist to become my butler and moreover, you've never handed me to the police, and why is that?" I asked.

"Even though how many times you'll ask that question, my answer will never change. It is because I owe you my life and by doing this I feel happy to pay my debt to you," he answered.

"But you can be an accomplice, if I ever get caught," I insist.

"Then so be it, I don't care. And I trust you, that's all," he added.

I sighed. "Well, do whatever you want, just don't be a burden."

"Of course, I'm not, Alexa." Then he grabbed the bag full of tools from the basement with a smile and head toward the garage while I went to my room and change my clothes. Let's get this event started.

After a few moments, I went to the garage and saw Maurice waiting for me. He saw me and opened the door for me. Then, he started the engine.

"Where do we head first?" he asked.

"To the old guy's turf," I answered.

Maurice started to drive while I was pleasantly leaning into my seat and listening to classical music in my earphones.

It was a perfect time to make a move since the store was quite far from my house. It is more like almost in the countryside. After almost 2 hours of the trip, Maurice and I arrived at the old guy's store. We both watched him from the car.

"What now? What are you going to do, Alexa?" Maurice asked. "I've already called someone to manage the CCTV cameras beforehand, there will be no problem by now," he added.

"Then, just wait until he walks outside of his store to throw his garbage, then knocks him out, I'll send him off together with Peterson. We might pass the CCTV's on the road but who knows about surveillance cameras inside his store," I answered.

After the old guy throws his garbage, Maurice stealthily walks outside of the car and approaches the old guy. He gave him a neck chop which results in unconsciousness and to not trigger the other vehicle that might pass by, he supports the old guy as if he is a drunk person and slowly move in my direction. I opened the door for them and Maurice set on the driver's seat. I hurriedly injected him propofol in case he might wake up. Then, positioned him as if he's just sleeping to avoid any unnecessary doubts.

Before we left, Maurice took some papers inside the glove compartment and went near the store, left the papers there, and set some fire. Maurice went back to the car and took a call.

"Hello, there is a fire in Route 66, it is a store, I just passed by there, I'm afraid it may cause a greater threat if not attended to, hurry!" he said with some serious but trembling voice.

"You should be an actor, Maurice," I said.

He just giggled and starts to drive away from the store. Along the way, he throw the phone out of the window and reversed the car. He destroyed the phone he used earlier to call the fire department. He got out of the car, picked up the phone, and threw it again to the cliff. Then, he went back to the car again.

"Shall we head to the Westside now, Alexa?" he asked.

"Okay, I don't want Peterson to be the first one to get there, it will spoil the fun," I answered.

He starts to drive away. This time we'll be heading to the Westside Road Site, where I'll meet Mr. Peterson. You'd better say your last prayers Peterson because this will be the last time you'll be living here on Earth. An hour had passed and we'd reached the site. It was just exact 9 o'clock. We are ahead of time and Peterson's still not here. Maurice carried the old guy and hide him with the barrels and hollow blocks while I just sit prettily in a stool chair and listened to my classical music.

I looked into my watch and it was almost 10 o'clock. I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I wear my favorite gloves. It is customized to look like an ordinary glove but it won't leave any trace of fingerprints. Then, hide a knife into my legs as well as an injectable that can make you lose your consciousness. Maurice seems to prepare himself as well.

I stood up from where I am sitting and took a peek in the open area. Mr. Peterson's here! I saw him move out from his car as well as his secretary, Billy.

"Are you ready, Alexa?" Maurice asked.

"Of course, and..." I did not even finish my sentence but Maurice and I heard the sound of clashed barrels and hollow blocks.

Both Maurice and I looked at each other. I smirked. "It seems that the old guy's awake, this is getting interesting," I said.

"I'll handle him, you'll take care of Peterson," Maurice offered and hurriedly went to the direction where he hid the old guy.

In just a matter of minutes, Peterson arrived.

"Alexa Smith! Good evening!" Peterson greeted with a smile.

"Well, a pleasant evening to you as well, Mr. Peterson," I greeted him back, and he hugged me so, I hugged him back.

Go on, enjoy this moment because, for a few minutes from now, you'll be dead and covered in a pool of blood.