Kevin's Determination

"Kevin!" Detective Charlie called Detective Kevin from afar.

"Charlie!" Kevin greeted back.

"What's wrong with Aesir? How long does he keep on vomiting?"

"Since we've arrived." Detective Kevin walk towards the two dead bodies that were covered in a pool of blood.

"Now I get it why Aesir had an upset stomach. This is disgusting. How about the caller?"

"No one's here when we arrived. Just those two dead bodies."

"Suspicious. How about evidence?"

"There was a knife and gun..."

"S-sorry to interrupt but can I go with the forensic team? I just cannot handle this horrid scene here."

"Fine, you can go with them Aesir. And you Charlie come with me."

Aesir did go with the forensic team while Detective Kevin and Charlie visited a nearby store near the Westside Road Site.

"We're already out of supply, just come back tomorrow," the owner said.

"Oh, we're not here to eat. Actually, we're detectives." Kevin showed his ID to the owner as well as Charlie. "We just wanted to ask you some questions." The owner agreed to cooperate. "So, how can I help you detectives?" the owner asked. "You have a CCTV outside, right? Can we see footage of it?" Kevin asked. "Sure. Sure." The owner went to a small room while the two detectives were patiently waiting at the diner.

"Thank you for waiting Mr. Detectives. Here is the footage that you've asked." The owner showed Kevin and Charlie the footage of the CCTV. "Can we have a copy of this?" Kevin asked. "Sure, let me copy it in a flash drive." The owner went inside the room again and took a flash drive. While she was copying the footage to the flash drive Charlie asked the owner. "Mind if I ask, but have you noticed any suspicious person or car earlier?"

"I don't think there are any suspicious... W-wait! There is someone suspicious!" she said. "Who? What did you see?" Both detective Kevin and Charlie said in unison. "Earlier, exactly when all my supplies were done, I went outside to throw the garbage and I saw a man in a suit talking to someone over the phone," the owner said. "Then, it was just a quick phone call and then after the call, he threw something in the field. Come here," the owner added as he hurriedly went out of the store. "There, he threw something there in the field," she pointed it out. Then the two detectives thanked the owner and hurriedly went to the field that the owner pointed out.

"Kevin, can we stop? It's dark and whatever the man in suit threw here, it is impossible to find right now."

"But still, we need to do something. Aha!"

"What? What! Did you find something?"

"Charlie, don't you think it's suspicious?"

"Arggh... Kevin... I thought you already find something."

"But Charlie, do you think that the man in a suit was the one who tipped us about the dead bodies?"

"Who else huh? Is there anyone that will go for a walk in a secluded and private building like that huh! W-wait...? It is suspicious!"

"See, I told you! That's why we need to find out whatever he did throw here!"

"But I told you, Kevin, it's impossible!"

Charlie still mumbles to himself about how it is impossible to find whatever the man in suit threw into the field while Kevin was still brushing the bush and looking carefully with the flashlight from his phone.

"I found it!" Kevin shouted.

"You found it... Yeah, you found... What! What did you find?"

Kevin confidently show Charlie a memory card that he found. They hurriedly go to Kevin's car and put the memory card into a card reader then, they both watched the videos saved in there.

"That's inhumane. How can they treat a person as a toy?" Charlie said in anger.

"I'll definitely catch this killer! Even I've risked my life, I'll definitely catch this psycho!" Kevin added. The two of them went to the police station and reported what they saw and find to their chief.


The next morning, I was on my way to the kitchen when saw my maids gathering around in front of the television. I walk in their direction. Quietly listening to their conversation.

"How on earth could that be possible? How could they do that to a human being?"

"Right! That's just inhumane!"

"If you have time with having chitchat, why don't you just finish your duties?" Maurice butted in. The maids hurriedly turned their back in our direction. One of them fastly turned off the television. I just giggled behind Maurice while watching the hilarious situation. The maids hurriedly went back to their posts while Maurice was giving them a terrifying look.

"Hey, stop that!"

"Stop what, Alexa?"

"That face, you're scaring them away more than me. But this is just so hilarious as well." We both go to the dining hall to eat my breakfast and went to the office.

At the office, as usual, all the employees welcomed me with a warm good morning and smile. Sometimes, I wonder if they can still welcome me like this if they'll know my true identity.

My day at the office went just like some other normal days. Meetings, conferences, signing papers for approvals, and so on. When I have some spare time, I'll spend it in my office while listening to classical music and having my favorite tea. After some time, Lauren, my secretary, knocked at my door.

"Ms. Alexa, you have a visitor."

"Who is it?"

"It's me!" Some tall guy popped out at the door.

"Kevin! It's okay, Ms. Lauren." Lauren left us two. "You may come in, Kevin." Kevin sat on the couch. "I was just having some tea, would you like some?" I offered. "Sure!" I pour him some tea.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I want some air." He sighed then took some sips from his tea.

"So you're saying that you feel relaxed here in my office?"


"So, what's the case that makes my Kevin so worked up?"

"M-my Kevin? I heard it right, right?"

"Oh! Perhaps, you don't want it? I won't mind calling you detective Kevin if you want."

"No! I prefer that you'd call me by my name instead of a detective."

"So, what makes you so stressed out?"

He sighed again. "Remember the car that falls in the cliff at Route 66?"


"The only witness from that case was found dead last night around midnight. He was not the only one there. There was another person with him. It was Mr. Kennedy Peterson who was also found dead along his side."

"Kennedy Peterson?"

"You knew him?"

"Kind of. He extracts money from me."


"I mean, my late father was in debt with him and I were the one who pays for it. Actually, it was supposed to finish for a long time ago but he still asks money from me because of the interest."

"And you did not report him?"

"Just for that? I don't want to waste my time on him. I am a busy person, so I just pay him. I have a lot of money as well."

"I see." Kevin's phone rang and he picked it up. "I wish to stay here for a long time but I think I need to go. My colleague said that they now have the result of the DNA. I'll go to the station now."

"Kevin, wait!"


"Do you have your car with you?"

"No, it was actually my day off and I just wanted to see you so I..." right before he finished his sentence I interrupt him. "Then, let me escort you there," I offered. "You sure?" I nodded to answer him.

We went to the basement to get my car. Maurice was waiting for us there. He opened the door for us. "Oh, before I forgot Kevin this is my butler, Maurice. Maurice, he's a detective, Kevin Roberts." Kevin and Maurice exchange their respect through the rear-view mirror. Maurice started driving.

"Thank you for this, Alexa, but I think you didn't have to."

"I thought you wanted to stay with me longer. Besides, I don't have other things to do, so it's fine." Kevin smiled ear to ear while Maurice and I exchanged looks through the rear-view mirror. If you just knew my real intention, I don't think you'll be able to smile like that.