The Plot

Maria's POV

Where do I start?

I have to get Kiara out of her house if I want to make this work. She will pay for everything she's done. Ty's cute ass might have to be dealt with first. I wonder how it would feel if Ty fucked me? Shit. Why am I thinking about this? I cannot get distracted.

I don't know much about Ty to be honest, but she seems like the dangerous but looks innocent type. I have to play my cards right if I need to get close enough to Kiara. I'll have to watch their every move. Justin can kiss my ass if he thinks I'm over this. 

I'm going to apologise to Ty and Kiara and play nice. I'll have to fuck Ty and make her let her guard down. Then I can have my way and get Kiara out of the picture for good. Justin says he's over her but any fool could see that he's still in love with her. I just fuck him better. Speaking of, I'm sure he'll be heart broken if he finds out that I want to have sex with Ty. Well, he wasn't thinking about all that when he was cheating on me. I guess we'll be even.

Kiara's got another thing coming if she thinks that I'll leave her alone without getting revenge. I need to get Ty's number.

Ty's POV

A few days later my brother hit me up and told me to meet with him. "Kiara I'm going out to lunch with my brother, I'll see you later for dinner okay baby?"  I told her while getting dressed. She didn't answer so I turned around and saw her sitting on the bed looking concerned. "What's wrong Kiara?"

"Nothing. Why are you meeting with him? Is it bad? What are you up to Tyler?" She asked while tears filled her eyes. She knew the type of person my brother was. "there's nothing wrong Kii. He just asked me to have lunch with him. Plus I'm going to tell him about Maria when I get there." I lied. She kissed me and told me dinner will be ready by 6 and don't be late. "It's lunch Kiara, I won't be late for dinner baby." I laughed then headed out the door.

When I got to the restaurant 30 minutes later, my brother and two of his body guards were already there waiting for me.

"Wassup Taylor?" I hugged him then had a seat facing him. His body guards got up and turned their backs to us.

"My baby sister getting back in the game or what?" He laughed while taking a shot of rum. "I tried to help you out with your situation Ty. It's been giving me trouble, but I'll get everything I need on this Maria chick. She seems like she doesn't back down from a challenge. And neither will we." He spoke with a low voice. I can see this was frustrating him.

"I'm just trying to protect Kiara bro. I don't want her to get hurt. You know I love her and I'll do everything in my power to protect her." He started laughing and I already knew what he was going to say.

"Y'all finally started dating for real? It's about time! With y'all stupid asses. But. Hey, I know you two were meant for each other and I love y'all. I got you guys and be good to her. Here's some of the information we found about Maria. Hit me up when you're finished going through it."  We both got up and hugged each other and they all followed me to my car then we went our separate ways.

I made it home around 3:30 pm and Kiara was in the kitchen. I called out to her and decided that we should talk about this.

"Kiara, come here. We have to talk."  She stopped what she was doing and came into the living room. "What do we need to talk about? Are you cheating? Oh, you know what? Don't tell me you're taking your brother up on his offer to be his right hand?" She paced back and forth while ranting.

I grabbed her and hugged her, "No Kiara, I'm not cheating and of course not." I reassured her. To tell you the truth I met with my brother before about Maria and Justin and today he got me some of the information I've been waiting on.

We looked through the folder together and we were speechless. Maria and Justin had been dating since college. They had their first child together and now on their second. There were pictures of Maria and Justin on vacation recently, pictures of Justin and his daughter. Family photos with Maria's side of the family. This was too much.

"So all this time Justin had a family? Is this why Maria is trying to get at you? Because Justin cheated on her with you? I mean he had you living in his fucking house. How did he manage all of this?" I asked myself but Kiara just looked at me with her brows furrowed. "I don't know Ty. All I know is Maria better watch out. I'm not going down without a fight. Her man came to me and had me in his house I never knew about her, she should be giving Justin all this energy." Kiara said with a stern voice. I could tell she wanted revenge.

"No worries babe. I got you and we're gonna handle this mother fucker sooner or later." I kissed her and told her let's get back to making dinner.

3 hours later

After washing the dishes I decided we should watch a movie together. I got some wine to go along with the popcorn and her favorite cake. During the movie, four of my security guards busted into the room saying there was a situation.

"Well Ty, the phone has been ringing non-stop, the person kept calling off of a private number and left several messages. When they finally revealed who they are, it was Maria. She said Justin doesn't know about this but she wants you and Kiara to come to dinner so she can apologize to you both." Enrique told us while showing me the call logs.

"How did she even get this number?" I asked them. Everyone shrugged. "Probably stole it from Justin's phone while he was asleep." Kiara said breaking the silence.

What game is Maria playing?

"Baby, I think we should call it a night and get some rest. We will deal with this in the morning." Kiara said while dragging me upstairs. "Okay Kiara. Dam."

Maria got me fucked up if she thinks I'm even considering her dinner or her fucking apology.