
Kiara's POV

Why does Maria wants to have dinner? This sounds fishy.

It's 3:48 in the morning I need to get some sleep. Ty is leaving later to go to a concert, I'll be home alone for  two days. Okay, calm down. There's nothing to be scared about.

As I settled in bed Ty rolled over and kissed me. "Go to sleep princess."  She said while pulling me close. With that, I fell asleep in her arms.

Ty left a few hours later and I decided to go to the mall and do some shopping. One of the security guards followed me to make sure I was safe and I bought some things for him too. While we were in Footlocker, he pulled me closer to him and told me we have to get out of here. "Maria has been following us for a few minutes now. We have to go." I started to get worried, I didn't know what to do or why she was there.

The security I was with called Enrique and told him to inform Ty about the situation and send some guys to meet us in the parking lot. I wanted to call Ty but I started to panic. I didn't know if to go over there and beat her ass or if to run for the door. I wish I could've beat the bitch ass.

"Come. Let's go." He said and he escorted me to the parking lot where Enrique was with the others. Maria was still trailing behind. Two of them went over to stop her and we drove off in a Jeep.

Ty called me and started asking a bunch of questions, giving me a headache. "Why was she there? Did she take pictures? She spoke to you? Did she try to hurt you?!"

"Ty, calm down. It's okay the guards were with me. She tried to follow the car but they stopped her while we drove off. She didn't get to follow us. I'm okay, home safe and sound." I said in a worried tone. I hope Ty doesn't make this mess up her performance. "I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm coming home." Ty said then hung up without giving me a chance to speak.

The guards were up and about making their rounds and beefing up the security. More cameras were installed and they worked doubles shifts now. Hardly taking any breaks so I decided to cook for all of them. And with that I headed to the kitchen.

Ty's POV

Why is Maria stalking Kiara? Is she fucking crazy? I hope my brother gets all the information I need about her. My performance was about to start and I'll deal with this later.

After j got to the hotel to pack my things, I checked my phone to see if Kiara messaged me. Which she did and left some nasty pictures telling me to hurry up and get home. I love this nasty lil bitch. I have to marry her.

I saw a message from a strange number, which isn't odd because girls usually be messaging me tryna link but this message stood out.

"Hey Ty, I think you're wonderful. Wondering if you'd like to meet me sometime. I just want to fuck. I've heard about you and want to see for myself."

I usually get these messages but this one didn't seem right. That number looks familiar but doesn't. Who is this? I didn't reply. I figured I'd wait til I get home to ask Kiara if she knew who it was.

On my way home, that same number called me but I declined it. Just as we turned the corner from my house James and I noticed a car parked down the curb from my house. Which looked suspicious, so we passed the house and decided to wait on the other end to see what was happening.

I called Kiara and asked her how was things at home and told her about the car. She said they saw it earlier but it was gone before I came.

It couldn't be. This cannot be Maria stalking my house.

At that same moment another text came from the number. "I know you have a girlfriend, maybe that's why you're not replying to me. She can't fuck you like I do. I can come to your when she's gone if you want." 

I sent Kiara the screenshot of the message and asked her if she knew this number. She said no but it looks familiar. I wonder if this is one of Maria's numbers. I noticed that she had two phones when they came over for dinner.

If this bitch is texting me Amma kill her ass. She needs to be dealt with.

We finally drove up to the driveway after 2 hours of watching the car on the curb. It went away but we couldn't see who was driving. The tint was extra dark and it had no license plates. Strange.

I got inside and checked the camera footage and rolled a joint wondering how to handle this Maria situation. Should I call the police or deal with it myself?

Kiara interrupted my thoughts when she came rushing in and handed me my phone. "Babe, it's Maria. I did some research and it's her other number, she called Justin one night on that number while he was taking a shower but I never said anything. Now I know why it looks familiar. She even called my phone looking for him."

"For real? She really wants to play this game?"  I asked while looking at Kiara with a mischievous smirk.

"Babe, I say we play along. Get her vulnerable and we kill and bury her ass. Teach her a fucking lesson."  Kiara said while smirking at me. "We're on the same page baby girl. Let's reply to her and see what she has up her sleeve." I said while getting my phone.

Me: maybe we can but I don't know who you are. Is this how you introduce yourself?

+1-404-5555-515: oh, you finally replied. I'm sorry but my name is Melody and I'm from downtown Atlanta. And I'd like to take you out on a date

Me: okay. That could work. Let me check my schedule then I'll get back to you

+1-404-5555-515: okay, it'll be worth it. I can treat you better than your girl. This pussy is to die for 😏

Me: we'll see about that. How about Friday night? I'm free that night

+1-404-5555-515:  I'll send you the details of the reservation tomorrow

"Babe can't I tag along and slug her out when he gets out of the car?" I looked at Kiara and started laughing before I could even answer. "No babe, that would make us go to jail. We have to do this with caution and precision."

"Mm baby. You know I love when you talk like that. Come get this pussy." Kiara said while dragging me to the bed.

Maria's POV

Dam. She fell for the bait. She took too long to get home and still wasted my time waiting for her reply.

Oh shit, what will she do when she sees me instead of "Melody"? I'll just tell her I had to trick her so she could hear me out and accept my apology. And that I wanted her instead of Justin.

I think I fucked up. What if this all goes wrong?

Get it together Maria. You can do this. And finally get Kiara out of the picture for good.

Justin came home and brought me wings and flowers. "I'm sorry if I seem stressful babe. Just trying to make peace between everyone and make sure we have a healthy baby." He said while placing kisses all over me.

"Awww, I love you baby. Let's eat and you can rub my feet after. They've been hurting for a while now." I replied.

He wants to be nice but I know he misses Kiara, that's why he's been acting strange and trying to protect her. He's supposed to be worried about me and  our child. But that little puta will be out of the picture soon enough.

Let me focus on finding a restaurant and making Ty forgive me for now. Fuck Justin.