Ruby walked towards where she dropped Alusec and picked him back up.

"You look like you're not from around here..." The teenage girl inquired to which Ruby nodded affirmatively.

"My name is Rin, you can stay in my place for the time being, since you don't have anywhere to go." The teenage girl offered.

Ruby wanted to decline but she stared at the unconscious Alusec and nodded.

"Is he dead?" Rin asked.

"No, he's just wounded and asleep," Ruby replied.

Rin nodded and guided her out of the forest while explaining what happened with those men.

Apparently, Rin had a power that allowed her to tell where the flaw and weakness of any beast or person was. They asked her to join them in hunting a Unlinjor, which was a powerful beast that was impervious to physical attacks, her own task was to guide them and tell them where to attack, which she did. After they took down the beast they shared it into several parts but she wasn't given to her cut and she decided to take the heart which was the most important part of the body which resulted in what happened earlier.

They finally exited the forest after twenty minutes of walking and what greeted their sight was a small settlement with fairly developed houses made from wood and soil.

Most of the houses there looked siheyuan styled.

"Welcome to the Muremeu City... one of the ten cities on Ritler island," Rin spoke while they travelled through the streets.

Different stalls could be seen selling varieties.

Most people here were humans and they wore animal hides, it was obvious that hunting was the main occupation here.

They continued transversing through the streets, Ruby had already lost count of the number of turns they made.

It was finally night time as one red large moon poked out of the sky with five small moons on it's left and right.

They finally got to a silent area with a small courtyard at the end. Rin walked towards the courtyard and Ruby followed suit. They got to the entrance and Rin opened the door, letting Ruby in. They entered the main house and Rin led Ruby to a small room in which she dropped Alusec on the bed.

Before sleeping that night Ruby applied the medicinal plants on Alusec's body and decided to inquire more about the place the next day but she also wondered why the teenage girl lived alone.

Days passed by as Ruby's daily routine was to apply medicine, hunt for food, and learn more about where the rift led them to. Rin was very helpful and assisted Ruby in whatever she did.

During this time Ruby learnt that they were on planet Flokz, which was surrounded by a body of teal green colored water, with scary sea monsters lurking in their oceans.

There were mainly islands all around the planet.

The only problem was the fact that she had no idea if the Miracule Mansion was connected to this planet or not. She would have to wait for Alusec to come to, first before she could find out.


-Back to the present

After going through a trip down memory lane, Alusec was feeling apologetic towards Ruby for what she went through for him.

'I said I wasn't going to put anyone in harm's way, but yet I still acted stupidly and burdened her.' Alusec thought with remorsefulness.

Alusec remembered what he saw from her memory and recollected that the checkpoint that could lead them back to the Miracule mansion was on the other side of the planet.

'we would have to remain here for the time being'

"Ruby thank you..." Alusec spoke with appreciation.

"It was nothing Master, I exist to serve after all. The person that actually deserves thanks is... " Ruby smiled while holding on to Alusec hand and speaking but before she could complete her sentence...


"The Underwater tournament of warriors is finally here!" Rin barged into the room while shouting with excitement.

"Hmmm?" Rin felt that the atmosphere was strange and squinted her eyes before noticing that Alusec was awake.

"Ahh.... am I interrupting? she shrieked shyly. 'He's actually alive, I thought she was holding on to a dead person and just didn't want to accept reality' Rin thought foolishly.

"Tournament?" Alusec asked.

"The one you were telling me about that happens when all eleven moons are full?" Ruby inquired.

"Yes, big sis Ruby.... it's taking place three months from now." Rin and Ruby had already formed a sisterly bond in the last two months and no one dared bully Rin since when Ruby arrived with Alusec. Everyone was afraid of the ruthless demoness.

"This time the requirements are pretty high.... only moon transformation level beings and above can participate in it.... I'm sure that even alphas would be participating.... But the rewards are wonderful too..." Rin kept explaining while Ruby and Alusec listened attentively, feeling intrigued.

"The reward for the first place is a Demon lightning fruit which is said to increase the cultivation of an Alpha or omega by a level.... if someone at my level could get this fruit, increasing by five or six levels should not be a problem.... the top ten rewards are not bad too, they're given the chance to train at the Rihumi temple for two months, it is said that two months there is equivalent to two years in the outside world and cultivation is much faster there." Rin finished explaining.

'The demon lightning fruit'

Alusec was in his thoughts after hearing what Rin said. He hadn't told anyone that some of his sources dried up after he was imprisoned and bound by the source draining shackles. He would have to visit dangerous and extreme regions before reviving them, but if he could get this fruit he could revive one of his sources which was very paramount and destructive in nature. He would still have to visit dangerous regions even if he revived this source but he will have less dangerous places to visit. As for the reward of training, he felt like it wasn't needed.

"Can anyone join this tournament?" Alusec asked.

"Yes... this tournament welcomes warriors from far and near.... even warriors from our island are going to participate in it." Rin answered.

"I'm participating." Alusec stated his intentions and Rin stared at him like he was retarded.

"With those injuries, I'm afraid that in the next two years you would still be bedridden," Rin stated.

"What injuries? These?" Alusec said while pointing at himself.

"I'll be completely healed in one month's time," Alusec said with confidence.

Rin stared at Ruby waiting for her to refute him but she was disappointed when Ruby said nothing, 'no wonder they say that love blind.... she can't see that there's no way that he's going to be healed in even one year talk less of one month.' Rin only thought of this but didn't actually say it out loud, she only prayed that she would not be blinded by love one day.


In a corner of the galaxy, a black and red colored sword could be seen floating in space. Dried blood stains were on the hilt, which made it obvious that the sword had been drifting in space for a long time.


A hand wrapped in white band-aids grabbed onto the hilt, "This is?...." The voice was laced with shock and excitement.

"The Void piercer!"

"Dried blood stains?" The owner of the voice noticed the blood, ".....from what I remember only him can ignite it..... That means he's alive..." The person made a hand sign with his left hand.


A small portal the size of a palm appeared and he put the sword in it.