Inquiring about the tournament

In a small courtyard at the corner of a street, voices conversing could be heard coming from within.

"Where is this tournament taking place?" Alusec inquired while trying to sit up.

"Beni Capital City... it's located underwater, almost on the other side of the planet." Rin replied.

"Oh... Underwater tournament of warriors, now I get it.... but I don't recall this planet having an underwater city named Beni.... if I remember correctly there were two civilizations that were located underwater, Fenio and Nakamura city, and they were always at odds with one another..." Alusec held his chin as he spoke.

"Fenio and Nakamura city was annexed several thousand years ago and is currently named Beni Capital city.... It is the greatest city on Planet Flokz, said to contain advance mechanism and technology with tall buildings, their city is covered by a large barrier that not only keeps the sea monsters away but can also protect them from the attacks of a lower celestial being. It is a city that everyone dreams of visiting." Rin explained while Ruby only sat on the bed with a blank expression, she was tired of hearing this fangirl speak about Beni city. This was not the first time she was hearing this.

"Wow... a lot of things can change in half a million years. Who knew that they would later come to terms and live together. Farilio, your dreams later came true." Alusec was awed by the development after remembering the way both cities shared a contemptible relationship.

'Who is Farilo?... Did he just say half a million years?.... he's joking right?' Rin stared at the side of Alusec's face in contemplation.

'I know they seem powerful but even gods are not half a million years old... For big sis Ruby to call him master, he must have been pretty powerful in his hay day....maybe as powerful as a god?.... what a ridiculous thought... a god in my small courtyard... hehehe.' Rin laughed at her ridiculous thought oblivious to the fact that it was true, but she still decided to ask, "Erm.... sir Alusec... how old are you?" She finally threw out the question that was bugging her.

"Age?..." Alusec stared at the roof with an uncertain look.

After staring at the ceiling for seconds with a thoughtful gaze, Alusec brought his gaze back down and settled it on Rin,

"I don't remember." Alusec finally answered.

Rin; "..." 'He doesn't even remember his own age.... what the hell does that mean?'

"Why do you ask? Is there an age limit for entering the competition?" Alusec asked.

'He's still thinking about entering the tournament..... he's going get himself killed. ' Rin thought while staring at Alusec hopelessly.

"There is no age limit, the only prerequisite is for you to have a weapon and cultivation, not above the Alpha level," Rin responded.

"Alpha level huh?" Alusec raised his right arm up and tightened his fist, trying to feel his energy.

Alusec closed his eyes and his consciousness was dragged to another space. This space was dark and filled with countless glowing dots like stars in the galaxy but the difference was the color. The glowing dots had different colors; red, blue, white, green, e.t.c.

This was Alusec's source world, originally a person's source world will be the size of a small room when he or she was at the esei level but when a person got to the celestial level their source world will be as wide as a mountain or a sea with the stars having only one color based on their source.

Alusec source world was different, it was as vast as the galaxy, with different colors of stars but right now the stars didn't cover everywhere.

"I should be able to recover to the level of an alpha before the tournament begins," Alusec stated while examining his source world.

"Alpha?... did he just say Alpha?... we don't even have one of them on this island... they can only be found in Beni city or other islands with powerful warriors." Ruby was shocked when she heard what Alusec said.

"The only problem now is the Weapon....I lost the void piercer and can't contact Miracule and Vitu...." Alusec was still speaking when he was interrupted.

"Not to worry sir Alusec... we have the finest blacksmiths here in Ritler Island... When you're ready I'll take you to meet Old man Pablo he's so good that people come from other islands to make orders." Rin offered while smiling.

"Alright... but even if I were to fight without a weapon I would still win," Alusec stated with pride, an aura of confidence blooming around him.

Rin understood where his confidence came from, even those chasing her the other day were not even up to the esei level yet, while he was apparently stronger than an alpha in his hay day but she still decided to add,

"There are rumors flying around about that last winner of the tournament which was, well over seventy years ago is participating in this years' own.... and at that time he was just at the sky transformational level.... seventy years is a lot of time for improvement." Rin decided to inform Alusec beforehand.

Alusec just showed a nonchalant attitude and replied, "It doesn't matter... If I dare to wage war with even gods, then which mortal dares to stand in my way?"

Rin; 'what is he saying?.... looks like his injuries have affected his brain.'

Rin obviously didn't say this out loud but she felt that Alusec was only bragging.


After Ruby and Rin left to go hunting again, Alusec sat up, crossed his leg, and started meditating to recover from his injuries faster.


He breathed out slowly, holding his breath afterward, for about several minutes. A mist began to gather in the room.


when he breathed in this time, a vortex of mist was gathering at his nose area flowing into his body through his nostrils.

Alusec repeatedly did this, while the whole house was already filled with mist. From outside the courtyard, it could be seen that clouds were being dispersed into mist and gathering over the surroundings of the house.

This was a breathing technique that Alusec was using to heal his inner injuries, gathering energy from nature.

Alusec remembered when his master taught him this breathing technique eons ago. He also remember passing on this technique to his Master's descendants who were no longer in this world.

'They will pay!.... I'm going to slaughter every last one of them.... Rivers of blood will flow from the heavens when I tear them into pieces and feed their remnants to the dogs.'


After three days of staying indoor and using the breathing technique, Alusec was finally able to lift himself up without assistance and walk.

Alusec was tired of taking medicine every day, Ruby would always bring back some beast organs every day and Concoct them into medicine for him to take. The bitterness always made his stomach churn.

Gods do not need to eat to survive but because of the injuries Ruby always forced him to eat.

Whenever it was time to apply medicine on his body, the demoness would never pity him, even when he was screaming like a pregnant woman in labor, she would always say,

'This is for your own good master, now be quiet!... Tsk! Tsk! a powerful god screaming like this.... what a shame on your reputation.' There was nothing Alusec could do to stop her as she was currently stronger than him.