A Domineering Sacred King

-"Who is this monster? Will our island be safe with such a being around?" A lot of the powerhouses had these questions in mind.

On the crown of the tree, the man on dreadlocks finally smirked, making the atmosphere brighten up.

"Success!" He said and opened his eyes. The energy alone that radiated out from opening his eyelids caused the air to tremble.

This man was none other than Alusec.

After standing up Alusec's face returned to its normal aloofness. He stared at the sky feeling his energy soar as the eye in the sky became clearer and clearer. From the eye in the sky, he could see everyone on the island kneeling except for the powerhouses at the supreme level. Even Rin, Ivrena, and Briella were no exception. Ruby was affected but she was still able to stand her ground.

"Oh? do you lot think you're too big to kneel?" Alusec smirked as he spoke. He decided to relax the pressure of the eye and the people returned to their senses but he wasn't done...

"Bow!" Alusec said with an impervious and domineering voice and immediately all the powerhouses felt their legs weaken.

Pum! Pum! Pum! Pum!

In several locations powerhouses at the supreme level fell to the ground kneeling with their heads touching the ground. Some of them were out in the open when this happened so a lot of people were shocked to see them bowing all of a sudden. Not even Patriarch Hong was an exception. He couldn't even wrap his head around what was going on as he bowed down outside his quarters.

"What am I doing? Why won't my body listen to my commands?" This was the question going through their minds as they bowed down.

Alusec nodded and smirked in satisfaction.

"Alright, enough with these childish displays," Alusec said to himself with a chuckle, and the glowing multicolored stars in the skies started disappearing one by one.

The pressure surrounding the island vanished completely as the last star disappeared.

The island returned to its initial state as everyone continued their daily activities. A lot of them didn't even recollect what happened due to their weak mental strength but all the cultivators would never forget.

Alusec held his right arm out as he spoke, "Still too weak, Alpha and omega level would still be able to resist,"

"The order of celestials is gone now. If I'm right with my calculations that blue-haired bastard with travel to the divinity realm. If I'm not careful he will locate me before I'm powerful enough to take him on," Alusec stated his observations as he tried to come up with the next line of action.

Fwooom! Fwooom! Fwoooom!

The sounds of flapping wings were heard and Alusec turned to his left with a slight smile on his face. He already knew who it was.

From a distance of more than a thousand meters above the sky, a giant reddish-brown kunpeng was flying towards the Alusec's position.

The Kunpeng arrived above the tree in a second and flew down slowly while morphing into a beautiful lady with a red floral patterned, flare traditional-looking gown.

She landed opposite Alusec, staring into his eyes with her beautiful red pupils. She smiled beautifully as she said, "Congratulations master, you've broken through again and it's only been a month and a half since you regained consciousness,"

"Ruby, you know this is nothing, I was able to recover to this level fast because of the residual energy I absorbed from the diminishing void," Alusec reminded Ruby since he had already explained to her everything that happened.

"I need to recover as fast as possible so I can send those bastards and everything they hold dear to the afterlife... if I have to destroy the entire celestial realm to get my revenge, I won't hesitate to... it's not like the universe can't survive without gods anyway," Alusec said with a dark glint at the corner of his eyes. He was done playing nice after everything he found out while checking Viloria's memories. He had the urge to end the entire celestial realm and make the celestials go extinct after all he found out.

'Should I make use of it?' He thought but immediately cast it aside, 'Everything might be reduced to nothingness, including Ruby and Rhadelia,' Alusec stared into Ruby's' eyes as he was in his thoughts making Ruby's heart skip a beat. He knew that he only needed to say the word and Ruby would die for him if he willed it. Of her own accord of course.

"The tournament is only one and a half months away... I still have to train those kids," Alusec returned back to reality as he said while reaching for Ruby's hair, pinching and removing the fragment of a small leaf.

Ruby's cheeks slightly reddened but she decided not to lose focus, "Master when are you're heading to the Baki clan, I and Rin are coming with you, I also need to see that stinky dragon uncle... I can't believe he's alive," Ruby stated her intentions. She had also been quite acquainted with Rhadelia back in the day and she also didn't want Alusec to disappear again for ten days like before.

Alusec nodded, "They'll accommodate us even if they don't want to,"

"I need to get that demon lightning fruit, for my plans to move to the next phase," Alusec said solemnly.

"Master, why don't we just rob it off them?" Ruby asked with a curious but innocent look.

Alusec; "..." 'Robbing isn't an action befitting of a god for goodness sake,' Alusec was speechless about Ruby's thought process, she had innocent looks but as they say, looks can be deceiving and she was a living example of that.

"On a second thought, that does make sense but instead of stealing or robbing anything... they'll be gifting it to us," Alusec held his chin in thought, "The only problem is that this planet is strange,"

"Hmm? How so master?" Ruby asked with a look of curiosity.

"Haven't you noticed that this planet is not contracted to any god?" Alusec pointed out, making Ruby's eyes widen in realization, 'I'm so stupid... I have good senses but I'm not observant enough,' Ruby chided herself in her mind while Alusec continued, "That means there is no god figure on this planet but should we be relieved or wary?" Alusec paused for a while before continuing, "There seems to be a veil of mystery surrounding this planet so I still want us to tread softly and see how things unfold. I will participate in this tournament, who knows it might prove to be more interesting than we expected.... but if it ends up disappointing my expectations, we'll just take what we came for and travel to the closest Miracule checkpoint," Alusec stated out his plans for the upcoming tournament.

Ruby nodded in understanding. She suddenly remembered something and asked, "Master when are you going to hunt more crabs, our rations are already thinned out, Rin needs more of those crabs blood to strengthen her constitution,"

"You naughty lasses all you lot think about is food," Alusec said while pinching her cheeks.

"Owie," She exclaimed with happiness instead of pain.

Ruby and Rin were similar in the aspect of eating. They both liked food a lot and had an insatiable appetite. They had already eaten a whole mountain of crabs in less than a month. Ruby was a picky eater and had a taste for good quality but she had to admit that the crab lord's meat had a very good taste.