Light & Darkness

Triac stood by himself basking in the colorful mist of a nebula, dancing and humming with his eyes closed. The melody was the one the slaves had sung during the Emuri. As he was miming dancing on the Demon King's head, a flash of white and red light appeared before him.

"Ahem." Raguel cleared his throat to get Triac's attention. Triac opened his eyes, but didn't stop humming or dancing. He shot a smile at Raguel, before finally coming to a stop.

"Do you love music, Raguel?" Triac asked with a distant gaze.

"Well- yes. Of course, Lord. But...why?" Raguel stammered.

"The people of Vinetum are calling out to me with beautiful music," Triac sighed, "I need to find a way to reach them. The Demon King's barrier is too nefarious." He frowned fiercely as his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Oh? I thought such praises wouldn't reach you unless they spoke your name." Raguel curiously prodded for more information.

"Someone did invoke my name, with a voice worthy of stars. I believe he's the one you're here to tell me about." Triac gave a knowledgeable smile to Raguel in anticipation of his report.

Raguel's eyes widened in surprise. Was it really Anak? Raguel decided to directly make his report. He told Triac everything he had observed about Anak, his power, his character, and his personality. Most of all he mentioned the absurd rate of growth, reaching his current nearly adult form in only a year.

Triac nodded in understanding. "I had considered the possibility, but I never imagined he was capable of doing such a thing this early into his reign. It must have to do with Death." Triac muttered to himself in thought.

"My lord?" Raguel inquired at these incomprehensible words.

Triac smiled at Raguel. "This is why I like you, Raguel. You're never afraid to reveal your thirst for knowledge. Very well, pay attention. I will tell you." Triac gestured for Raguel to relax himself, and they both took a seat upon a nearby asteroid belt.

"The Demon King has warped the natural time cycle of Vinetum. That is the only explanation for this growth rate." Triac patiently explained like a professor beginning a difficult concept. "Its possible he's compressed as much as a century into the span of a single year. The civilization they've established alone is far more advanced than they should be capable of at this time. Even the Book of War wouldn't help them so much on it's own." Triac wore a look of heavy consternation as he let Raguel in on this secret. "Since he holds authority over all of Vinetum, its within his capability. Also, I suspect the intricate ties Death has with Time have improved The Demon King's ability to wield this power."

Raguel's face showed a flash of terror, and he cried out, "This is intolerable! Lord, what must I do?" Raguel adopted a kneeling posture before Triac, as he begged for guidance under the burden of this new knowledge.

"Do not worry." Triac lifted up Raguel's chin with a fatherly smile. "I will go to Vinetum myself, to perceive the faults in the time cycle. Then I can make a perfect judgement." This wasn't arrogance, but fact.

"But Triac," Raguel directly called him by name as concern seeped into his tone, "You cannot exist in the same place as darkness. You are the light. How will you approach without breaching paradox and shattering your creation?"

Triac looked wistfully into the distance towards the direction of the far-off Vinetum. "That is true. But on Vinetum, I have found a spark of light. Rather, I should say you have. It will be enough to do what needs to be done."

"You mean Anak?" Raguel asked with a pleased expression. If Anak could be an agent of the Most High it could potentially accelerate their plans forward significantly.

"Mm." Triac nodded in agreement. "His heart is like the brightest star, shining and pure. He even shared that light with those in the darkest depths of despair already. I like him." The Most High concluded simply.

Raguel nodded with a smile. "Shall I go ahead of you?" He thought perhaps he could prepare Anak for Triac's arrival.

"No," Triac grinned with a twinkle in his eye, "I want this to be a surprise. Besides, I need you with me right now. I'm going to Uriel." Triac gave Raguel a knowing stare.

Raguel nodded, "You want me to convince her to leave Pihiru and come with you?"

Uriel was infamous for her reluctance to ever leave her planet, named Pihiru, which she had carefully cultivated into a world of her liking. She behaved like a parent unable to leave their young child out of fear of the trouble they may find. However, Raguel and Uriel had a bond that extended to their days as nebulae, one that power or rank differences had never impeded upon. Even when she was chosen ahead of him for promotion, she was always willing to defer to his opinion if necessary.

Triac nodded. "Her Archetype of Piercing Flame and your Archetype of Peace and Justice will be incredibly helpful." Triac left it at that, knowing Raguel wouldn't let him down.

Together the pair vanished in the distance towards Uriel's pill-shaped planet.


A morbid throne made of human flesh and bone stood tall in the middle of a rocky, magma lined hall. The hall was miles wide, and many miles longer, various demons roaming the grounds in their repulsive forms. On the throne sat the Demon King, with a regal posture and his eyes flaring with pride and malice. He emitted a kingly aura that had not been present before. This lava field was situated deep in Vinetum's planetary core, from which the Demon King intended to thoroughly instill his reign. He had built this cavern himself and brought it to the core, the magma merely a side-effect of some minor design flaws as it was trans-located to the six-thousand degree pool of liquid metal.

Before the Demon King knelt a man-shaped being, in fine black and purple robes with a sharp collar. It was the avatar of Armaros, the arachnoid traitor star.

"Great Demon King," Armaros began effusing vain praise the Demon King's way.

"Stop," The Demon King cut him off. "I am now the Demon King Asmodeus. The first name of many." He revealed a draconic grin.

Armaros' eyes gaped in awe. "Asmodeus," he whispered to himself. Ruler of Demons, King of Nothing; it was befitting. It seemed he had truly been acknowledged as the entity Asmodeus, and he wouldn't stop there.

His voice leaking a hint of joy and terror at once, Armaros finally brought up his primary reason for being in this place. "Demon King Asmodeus, your manipulation is on the verge of exposure. Raguel has taken notice of Azazel's seed."

"Raguel," Asmodeus muttered. "Triac gave him that prestigious Peace and Justice Archetype specifically to counter me. Damn son of a bitch." He cursed with flame shooting out of his nostrils. "Anything else?"

"Yes," Armaros nodded hurriedly, "Raguel gave Azazel one year to figure out what happened with the boy, after which he will return and make his judgement."

"So, in other words, we have one year to complete this stage before Triac intervenes." the Demon King Asmodeus interrupted, a crooked grin revealing his yellowed fangs, "Well, that's not so bad. Let's just crank up the volume." A manic giggle escaped his maw as he concluded.

Armaros' eyes gleamed with a mad light, "You mean you'll increase the acceleration?" Armaros' heart beat rapidly as visions of the natural order in chaos swam through his mind, his malformed wings grating together in a harsh chorus of joy.

"To the max." Asmodeus spread his six arms wide in a stance of supremacy, the offset wing-flaps billowing in the surging heat waves wafting about the room. "Furthermore, I have a job for you. Do it well, and you'll earn the generalship of my forces." The Demon King showed a genial smile, making Armaros' cackle.

"Oh, Asmodeus, your face is looking far too pleasant. Did you swallow something tasty?" Armaros wheezed through his laughter. Asmodeus, rather than being angry, laughed together with him.

"I think I have," intoned Demon King Asmodeus ominously. "Now, regarding your duty..."The Demon King narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, yes. What do you need?" Armaros impatiently raised his head. Formality was not his strong suite.

"Open up the seals slightly. Make sure it looks like a mistake." Asmodeus wore a mostly serious expression for once. It seemed the nature of the name Asmodeus had a minor effect on his character.

"If you say so," Armaros agreed with a wicked grin, "but won't that make things easier for your enemy too?" It was obvious what he meant by enemy.

The Demon King scowled, "He already has a way in. That bastard always has his damn tricks. Besides, you said yourself, He won't arrive for another year." His scowl softened slightly, "This is to tempt the unaffiliated spirits to my kingdom, before trapping them inside. Like prey in one of your webs, Armaros." Asmodeus winked at the arachnoid star with a sly smirk.

"Got it. Then, I'll take my leave." Armaros left with a bow.

"You do that." The Demon King licked his lips hungrily as he stared at the departing back of his collaborator. Just when would he finally be able to completely swallow him up? He couldn't stand the wait.