Know the Truth

Anak groggily opened his blurry eyes, sitting up on a hard, dusty floor. He rubbed his eyelids and looked at his dimly lit surroundings. Seeing all the napping people around him, including Tzipora and Urmu on either side of him, Anak recalled the events of the prior night.

After his story and demonstration, the party had gone on more passionately than before, going into the early hours of the morning. Anak had even brought down some of the food and delicacies he'd bought that day, including wine. It became a true party at that point, and everyone reveled in the good food, music, wine, and each other's company. Anak smiled to himself, allowing his mind to linger in the memory.

Suddenly, with wide eyes, Anak jumped to his feet. He'd almost forgotten. Today was the third day. The day when he would make his request to the king. Anak nudged the snoring Tzipora with his foot, trying to wake her. He wanted her to come with him, so she wouldn't even have to start work. He felt strangely optimistic at his chances, despite the odds against him. He was greatly encouraged by the Emuri last night and was grateful to Yothr and Tzipora for inviting him.

Tzipora slowly blinked her eyes open, looking very annoyed. She felt like she had a hornet's nest in her head, and her throat was achingly parched."What do you want?" She asked wearily.

Anak laughed at her obvious symptoms of a hangover, "Today's the day. Remember what I told you?"

Tzipora blankly looked back as the last vestiges of sleep and alcohol disrupted her thought processes, but she gasped suddenly and sat up, all traces of exhaustion completely wiped away by a look of anticipation. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" She loudly called out, eliciting weary groans from the hungover slaves trying to sleep around her. Urmu mumbled incoherently before descending right back into the land of dreams.

Anak nodded, grinning, and helped her to her feet. When they stepped out from Tzipora's house, the sun was already high in the sky. "Damn. I have no idea how long we slept." Anak moaned. "Come on, I have to go back home first." He tried pulling Tzipora along with him in a dash to his house, but she firmly pulled back.

"Why? Can't we do that later? Let's go to the palace first!" Tzipora impatiently pouted, unable to contain all the roiling waves of tension, joy, hope, and fear in her chest. She just wanted to make their request and get an answer as soon as possible. Not knowing what would happen just made her all the more nervous.

"I need to make myself presentable. If I show up before the king in dirt stained clothes, smelling like sweat and wine, I'm more likely to be thrown in a dungeon than convince him of anything." Anak patiently explained. He could understand Tzipora's thoughts, but he couldn't afford to make any mistakes either.

Tzipora sighed in agreement as she allowed herself to be led by Anak to his grand manor. He quickly bathed, and dressed in his finest clothes. The outer robes were made completely of metallic thread, not glistening but a cold abyssal black. It was something Edo had gifted him the night they made a connection. Anak had held off on wearing it specifically for this day. Underneath he wore a simple red tunic with some old thread interwoven in a pattern on the chest. He combed his curly hair in a vain attempt to smooth it out.

While Anak was getting dressed, Eva was sitting with Tzipora in the lounge room, as Tzipora questioned her endlessly about Triac. Eva was happy to answer her questions; talking with someone new about her old friend felt comforting and invigorating all at once.

"You really didn't know he was God?" Tzipora asked bemusedly. "The old leaders knew at first glance just from his divine aura." She chuckled at what she perceived as absurdity.

Eva blushed, "Well you know, me and Edo had that same aura too, before..." her voice trailed off sadly.

Tzipora blinked in confusion. There were too many baffling implications to Eva's statement. Finally, she asked the first question that had come to mind.

"How could you have the same aura as God? Are you gods?" Tzipora was slightly apprehensive as she gave voice to this incomprehensible idea that she couldn't shake.

Eva barked out a laugh causing Tzipora to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not making fun, I promise. I just really never thought of it like that." Eva quickly attempted to alleviate Tzipora's embarrassment. "We never thought of ourselves as gods," she continued, "we were just friends. I do remember once, very early on in those years, Edo had asked Triac 'What are we?' Triac just laughed and answered, 'You are Edo, and she is Eva.' He never went beyond that," Eva smiled fondly at the memory. His words were simple, but from his tone it was like their names were shaped from gold, more valuable than any other identity.

"You don't know at all?" Tzipora sighed in disappointment.

Eva's eyes misted over. "Towards the end, he did say something about authority that we had, but..." Eva started to choke up at the thought, and a grey cloud seemed to flicker through her eyes.

The curse in Eva's heart began to manifest, causing her to curl up shivering, tears streaming down her face that was locked in a silent scream. She rocked back and forth in a fit, intermittent moans escaping her throat.

Tzipora rushed to her side in a panic, unsure of what to do or what was happening. She tried shaking Eva back to herself, but she was unresponsive, completely absorbed in the torment of the heavy chains on her heart.

"Anak! Help!" Tzipora called out desperately.

Anak, already heading their way after finishing his preparations, rushed into the room when he heard the terrified call for aid. Seeing his mother's condition, Anak immediately pulled out a small vial of clear liquid from a pouch on his waist. He hurriedly cracked open the vial and poured the liquid down Eva's slack jaw. Her shivering rapidly subsided and eventually she regained her composure. Tzipora was still clutching her worriedly.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Tzipora was nearly in tears from the sudden episode.

"It's a curse." Anak let anger seep into his tone, and his eyes were aflame with rage. "The damnable Demon King cursed my mother." He clenched his fists tight before taking a deep breathe and sitting by Eva's side, and putting an arm around her. "What triggered it, Mom? Don't tell me you were talking about that day."

Anak shot a worried glance at Tzipora. He was afraid of how she would feel about the fact that it was his father that gave over the world to the Demon King. Even if they were ultimately his victims as well, she may not look at it that way. The state of her tribe could easily be attributed to the state the world fell into under the reign of the Demon King.

Eva smiled at Anak comfortingly. "I'm fine. Thank you for your help." She gestured with her eyes between Anak and Tzipora, indicating to him that he should tell Tzipora. Anak hesitated for a moment, but with the encouragement from his mother he steeled his courage. He didn't really want to hide anything from Tzipora anyway; he was just afraid.

Tzipora watched in silence, knowing a big decision was being made, even without anyone speaking.

Anak sighed, and let go of Eva, "Alright, Mom, but please leave the room." Eva nodded, understanding her son's concerns. The Demon King's curse had just been triggered after all.

"Tzipora..." After Eva left Anak apprehensively began the story, telling from the beginning what he knew. His tone was soft and his gaze aimed low. Even though he wasn't directly involved, he still felt some shame. By the conclusion his head was hung low, waiting in what seemed like eternal silence for Tzipora's answer.

A cool, gentle touch caressed his chin, bringing Anak's face upward. Tzipora stared into his eyes, not with the resentment or bitterness he feared, but a profound compassion lingering in her gaze. Suddenly Tzipora pecked Anak on the lips. "You silly person, why do you look so down? You know I don't blame you right? A lot of this spiritual stuff is really beyond me, you'd have to talk to my father about that. All I know is you and your family have been very good to me, and..." Tzipora winked slyly at Anak while bushing, "I think I just might like you."

Initially stunned at the sudden kiss, Anak beamed widely as he cheekily responded, "You like me, huh? Oh, man. I don't know, that's a lot to hear all at once." He looked at Tzipora mischievously.

"Shut up, you." Tzipora pushed Anak away and stood up marching a small distance away, feigning annoyance with a playful expression. Anak smiled wolfishly as he closed the distance, embracing her from behind.

"I kinda like you too," he whispered in her ear. When Tzipora turned her head to respond, Anak quickly locked her into a kiss. After a brief moment of surprise, Tzipora allowed herself to lean into it.

Eva, having returned with a fine dress for Tzipora to wear, peered from the doorway joyously. She thought to herself that moments like these did more for her heavy heart than any Divine Nectar. After carefully laying the dress on a chair by the door, she quietly sneaked away so as not to disturb the burgeoning romance.