The King's Favor

Anak and Tzipora stood at the gate of the palace grounds, hand in hand, appearing like a royal couple in their resplendent attire. Other than Anak's fine black and red accoutrements, the dress worn by Tzipora was sleeveless and adorned by beautiful blue patterns on a green silk background, with a yellow sash tied tightly about her waist.

Anak was waiting for the guards, who were distracted by busybodies in the passing pedestrians who tried to get into the palace for no real reason. He smiled reassuringly at Tzipora, who was fidgeting with a tassel on her sash nervously.

"Just follow my lead," Anak instructed as a guard approached.

"Young lord Anak, we've been expecting you. I apologize for making you wait." The guard bowed towards Anak respectfully. He didn't even glance at Tzipora. He considered her to be a mere slave accompanying her master; most likely a house slave, based on her dress. Tzipora was used to this kind of treatment and kept a straight face.

"No need. Please, lead the way." Anak's brows were furrowed slightly at the treatment of Tzipora, but now wasn't the time to make a scene.

The grim-faced guard led the way stiffly. He was likely a new recruit who still tried to be as serious in his duty as possible. He led them through the main palace doors, past the foyer, finally escorting them into the spacious throne room.

The room was lined on either side by high columns with images depicting the expansion of the Haskud Kingdom. Standing between these columns were the various courtiers, nobility, and royalty. Even Mammon, the unscrupulous merchant, was in attendance. Oddly, Edo and Eva were not in attendance.

A vertical strip of crimson fur-carpeting led the eye up a marble staircase, at the top of which a pedestal held the ornate throne. Beside the throne stood nearly half the Magus' Council, serving as advisors and confidants. King Gel-ad sat regally upon his chair, head held high like the air itself was beneath him, while a simple circlet of gold with an onyx in the center was perched atop his head.

The soldier stepped to the side, gesturing for the pair to proceed. Tzipora looked around nervously at all the disdainful gazes being shot like knives at her slave collar, as judgemental murmurs flitted about the aristocratic crowd. Anak defiantly grabbed her hand and began walking forward, silencing the majority. Anak wasn't someone a sane person would offend just over something like a single slave girl.

Unfortunately, extravagance breeds insanity. A mocking laugh echoed from the pedestal. Behind the throne, in the line-up of the king's many daughters and two sons, one of those sons was barking like a mad dog. "Is he in love with that slave? Why's he holding her hand?" Bellowed the uncouth prince, Sig. He foolishly believed this to be some sort of insult, but it was more or less true.

Anak ignored the display with great effort and, after reaching the foot of the stairs, knelt before King Gel-ad, Tzipora following suite.

"My king, I have come as you commanded." Anak respectfully bowed his head.

Gel-ad nodded in approval, and offered a small smile. "A little late, but here none the less," He cracked. "Have you decided what it is you want?" He stared at Tzipora with twinkling, bemused eyes. The way he saw it, Anak would either ask for this girl's freedom, or to simply let her be his. The report about the work Anak did the other day didn't concern him in the slightest. That was more than likely just a measure to earn the girl's favor, and impress her with his prowess. To him, Anak was a child, with a childish infatuation.

Anak took a deep breathe, then raised bis head to meet the king's eyes, shocking everyone. "I wish to bring an end to the practice of slavery." Silence hit the throne room like a sudden wave; not even breathing could be heard. All at once, the courtiers on either side roared out in protest and rage, especially the nobility who most frequently relied on slave labor. The Magus' Council members in attendance were eyeing Anak warily, while King Gel-ad held a distorted expression of confusion and frustration. This just got a lot bigger than he bargained for.

"Silence!" The Captain of the Guard standing by the throne slammed his spear butt into the hard marble pedestal floor, bringing order to the chaotic, unruly nobles.

"Thank you, Sam-el." King Gel-ad thanked his captain, then turned his attention back to Anak. "Do you understand what you're asking, boy?" His tone was harsh and stinging.

Anak flinched, but he still nodded, "I have a better way." Anak insisted, his eyes not leaving the King's. "We Armazel Academy students are far better equipped to do this work. I have proven this with my own body. There are many who can attest to this." Anak told from start to finish how he made ten-thousand perfect bricks in three hours.

When he concluded, King Gel-ad shook his head, and sighed deeply. He was now in a difficult position. He would never allow the slaves to go free. They weren't important enough to sacrifice the grand vision he had for his kingdom, which would be far faster and more easily realized on the backs of slaves. He was also loathe to lose such a valuable piece as Anak, which he had all but secured already. He glared fiercely at Tzipora, who had surely been filling this boy's head with all kinds of ridiculous ideas, but then inspiration struck. He wasn't king for nothing, he slyly thought.

"If you can prove that your story is true, I will do as you ask." The king smiled genially at Anak.

Anak's eyes burned with hope and anticipation. This was exactly what he had been hoping for when he took those actions. "Of course, my king! There were many in attendance who can confirm, some even among your courtiers." Anak quickly cried out.

"Oh? Is this true?" The king aimed his gaze to the sides of the room.

A brief moment of silence later, all the present courtiers denied any knowledge of the incident.

Anak glared at them angrily. He should have expected as much. "They weren't the only ones. Many slaves-"

"No, not slaves. I won't take them as witnesses." Gel-ad immediately cut him off.

Anak puffed angrily, nostrils flaring. He considered his options. Aru and Bian were there along with countless soldiers and guards, but they couldn't be counted on any more than the people here. He had one choice. "Alright. A student of the Armazel Academy was with me, Urmu." He pulled out his only reliable witness, "find him and get him to tell you."

King Gel-ad pondered briefly, then gestured to two palace guards, "Go get this Urmu and bring him to me. If he asks what its about... tell him your King commands it." He sent out the pair, and the atmosphere calmed as the people in attendance began patiently waiting. Anak sat directly on the floor.

In the ensuing lull, Sig took this opportunity to indulge in his boorish behavior. He aimed a lustful grin at Tzipora. "Hey, girly. This Anak guy, he's pretty strong, I'll admit, but I'm a genuine prince!" he boasted, his head raising higher with every word. "Come warm my bed instead. You'll get the chance to birth royal children." He held his hand out and his eyes widened, like he expected her to accept his offer.

When Tzipora heard his words she had to contain her laughter. A prince? What was a prince to the child of a star? His mother may even be a goddess, according to what she'd heard before. "I'm sorry... prince," She choked back a giggle at the word prince, "In my eyes Anak stands taller than any king." She couldn't help but include a subtle barb about his inadequacy.

Prince Sig merely guffawed mockingly, too stupid to understand he'd just been mocked himself. "Stands? Yet he bows to my father." He smirked cockily.

Before Tzipora could utter a reply, Anak stood to his feet and said in a monotone, "You've got some balls, huh?" His cool gaze swept across the prince's body like a winter wind.

"Excuse me?!" The ass brayed.

"Well you must have," Anak began slowly advancing towards him, "To so brazenly placed your filthy stare upon Tzipora, let alone speak to her in that manner." The air around Anak began to shimmer like a mirage, but he didn't even notice. His anger burned in his gut like a burning lump of divine copper ore, searing him to the soul. His emotions came out cold, because he could no longer physically express the extent to which he hated this Sig.

Tzipora stood at the base looking on excitedly. Even though she knew it wasn't a smart idea, she couldn't help but root for Anak to get some vengeance for them both.

"Stand still!" King Gel-ad, seeing the direction this was going, hurriedly ordered Anak to desist.

At that moment one of the royal guards sent after Urmu came sprinting inside, "Sir Urmu has arrived." The sound of feet on stone sprinting their way echoed through the ensuing silence as everyone froze in their tracks. Urmu quickly emerged into the chaotic scene, panting for breathe.

"I'm here!" Urmu gasped triumphantly, before looking up to see Anak and Tzipora. He confusedly narrowed his eyes, "Anak? Tzipora? What's going on?" Anak was currently halfway up the marble staircase, his fists clenched, making Urmu slightly panicked. Was his friend picking a fight with the royal family?

"Enchanter Urmu, magus of the Armazel Academy. Is this you?" The king asked directly, and Anak relaxed his tense shoulders, walking down the steps back to Tzipora's side. He nodded in gratitude towards Urmu.

"Yes? How may I help you, my king?" Urmu immediately knelt where he stood.

Gel-ad smiled wryly to himself. How could he help? He could shut his mouth, and go away. The king whined inwardly. Then he suddenly remembered a principle from the Tome of Kings.


King Gel-ad kept his expression neutral as he calculated his next nefarious move. He felt grateful to the mysterious star that had given the Magus' Council the Tome of Kings. With it, he could reign over all. This was his ambition, the ambition of kings. He remembered another verse.



A wicked grin nearly crossed his lips before suppressing it. He would use riches to earn a vassal, and divide his enemies in one maneuver. What did a king need with friends?

Perhaps, if he had received proper instruction from a trustworthy star, he would've recalled the final line of the verse, and the essence of ruler-ship, avoiding future disaster.