
"Urmu," King Gel-ad repeated the name, this time with kindness. "There are some matters you can help with, that is true. But first..." the king looked at the Magus Council members beside him, gesturing with his eyes for their support of his next statement. A few of them arrogantly smirked, tweaking Gel-ad's pride, but he could do nothing to these cocky bastards. If he knew they were the avatars of stars, he would immediately retract this curse.

"If I may, I would like to postpone this weighty issue for a brief moment," Gel-ad waved his hand in a placative gesture towards Anak who began to open his mouth in protest, "I just need to make a few quick policy announcements. With the revelation of the Tome of Kings, some changes have been made." He smiled at Anak like this was normal for issues of court, and in fact it was. When an audience seemed like it would become a larger issue, it would often be put to the side momentarily to handle small announcements and similar quick official business.

The Magus' Council all nodded in agreement, a keen light seemed to flash through all their eyes at once.

"Yes, let's get through these matters of course. Apparently you plan to entertain this imbecile." One annoyed noble sighed through his teeth. He wasn't yet experienced enough in court matters to know the king had no such intention.

Anak heaved a frustrated sigh as he closed his mouth, and let the king continue. He didn't really have any say in the matter anyway.

Oddly, King Gel-ad spoke with his attention solely on Urmu, though his words were addressed to the whole court. "Firstly, I have been informed that the Armazel Academy will begin charging for its services, which only seems fair. They've done so much for practically nothing all this time after all." A sly smile spread across his face. Free housing, food, slaves and servants gifted to them; none of this could be counted as nothing. It was true they had received no official income however.

Urmu gasped and his face paled. He had poured his all into the academy ever since it opened, becoming the most remarkable enchanter of any of the students. It was his second home, but if he had to pay, he had no idea how frequently he could go to a class, or if he even could at all. His family made enough to live relatively comfortably, but certainly not enough to afford any luxuries. Would his father consider paid schooling a luxury?

Gel-ad lightly continued, "Secondly, We will be taking all the currently most talented enchanters of the academy and forming an enchanter's division of the military. The commander of this division will earn noble rank. That person is not yet decided however." As the king finished, his eyes remained locked onto Urmu.

Urmu gasped once again at the obvious implication, seeing hope once again.

"And finally," King Gel-ad could no longer suppress his malicious smile, "The new division will use slaves as research subjects, to discover how to implant enchantments on human bodies. The commander of this division cannot argue with this decision. After all, for the greater good, sacrifices must be made. A commander would understand."

Every word of his last two sentences was shot at Urmu, who felt them drilling into his heart. He thought about his family, who were mere farmers, finally gaining noble titles and noble income. He thought about his siblings who always effused praise for his enchanting prowess, and worked tirelessly in the fields so he could have the time to study. He looked at his friends Anak and Tzipora with heavy eyes.

The king let his last declaration linger, raising a stir amongst his court, the inexperienced noble who'd spoken up before slapped his palm to he front of his face after being enlightened on the king's intentions. He never meant to release any slaves, he was just playing the game. He suddenly gained insights on the nuances of noble tactics.

Anak was shaking with rage, not nearly stupid enough to miss the implications of Gel-ad's announcements. He was using each one to directly drive nails into his friends most vulnerable points. Turning his back to the king, Anak walked to Tzipora's side before turning back around, in a subtle showing of disrespect.

As Gel-ad's lips tweaked in annoyance, the noble from before watched Anak with fascination and approval. It seemed even the smallest of movements could be attacks in the battle of royal affairs.

King Gel-ad decided to get back to the main event. "Now, Urmu, as for how you can help me, Anak says he made ten-thousand perfect bricks in under three hours, and that you helped. Is this true?"

Urmu, still on his knees, was shaking, and he even weakly fell to a full prostrating position, staring at the floor. He was hesitating and sweat droplets formed on his brow, dripping from his nose. Finally, Urmu weakly muttered, "No."

"W-What?!" Anak stammered out. He couldn't believe the answer that left his friend's mouth. He must've heard wrong. There was no other explanation.

King Ge-ad chuckled bemusedly, happy his gamble paid off. "Quite right, Anak. I couldn't hear him either. Say it again, Urmu."

"No. That doesn't sound right, my king." Urmu's voice had firmed. He had taken the step already, he was now prepared to complete his decision to its conclusion. "We tried, but in the end we only made about a hundred decent ones."

As these words entered his ears, Anak felt like he was crashing through a glass floor, and the broken glass around him was stabbing him in the heart repeatedly. He stared dazedly at the person he once thought of as a friend.

After completing his testimony, Urmu directly turned around to leave. Anak, snapping out of his stupor, screamed after him,"What are you doing?!" It was all he could think to ask.

Urmu looked back with eyes in tears, "I'm sorry. I-" His voice started to get strained as his guilt and sorrow threatened to choke him, "I have to think of my family's future." He turned and ran without another word, leaving behind a chorus of murmurs. These words more or less informed the situation for them.

"Urmu!" Anak called after him, conflicted. He was seething at the betrayal, but half of him understood the turmoil that wracked Urmu's heart as well.

"Anak," King Gel-ad redirected the attention back to himself. "We have heard his testimony. It appears the Armazel Academy cannot replace the value of slaves." His tone and demeanor had reverted to the calm, regal bearing he held initially. He had essentially won, but now was the time to go for a clean sweep.

"I cannot free them." Gel-ad began, "But, I won't just refuse you and void my own promise. So, you may free her," The manipulative king began his counter, gesturing lazily to Tzipora, "If you wish." He finished with narrowed eyes. He was implying that since Anak hadn't asked for her freedom specifically, he might not want her to be free. He wanted to force them into a panic, and make hasty decisions that would lead them into his web. He assumed Tzipora's highest priority would be her own freedom, like any rational person who'd found themselves enslaved.

Anak's eyes wavered, and he looked back at Tzipora. After all the ups and downs of this appointment, one final thread of light had appeared amidst the dark, tumultuous waves in his heart.

"No! Anak, don't. If my people are still fated to bondage, I won't leave them to live comfortably myself." Tzipora determinedly stood tall before Anak, countering his hopeful glance with a stare of fiery passion for her brothers and sisters in suffering.

Anak nodded. He knew she wouldn't want that, but he couldn't help but be tempted for a moment. The offer was too nefariously enticing. Seeing someone you care for set free from any burden would always be alluring, even if offered from the tongue of a serpent.

'Your people! I killed all your people!' The king raged inwardly. In his early wars, he had slaughtered every member of the conquered tribes other than a few warriors or useful people like leaders and scribes. He later amended that practice, but by the shade of her skin he could tell she was from the tribe of Medith. He tried to recall who from Medith he'd spared and a person came to mind, "Yothr." The name came unbidden to his lips.

Tzipora shook when King Gel-ad spoke her father's name, her heart palpitating in panic. The king aimed his wolfish grin at her, "I won't just free you, dear. I'll free your father too." He played his final hand. If it worked, he'd keep his slaves and his powerful pawn. If not, he'd only lose one pawn. Albeit a powerful one, but with the Armazel Academy established there would be more.

Tzipora felt the same trembling in her heart as Anak at the temptation of freeing her father. She looked at Anak, and his eyes were pained. She too showed a painful expression. They both knew what they should do. It was hard, but they couldn't accept. This king had shown his predatory colors, and they knew this favor wasn't genuine. He was buying their silence and compliance with favors, and getting everything he wanted in the process.

Anak looked back at King Gel-ad, his expression and tone ice cold, "Your majesty, though I thank you for your kind intentions, I am afraid I must decline this generosity." After finishing this lip-service he sharply turned on his heel and marched out, Tzipora close behind.

King Gel-ad watched Anak turn his back on him once again without regard for his position, but this time he was content. He had prepared to cut his losses on Anak after he demanded freedom for the slaves, and he had gotten a pretty powerful enchanter for a pawn in the process. 'but, these impertinent slaves should be taught a lesson.' The wicked king smiled at the thought.

He failed to notice the furious faces of the Magus' Council beside him. This foolish king just lost their greatest weapon.