The Ancient King

Ker-V'as, King of Tabselem, eyed the hulking figure seated to his left with caution masked by a friendly smile. After hearing his parentage, the old king felt greatly shaken. The figure in question was, of course, Anak, unaware of the king's thoughts. The young hero marvelled at the natural beauty in the hidden world of King Ker-V'as. He had never thought of nature as beautiful, since usually it was trying in some way to kill him. Now, however, he felt awed by the various hues highlighted by a cloudless, bright sky.

"How did you make this?" Anak couldn't hold back the questions burning on the tip of his tongue any longer. "What about your teleportation array? I'd never thought it was possible." His eyes glowed with curiosity.

Ker-V'as laughed, some of the tension in his heart alleviated by the demeanor of the young man. Demi-star or not, he didn't seem like a threat. More than any person on the planet, Ker-V'as understood the heights which such a being could reach, and they were more than terror-inducing. It was an unthinkable domain of power that would leave all but the Most High blinded by its radiance. He could dominate mankind without even a thought, simply by his existence. However, the Anak of today didn't seem at all bent on pursuing the absolute limit of his power. Hopefully it would remain that way.

"I'm afraid I don't even know the exact details of how this pocket world was constructed. It was a gift, you see." The King answered vaguely before moving on. "As for the teleportation array, they're from your king. Gel-ad had them installed in every major city in his kingdom, each with only one destination- Ischuros."

"He's not my king." Anak calmly stated.

"Of course, my apologies." King Ker-V'as replied with a small smile. He took a great deal of satisfaction in any jab at the infamous War King, Gel-ad. Though, he still felt a small twinge of fear at upsetting this potentially explosive hybrid of star and man.

"That does beg the question though; why were you permitted to remain a king?" Anak couldn't help but ask.

With a heavy sigh, Ker-V'as shook his head, but even in spite of his obvious grief, an unbendable pride showed through his gaze. "It was the only way Gel-ad could keep order in Tabselem. The people couldn't bear me being deposed, you see."

Anak could well imagine the implications of this statement. However, thse didn't mesh with what he'd observed thusfar in the city. However before he could inquire further, Edo stepped into the conversation. "Well, now that we're all caught up, I think it's time we tell Anak our plans."

A slight frown tweaked Eva's lips, but King Ker-V'as nodded as he replied. "Agreed." Turning his gaze once more to the young demi-star, Ker-V'as spoke in a grave tone, much different from his amenable manner a moment ago. "I have seen your efforts in Ischuros, young Anak. They are admirable, but misguided. You cannot confront Gel-ad in his own city and win, nor could you have ever hoped to achieve the freedom of slaves through mere appeal." His words were harsh, but he didn't seem reproachful, only matter-of-fact. "Regardless, I see the worthiness of both yourself and your objective, and so will offer my aid. I have knowledge, manpower, and…" King Ker-V'as paused to meet the eyes of all present; Anak, Edo, and Eva, "...and a plan."

Edo and Eva nodded, apparently already aware of this plan, meaning this discussion was entirely for Anak's benefit. Anak felt a sense of apprehension in his gut, as he thought 'Just how important am I to this plan? He didn't even know I would be here, right?'. His apprehension towards King Ker-V'as went up a notch, but he kept silent and listened.

"Not only will this enable you to free the slaves of Ischuros, we'll save every city under the grip of Haskud."

Anak raised his eyebrows at the audacity of the king's statement. He was suggesting a full blown overthrow. "How?" Anak asked with immense curiosity.

A slight smile dancing across his lips, Ker-V'as replied. "There are three kings other than myself who found themselves under the rule of Gel-ad, each a monarch of his own city state. I have been in secret communication with them, and they have agreed to join forces with me- with us."

Anak leaned back in his chair, processing the information he'd just heard. An alliance of kings, against the king that ruled them. It seemed absurd to have so many kings around at once. Anak simply shook his head with a smirk, "And what do you need from me? You seem to have it all handled with these kings or whatever. I still don't see what it has to do with my mission."

A broad smile graced the king's features, and he began in long winded fashion, his grave tone from before nowhere to be found. "Young man, have you ever heard the voice of the Most High?" Before Anak could answer in the affirmative, Ker-V'as pressed on, not even paying attention to Anak for an answer. "You see I have. That's right, the Most High spoke to me, once upon a time. Before the clouds that choke this world covered the sky, and the ground reeked of darkness, his voice would pierce the heavens and tell me of the worlds beyond, and the world we were to become." He briefly broke off his soliloquy to glance at Edo and Eva with a slight hint of reproach in his gaze, before retracting it and continuing to address Anak. "He told me a story once, of a star." His gaze pierced Anak's eyes as he spoke the word star, "This star was the brightest in the heavens, with the greatest number of plentiful worlds guided by his hand. The Most High was most pleased with this star, and would often discuss with them the workings of His mind. This star was incisive and quick witted, and learned at the feet of the Most High. The star was, without a doubt, the shining example of the heavens. This star looked over their vast array of achievements and the favor they held, and began to grow proud."

Anak felt a sense of familiarity from this story. Aside from the scale, it was similar to his own. He leaned in closer, eager to hear the rest of the tale in spite of the condescending tone with which it was delivered.

"One day, while listening to the musings of the Lord of Creation, the star spoke up with a request. He wished to reach the next stage of his existence, believing he had achieved all that could be done as he was. The Most High told him he was not ready, yet when the star agreed to hold back should the process be going poorly, He at last agreed to the request. Predictably, the star was not ready, as the Most High had said. They held to their agreement to hold back, preserving their life, but shattering their pride. When the Most High next called their name, the star did not answer."

Anak released his breath, not realizing until now he was holding it. He felt sad for the star, knowing how it felt when one's pride was broken. He found himself hoping that things turned out well for this star, that the Most High would fix things.

"The Most High, not one to leave his creation suffering, went to the dwelling of the star, the first world it had cultivated. There he called the name of the broken star."

" , why do you hide yourself away? Come to me." Triac called out into the thick wood, passing through trees, as there was hardly any space to pass between them. A slight crunch of a leaf was heard overhead, and he looked up to see His hardest working star sitting on a branch, their face buried in their knees.

"Please… don't look at me. I'm a failure." The star pouted, his voice dripping with despair.

Triac shook his head and gently spoke, "Failing once doesn't make you a failure. It simply wasn't the right time. You can do so much more than you realize. You have more you can achieve at this level." Triac offered a smile along with these sincere words.

"You mean I'll never reach the next one is that it?" The star suddenly sat up, an accusatory glare on their face.

"Where is this coming from, ? You know I always say exactly what I mean. What need have I to hide things?" A hurt look showed on Triac's face, and the star immediately looked regretful.

"My Lord, Forgive me. I don't know what came over me, I just… took some things of my experience too hard it seems."

"Talk to me. What things?" Triac sat on air as he leaned in to listen.

The star hesitated before finally speaking up. "There were… voices. In the darkness that almost consumed me, voices called out to me, begging me to join them, or whispering… things. Lies of course"

Triac nodded in agreement. "Yes, they would be. In that darkness where you were almost taken, exist only things which should not be. All they say are things which are not. It is Desolation, Death, and Despair which live beyond that veil, and there they will stay, beyond existence and separate from the life I provide the universes."

Their eyes wide, the star listened in awe. For all the secrets they had been told, they had yet to be told about what lies beyond existence. "How can they still remain, yet not be? How can they not exist, yet be perceived?"

Triac smiled, this curiosity giving him hope that the star he knew of old, even before being burdened by pride, might return from this world when next they met. "They only can be perceived in contrast to existence. Their voices cannot be heard, but they can be perceived because of what you aren't hearing in place of what you should be. Should you be plunged in that place, you would perceive nothing, for there, nothing is."

"And what if they were to cross from the place of nothingness to existence? Could they then be perceived?" The star asked.

Triac's expression became solemn as he answered. "Beyond being perceived, they would wreak such havoc as to be unmistakable. Still, they are that which comes from nothing. Eternity would yet prove their non-existence. That is why they remain where they are. At least among nothing, they can't disappear."