... And He Shall Appear

A metallic ring echoed through the world within, a singing portent of the coming age. This world featured a clear and cloudless sky, yet it remained dark, not even a glimmer of a false star to light up the darkness. From below, rivers of lava illuminated the atmosphere with an orange-red glow.

"Hm?" A head adorned with an antler crown tilted skywards. "So he's started already?" A crooked smile crept onto the creature's lips. The Demon King, for it was indeed he, cackled in delight. "Speak of me, and spread my story, old bastard. I certainly won't reject the fame." The enemy of life and agent of Death turned his attention back to his ceaselessly working limbs. Before him, within his cavernous domain, stood a golden construct. It was shaped like a gear in a wheel on an axis, its parts spinning in various ways around each other. Within this construct, the sounds of despairing voices could be heard, weeping and wailing. The Demon King grinned maliciously as he savored the sounds of the souls he'd abducted.

Suddenly, the air in the usually torrid domain turned frigid, and a sense of undeniable dread spread through every part of the underground kingdom ruled by the Demon King Asmodeus. A void of emptiness and darkness split open in the false sky of the domain. The Demon King himself froze on the spot, his arms that had moved in a blur moments ago stiffening at odd angles. After only a moment's hesitation, the Demon King returned to a proud posture and whirled around with a conman's smile, all four arms crossed behind his back.

"Lord Death. It is an honor. Are you here to check my progress?" The creature dipped his head just slightly, a gesture of the utmost humility to one so proud.

"Time has taken time enough. We cannot force much more from it." A sound like fragmented glass echoed through the void. "What have you accomplished with what's been given?"

The Demon King's grin grew wider, his enthusiasm clear, as he began to boast with glee. "I have brought every demon in the universe under my control. They are gathering followers and power within my world as we speak. I even have a few making probes into other worlds, seeing which are ripe for conquest." The Demon King let out a strangled cackle, before forcibly getting ahold of himself, though his smile stretched wider and wider as he spoke. "I have introduced the mud made bastards of His creation to terror and despair, and more besides. I have caused the downfall of hundreds of angels, and… I have completed my plan for the complete binding of this world and its residents."

"Show me." The voice from the darkness managed to dampen even the Demon King's enthusiasm, if just for a moment.

"As you can see," The Demon King gestured backwards, drawing attention to the golden construct, "My work is nearly complete. Just some additional trials to be made, then I can cast it into the framework of this world."

The darkness of the void narrowed, as if concentrating on a singular point. After some time in silence, Death finally spoke once more. "Flawed… fragile… but it will serve. Bind them to my curse, wretched one."

With that final utterance the split in the sky vanished, and the oppressive presence of Death along with it. The Demon King's snout was split between a smirk and a snarl. "Fragile? Flawed?" his chest threatened to burst from the depth and magnitude of this growl. He spat on the floor then muttered, "I'll curse the little beasts, but not for you. Your curse will be mine." A ravenous expression stretched across the draconic face of the Demon King.

Four scaly limbs went to work poking, prodding, or hammering away at the construct glimmering in the midst of darkness. In the sky where the void had been, a hot breeze wafted through a newly appeared paper thin crevice. After a moment, a white, wriggly bit of flesh poked itself out through the crack. Squirming and stretching, it finally forced itself through with a desperate push, lava filling in the crack not too long after. The worm like creature had survived, a maggot had fallen into the Demon King's realm.

A streak of white and orange fire burst across the starry sky, entering the void of space. Approaching a shining silhouette, it finally came to a halt. "My Lord." Raguel, the Archetype of Peace and Justice knelt before his lord, the Most High Triac.

Triac turned and smiled at his loyal star. "What is it? Something to report?"

Raguel nodded, and immediately told Triac of all that had happened in Ischuros from when Anak met with Gel-ad to his disappearance at the end. Throughout, Triac listened attentively, then he chuckled, unconcerned.

"Raguel, you seem to have forgotten something."

"What's that, my lord?" Raguel tilted his head in confusion.

"I am fully aware of every situation concerning that boy." Triac patiently smiled, waiting for Raguel to understand.

After a moment of hesitation Raguel smacked his own forehead as he understood. He had nearly forgotten that Triac imbued Anak with a piece of his own perception and voice. Raguel smiled sheepishly with a faint flush as he replied, " Of course, my Lord."

Triac nodded, and turned his attention back to the distance he'd been peering into. A somber expression etched itself into his formerly smiling face, as he stared ahead without blinking. "Raguel, look." He called the star's attention to a particular planet several lightyears away. It was a beautiful orb glowing with green and blue, and lightly veiled by white, wispy clouds.

"It's beautiful, Lord." Raguel responded after a minute admiring the world. He couldn't help but compare it to the planet in his own care, and his heart sank as he recalled how beautiful it once had been.

"Not for long." Triac shook his head despondently, causing Raguel to flinch in shock. "Keep watching."

As they looked on, the clouds darkened and thickened, the glistening blue waters grew turbulent and grey, and the greenery seemed to shrivel bit by bit. The planet they were watching was undergoing a similar transformation to what Vinetum endured.

"What?! Is this-?" Raguel couldn't finish asking his question. The thought he'd been about to express terrified him too much to even utter it, yet reality was unkind.

Triac nodded as he spoke in a low tone. "The enemy is expanding. This is no longer the only world threatened by his reign."

Raguel stewed in silence, processing the information. If this continued, the treacherous Demon King may eventually build up enough capital to contend for universal supremacy. If he did that, he could challenge the other existing universes. It was all too clear he planned to climb the existential ladder step by step until reaching the Most High's throne. Finally, the star spoke up. "What do you need from me?" He was determined to strive with everything he had to prevent the further expansion of the enemy of life.

Triac smiled once more, displaying his trust and pride in the eager young Archetype. "You will leave Vinetum in Uriel's care for the time being. Go to the throne, where I will greet you in full. There, you will learn your mission."

Raguel nodded, "Will you remain here, Lord?"

Triac showed a faint smile, and aimed his gaze at the world of Vinetum below their feet. "I must watch over them as much as I can. Uriel will also need my guidance. I will return to the rest of me when the need arises. For now…" His eyes softened as his pupils flitted from face to face on the surface. "I cannot abandon them."

"Your will be done." Raguel saluted energetically, then took off in a flash, trailing once more his flames of white and orange.

Triac watched the light in the young star's wake for a time, recalling fondly all that they'd accomplished together. At last the Archetype of Peace & Justice would have a chance to experience the wider universe. "If only the circumstances were better." Triac muttered to himself. It wasn't likely that he'd see the star again this century. Raguel would be too busy leading armies of light and protecting the worlds from incursion. "He'll do very well. I'm certain of it." Triac once again showed a faint smile, before vanishing from that spot in a flash.