Kim Hyung-ji the only daughter of Mrs kim . Ever since she was much younger she found it difficult to associate with people . She was enrolled in school and it got worse she would always be blamed for missing things and called a weird kid . She would be bullied in school ..Kim ssook tried everything to keep her daughter out of harm but she was not always there for her and failed at this . This only made Hyung more introverted .Even at home Hyung is very neat so she always tidied her room and as such she never let Her mom inside . she finally decided to stay away from anyone to think they would leave her just two months ago a policeman came to their house he complained of some missing kids and how the blamed it all on Hyung-ji . Mrs kim was furious her daughter doesn't step out side again so when did she kidnap children . She gladly let the police do a thorough search and they didnt find anything . So many problems came up but mrs Kim major headache is always how to make Hyung a lovely person . Even though Hyung never spoke to anyone she loved her mom so very much . She would always hug her and and say **"mummy is a shinning star!"**
Rushing over to her **"am here my love …mummy is here everything will be okay "** Mrs kim said sadly ..cradling her daughter to sleep just as she
Was about to sleep off she put her hand on her mothers face and smiled
**"my mummy is a star...….. a shinning star"**
Mrs kim loved that her daughter loved her and loved being called her daughter's shinning star . she then tucked her to sleep and went off to her room.
(Knock …..knock )…
**'who is knocking so early in the morning'** kim ssook woke up heading down stairs on her pj to see who it was
**"a man?..."** she went ahead and opened the door as the young man bowed in respect
**''Hello ma'm am looking for Mrs kim Ssook ''**
(Looking for me ?…who is he ?…what does he want ?)Mrs kim's mind raced with so many questions
**'"i am Mrs kim please come in"'** she finally said
The young man came in bowing again as he was offered a seat
**"sorry if i disturbed you am Park Bong pal from the police department"**
**'"ahh i see…. how may i help you ?"'**
**''can i speak with your daughter?''**
**"what did the other mother's blame my daughter for now ? "**
Bong pal suddenly stopped as noticed the shadow on the stairs
**''is that your daughter?''**
(Turning around )**''yes…she is very shy and doesn't step out side the house i don't how my daughter would kidnap children ?''**
On turning back to the stairs the shadow had gone
**"Mrs Kim am not blaming your daughter am ensuring her safety we have already lost two kids ..i hope you understand?"**
**'"yes thank you "'**
**"okay them i'll be on my way"**
Once again he bowed and left as she bowed in return .
As Mrs kim watched him leave she stared back at stairs then at the chair where the young man sat when her eyes caught a document the young man had left there she opened it and saw the pictures of the kids and gasped
Both happened to be about the same age as Hyung
The first boy Gong woo jin son of Mrs Gong
That day it was raining woo Jim's parents called and said they would be a little late to pick him up . So he Stood there waiting when someone knocked him out with a strong enough impact to make him pass out . He woke up in a dark room and couldn't see anyone but he begged ..crying and calling out to his mommy suddenly he saw a hand with a knife stabbing him allover till he died !
**"the autopsy scan ….he was stabbed to death !..oh my goodness who could do such a thing"**