Chapter 3
'Shimura Nana? Isn't that the teacher of All Might from Hero Academia? And now that I look at her carefully, she does resemble the picture I saw, except she does not look tough, well that is understandable because she is young.
"Nana, guide her to one of the free rooms upstairs," Roku said to her.
"Okay!" Nana said with a smile and immediately pulled Nikko, "Let's go NikNik," She said.
'Niknik?' Nikko didn't say anything anymore and let himself be dragged by this little girl, they climbed up stairs, Roku gave a slight smile as he watches them, Nikko was already in his new room, it was very large with a king size bed, his own refrigerator, a tea set, a cabinet, there was nothing on it for now.
Nikko put his bag down on the table and looked around for a while, Roku also arrived a few moments later, "How is your room?" he asked.
"It's good," Nikko replied as he kept looking around, Roku didn't say anything anymore and saw Nana pulling out something's from Nikko's backpack, first he saw ton of water bottles then can foods, a little while later, he saw a knife, first aid kits, ropes, and a gun.
"Nana! Put that down immediately!" he yelled at her, and immediately took the gun from her, he sighed in relief as he saw it was on safety mode, he then turned towards Nikko, why would a kid have a gun?
"Nikko where did you get this gun?" Roku asked Nikko.
"Hmm, I found that while scavenging around the city," Nikko replied.
"Scavenging?" Roku confusedly asked.
"Yeah, I woke up in an abandoned church and was able to get out, I haven't eaten for a few days so I went and started searching some houses, and I luckily found some necessities and that also for self-defense," Nikko replied.
"Eh? You know how to use one?" Roku asked, surprised.
"Yeah," Nikko said.
Roku didn't ask anymore and just nodded, "I'm going to take this okay," Roku said.
"Yeah, do as you see fit, anyways, do you have any spare clothes, I want to take a bath," Nikko said, he was already comfortable in this place.
"I'll give you some spare clothes for now, then we will go buy later," Roku said.
"Okay," Nikko said.
"Nana, come with me," Roku called her.
"Okay!" Nana stood up and followed after Roku.
"356…357…358…" I counted as I did my pushups, A few months has passed since Roku had took me, I'm very grateful to him as he gave him a place to live at, of course, he won't free load, he was just too young to do anything right now, well, for now, he was making his body stronger again, he had done the Saitama training but it was not enough for him.
So he did much more harder training for himself, well, he is not going overboard as it was not good for the body, and he also had done deep research about this world, and yes, from what he thought, it was the world of My Hero Academia.
It was a dream come true for any weebs to be able to go to any anime world, but he really wished he could go to either Naruto or Dragon Ball, and to add that he was way ahead before the main plot even starts.
Anyways, he will be an old man already before he reach the main plot, but anyways, he turned his head towards the side where the cute Nana was eating chips while reading the manga he had made, and yes, since he was young right now, he decided to make manga in this world, though most of them are from his past world.
For now he was focusing on strengthening himself for when he gets his quirk, there was a chance after all that he would be quirk less better be ready than sorry, of course, as a great person, he created some skills for himself, like breath of the sun and the other breaths.
After he finished his training, Nikko wiped the sweat from his body, he now had a well-developed body, unlike when he first came in this world where he was skin and bones, he now had his baby fats back to him, but his body is very well toned.
He then walked towards Nana who was very focused on reading. He created some manga for girls but Nana liked the action genres more. I looked at her focused reading face as I remember, I never had a family, I neither had a wife nor a daughter, I am all alone.
But I'm going to give my all to protect my family in this world. If I remember correctly, All for One the villain and also the enemy of One for all holders, I guess I must defeat him to protect Nana, just then Nana turned her head towards me, "Did you like it?" I asked.
"Yeah," Nana gave a sweet smile.
She then continued reading the manga, One Punch Man.
Another month has passed in a blink of an eye, Nikko continued to train, he also started meditating and relearning all of the Close Combat Techniques he had learned in his past life.
After he finished doing his routine, he kneeled on the ground and closed his eyes, beside him was a wooden sword which resembled a katana, "I'm not sure if this would work but I hope so," he murmured, he then started by taking a deep breath and letting it out, he continued doing this until he felt energy started to gather on his body.
He opened his eyes at a very fast speed and his hands moved and grabbed the sword by his hand, he charged forward for a few meters before swinging the wooden sword on his hand, he then spun his body 360 degrees along with the wooden katana on his hand, creating a 360-degree slash.
"Heki-ra no ten"
At the tip of the sword seemingly the blue skies appeared and made a wave of blue sky following along the wooden sword, after Nikko finished the move, he suddenly turned his body and started swaying the sword like he was dancing, the sky on the tip of the sword started to change into fire.
"Flash Dance!"
At a very fast speed, Nikko appeared in one place after another, only the fire could be seen around, a few moments later, Nikko stopped.
Nikko was standing somewhere on the middle with steam coming out from his body, the wooden katana on his hand had already turned into a charcoal a little bit later it turned into ashes, "It's too taxing on my body," Nikko commented as he let his body fell to the ground.
He looked around the field he had practiced and saw burns and cuts that would be impossible using the wooden sword, "I did it! Breath of the Sun in the world of Mha!" Nikko laughed as he became excited, with this skill too maybe he could recreate all of the other forms, he really liked the breath of the thunder, and it's an underrated skill, in his past life.
After watching demon slayer he was fascinated about the use of those breaths, so he tried to recreated it, even though he knew it was impossible he still tried it, After so many years of trial and errors, he finally have manage to recreate the breathing technique but it only have a subtle effect, so he continue his experiment on it. A few years pass by, he finally manage to perfect it and made the technique work just like from the anime.
He then stopped laughing, I'm turning into a real kid, haha, this old man is ashamed, but it isn't bad after all, I haven't experienced the fun of childhood when I was young, everything I did was all to survive on that cruel word, it isn't bad to enjoy it right?
Slowly he fell asleep, a little while later, Roku came back home, and saw Nikko sleeping on the ground in their backyard. He could see the burn and deep cuts on the ground. He was confused but decided to ask it later as he saw the smiling face of Nikko sleeping.
He had been with Nikko for a few months now and this is the first time he had seen him smile, he carefully carried him back to his room and laid him in the bed.
"Niknik!" A cute voice came from outside of the door, Nana entered the room and saw Roku standing on the side of the bed of Nikko.
"Shhhh" Roku said as he gestured to her to keep quiet. Nana nodded and cutely covered her mouth, Roku smiled.
Nikko slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed, he looked around and saw Roku and Nana both reading the manga he had created, both giggling as they read it, Nikko slowly stood up from his bed and sat up, he stared for at them for few moments and swear to protect this family he only have left, Roku noticed this and looked at him with a kind smile.
"Yo, you really did a thing in the backyard you know," Roku said with a smile.
"It's only slightly not that much," Nikko replied with a smile.
"Niknik the bald man you draw is so funny, haha," Nana laughed as she showed him the paper where the manga was drawn.
Nikko just laughed with her, Roku also laughed with them.
A year has passed since then, one morning, Roku and Nikko were eating their breakfast when they heard a scream from upstairs, they immediately ran towards Nana's room and saw her floating.
"Look! I'm floating!" Nana said as she tried to move while floating.
"Oh, so you have awakened your quirk Nana! Congrats!" Roku said as he picked Nana who was still floating on the air.
"Congrats Nana," Nikko also congratulated her, Nikko also got excited awakening his quirk, he doesn't know how long it will take but soon.
Just like that a few months has passed again and Nikko still hasn't awakened his quirk, this led him to thinking that he doesn't have a quirk, still he didn't stop training and waited patiently, a few days later, while lying on the bed.
Nikko felt his body going hot, very hot, the temperature of the room has also exceeded what the normal and some furniture around started to emit smoke from the heat of the room, Nikko struggled to stand up and walk over to the window, it was very big enough for him to jump outside, still it was the second floor so he hurt himself in the process.
Roku who was sleeping on his room heard the sound and immediately dashed outside thinking it was an enemy, when he arrived there, he saw Nikko rolling on the ground with his body emitting smoke, "Nikko!" he tried to go close to Nikko but stopped as he felt the intense heat on his body.
Roku dashed towards Nikko and grabbed his body and embraced him, he could feel the heat emitting from Nikko's body, this doesn't hurt from he is feeling now, I will endure this with you Nikko, Roku said as his clothes started to melt and burn marks appearing on his body.
It was still midnight and the sun was coming up, Roku noticed that as the sun went up the more heat came out from Nikko's body, he wanted to endure the pain with Nikko but Nikko only gave him a smile and went far away from them.
Nikko kneeled on the ground facing the rising sun, flames started coming out from his body, he started to use the breath of the sun to calm himself, still the overwhelming energy on his body wanted to explode.
He bit his lower lip as he endured the pain, he hasn't felt this kind of pain in a long time, the first was when a grenade blew up in front of him, he was lucky to survive at that time with a strong body, still.
"I won't back down from this kind of pain!" he yelled in his mind as he continued to endure.