Chapter 4
Nikko could feel the overwhelming energy as he saw the sun also rise along it, it's like, it would grow and grow more as the sun goes up, 'I need to do something fast, I feel like I will blow up if I don't do anything' Nikko thought.
He looked around and only saw tons of trees, a large boulder not too far from his position, a sword by his side, and a lake not too far from their backyard, he closed his eyes ignoring the pain all over his body and started thinking of what he had to do.
Roku was looking from afar and could only bite his lower lip as he saw Nikko suffering, a few moments later, Nana also woke up and saw what was happening, she tried to rush towards Nikko but was stopped by Roku, if he didn't stop her, she would get burnt by the temperature around Nikko.
"Niknik!" Nana yelled as Roku held her in his embrace, tears coming out from the corner of her eyes as she saw the pained expression of Nikko.
Hours has passed since Nikko was in pain, it will soon be noon but Nikko's pain haven't ended yet, he is still kneeling on the ground while the sun would reach its peak soon, Roku and Nana was very worried now as they saw Nikko's body which was very healthy turned into a very skinny person.
They could see his ribs and bones now, steam was still coming out of his body, the sun is very hot today too which made the two of them sweat so much, then how about Nikko, the place where he was kneeling right now was so much hot that the ground beneath him had cracks already.
Little by little the moment the sun reached its peak, the ground beneath Nikko started to melt and turned into a lava, Nikko opened his eyes and breathed out a lot of smoke from his mouth, at a very fast speed, he grabbed the wooden sword near him.
It was a miracle that it didn't burn from the heat around Nikko.
Nikko exhaled smoke from his mouth as he turned towards the boulder not too far from him, he took a proper form of holding the wooden sword from his hand, kendo form, and gazed at it.
"Total Concentration!" Nikko murmured, he felt every muscle on his young body compressed and his physical strength increased again, this was not just a simple breathing technique as Nikko further improved it in his past life.
Nikko raised his wooden sword and swung it towards the boulder, the swing was very slow and looked like it was not packing any power, everyone would think it was just a normal attack if not for the ground starting to tremble.
As the wooden sword lowers the intensity the trembling happened, Roku became worried, still he can't do anything in this situation so he only took Nana away to a safe position, it didn't take long for the wooden sword to tap on the boulder.
Yes, just a tap, the moment it touched the boulder, Nikko sighed in relief he could feel all of the energy on his body was used on that swing, he started to feel dizzy and was about to fall down to the ground when Roku arrived behind him in a very fast speed and caught him.
"You can rest now," Roku said as he looked at the tired expression of Nikko.
Nikko looked at him and gave a smile of victory, his eyes were already half open, he then slowly fell asleep.
Roku also smiled as he looks at Nikko who fell asleep he then turned his head towards the boulder that Nikko attacked, "What happened?" he looked confused, he knew how frightful the attack of Nikko was as he clearly felt the strong tremble of the ground like it was frightened of something.
"Anyways, Nana let's go," Roku said as he stood up, Nana nodded and worriedly went to look at Nikko, as Roku was about to walk away.
He heard cracking sounds, he turned his head and looked where the cracking sound came from, he saw a small crack appearing on top of the boulder, it was slowly expanding and expanding.
The large boulder fell apart, and it was split in half, Roku grabbed Nana and jumped backwards, he covered his eyes from the dust that was blown away from the fall of the boulders and when he reopened it again, he was shocked by what he saw.
In front of him was the half cut boulder, but that was normal what he was shocked by was the damage behind it, he didn't see it earlier because of the large boulder blocking it but now, he could see a destroyed forest behind it, it extended towards the horizon and luckily there was no one living there.
"You kept showing more surprises buddy, but this kind of strength must be hidden, or he will come looking for you" Roku said as he looked at the sleeping Nikko in his arms.
Months had passed since the awakening of Nikko's quirk, he still doesn't know what his quirk does but for now, it could boost his strength to a high degree along as the sun rose, it was like the Escanor from 7 deadly sins anime that he had watched.
He didn't complain and started to explore it, the problem he found was that he became too prideful. He was already prideful, he knew that but it got worse to the point that he looked down on everything, even Roku was surprised by this, still, after some training, Nikko was able to suppress this personality, but if he got angry or something, he would lose control of it.
Still, every power is bound to have a weakness, when the night comes, all the power in his body would disappear as the sun goes down, it was at its lowest point at night but Nikko could think of something for that.
Also today, Nikko and Nana would attend to school, Nikko had no qualms with it as in his past life he never got to go to school, he spent almost all of his life trying to survive from the streets and joining the army, only after he retired he got to spend the life he wanted.
Of course, he also studied but not in school but in the library, he tried to learn as much as he could and it was proven that his IQ is 193, so he was a prodigy, well, he got influenced by anime so he didn't use it that much but still he used this to recreate the things on anime that seemed impossible just like the breathing forms.
Nikko wore his casual wear, he didn't need to look cool as he was still 4 years old, so he wear proper clothes and rubber shoes, he then had a backpack which was fitted for his size, inside was snacks, all snacks, well mostly all of it is for Nana who also had tons of snacks on her bag.
Roku had bought a car so they didn't have to walk towards their kindergarten school. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the kindergarten school. It was a typical kindergarten school with many childish designs that would entice the kids and some playground as well.
"Hey, you two be good okay," Roku said.
"Speak for yourself," Nikko said.
"Blab bla, just go and have fun," Roku said.
"See you Roku," Nana said with a smile as she opened the door of the car, Nikko also followed along, Roku looked at their small backs and smiled, he then drove towards his work.
Nikko looked around and saw many kids walking towards the kinder school, some were happily holding their parent's hands, some were shy and hiding behind their parents, some were walking towards on their own, he then found particular ones.
One looks like a reptile as he had a tail and scales, another one looked like a beast and many more.
He looked curiously around the school, Nana also started running towards the school and entered inside, Nikko followed her, as Nana was running without care, she didn't notice a kid in front of her and bumped into her.
Nana and the kid fell down to the ground on their butts, Nana caressed her butt and while groaning from pain while the other kid was also doing the same, "Are you okay?" Nikko asked as he helped the kid that Nana bumped with.
"Hey, Niknik! I'm your cute sister, why are you helping the other kid first," Nana complained.
"Don't be selfish, you bumped into him, now apologize," Nikko said.
"But.." Nana wanted to complain again but she saw Nikko staring at her, "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at my way," Nana said in an apologizing tone
"It's fine, it's my fault for also not looking around," The kid said as he grabbed unto Nikko's hand as he helped him stand up.
"Thank you," the kid thanked Nikko with a smile.
"No problem," Nikko also returned a smile, he then turned towards Nana and helped her, "Are you two siblings?" asked the kid.
"Something like that," Nikko said, well, they could be considered siblings as Roku became their legal parent after signing some documents.
The bell rang indicating the class was about to start, the three rushed towards the same direction and entered a classroom, which was assigned to them, Roku had told them earlier, and to their surprise, the other kid also entered the same room.
"We are classmates!" Nana said.
"Yeah," the kid smiled.
They both then took their seats, Nana took the front seat as she was small compared to other kids, while the kid and sat at the very back, they both sat together, the kid is wearing casual clothing, he had white wavy hair and he was wearing a black mask, his eye is pure white.
"Hey, why are you wearing a mask?" Nikko asked.
"Hmm, oh, I need to wear it because of my quirk, when I use it some debris would catch my eye so it became natural for me to wear it.
"Ho, what an interesting quirk, my name is Nikko Rejirou, just call me Nik or Nikko,and again nice to meet you," Nikko said.
"Likewise, nice to meet you too, my name is Sorahiko Torino, just call me Tori or Sora," he introduced himself.
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