Hot Bed's Game

David slowly exhaled the nicotine fumes that had become addictive in his daily life through breathing into the air. The orange silhouette of the sun's light slowly sinking into the vast ocean was truly a beautiful sight.

 The warm coastal air slowly turned cold and began to caress David's exposed upper body without a single thread blocking him.

 He stood on the edge of the balcony outside his hotel room window, ignoring the hungry gaze of the women who were tourists visiting the same hotel where he was staying who saw him from below.

 Of course, Daniel's exposed upper body would make women stare at him with lustful gaze.

 David's mind was completely saturated by the series of events he had been going through recently. Especially when Ainsley, the person he had considered his own sister, directly stated that she had chosen the opposite side of David.

 In other words, Ainsley had declared hierself an enemy from now on.