Terrifying Love

David tidied up Angeline's belongings and put them back in the briefcase they had used on the previous trip. The vacation time for one week seemed so fleeting. Even though they didn't do much, every second they spent together whether it was in Hawaii or anywhere else was precious to David, and so was Angeline.

 Angeline was still in the bathroom cleaning herself, and as usual, it was David who had the initiative to pack their belongings to save time.

 Angeline rubbed her body which some time ago was covered in sweat due to the bed game that was her favorite activity with David. Gently smear every inch of the skin on her body with the liquid soap that has the scent of jicama provided by the hotel.

 Angeline slowly rubbed the soft skin from her hands, neck, chest to feet. Meanwhile, her hair was tied and rolled back because she didn't want to make it wet, since Angeline is currently not doing her hair washing schedule.