After a few minutes finally they reach home. She hurriedly opened the door and was about to move out but se turned back and said thanks to him, as she think it's a courtesy. So she just did it. But to her surprise he hold her hand and pull her closer to him, so close that they feel each other breath and he told in a husky voice "will meet you soon dear". Her eyes broaden in surprise and her cheeks become red and suddenly she feel hot. She then moves out from his hold and ran away toward her house without turning back. In front of the door she stood panting heavily. So wait for a bit and enter and she don't want to share what happens to her family.

Rose POV

She heard the sound and the car drove off within seconds. She entered  her house and find  that it was dark inside and nobody is there. She then asked " Is someone there?". Mom , Dad Lily where are you all ??." To her surprise suddenly the lights are on and Lily burst the celebration bubble. 🎉🎊. They all congratulate Rose for her Graduation and hugged her all together. She feels like its really good to have such warm family. Rose says lovingly " thank you all you all just made my day".

Then her mom told " enough of chit chat quickly come and cut the cake. It's of your favorite strawberry flavour.". Then her sister also added " Sis come quickly and cut the cake I am really hungry". Rose says smilingly " You naughty girl, okay okay let's cut the cake.". Then she cut the cake and feed it's first piece to Lily followed by Mom and then dad . Then her dad proudly says " We are really proud to have you as our daughter." and kissed on her forehead.

Then her mom says "okay now you go freshen up  and we will have dinner together...." Rose nodded in response to take a shower.

Finally she went to her room to take a long hot shower  to relax herself from the tiring day and during the shower only she could think is about him and nothing else . What had happened to her she never think of any boy like that but today is different.

When they are having dinner she is still thinking of him. Her mother noticed that she is not eating and asked her "is something wrong with you baby"?? But she tell no it's fine am just lost about my graduation day and what to do next. They all believed her. After the dinner she went to her bed and slept immediately because she is really too tired of today.

Charles POV

After he went to his room he take a shower and went to his study for his routine work his do this daily. When today he too can't concentrate on his work, all he is doing is just thinking of her. About her lips which he want to kiss so badly, her slender neck in which he want to put his mark , about his plumpy breast which he wants to play with .... ( Control ..😝😝)

He pick up the phone and called someone and told him to keep an eye on Rose and update him about her every activity whom she met, what she do, where she go, what's her daily move .....

He needed her badly, he want her at any cost. He will make sure that she is safe because from this thay he only think she belong to him. Nobody is allowed to go near her not even look at her badly.

He will make sure that she is only his.. nobody else....

I think you all are enjoying the story....

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