A few days past there is no show of Charles she is somewhat happy that everything is okay and bygone is bygone. But she has no damn idea that her every action is reported to him and someone is secretly following her. She is searching for jobs to support her family in the internet with her little sister LILY .Both ROSE and LlLY are at home as it's a Sunday.

There parents are out for some shopping. Suddenly she get a call from and unknown number she pickup the call and is in shock to hear the news and the phone dropped from her hand. Her sister LILY noticed her and ask her what happened but she didn't reply she has tears in her eyes only ,so LILY pick up the phone and talk she was also in shock to hear the news. Their parents have met with an accident and their dead bodies are in the CHRIST HOSPITAL so they called them to come there. They both cried so badly that their eyes are swollen and red. Both of them doesn't have any relatives only they have is their father and mother and now they also died. Rose has no idea what to do. Her life is destroyed within a second . She felt breathless for a second and blackout . Lily sprinkle some water to her face finally she came to her senses but she is still crying hard. Then they both went to the hospital to see their parents. And the funerals was done.

They both went home and crying on each other shoulder.

Charles also got the news about that but he didn't went to meet them as he was out of the country for some business meeting for a week. He feel sad for not being there with her but he make sure that she is well and every thing is going according to him like the money of pension and all she should get in time to support her and her only sister LILY.

But the money she got is not enough to support her life for month. So she soon has to find a job somewhere to support her sister LILY.

Rose POV

I know I have to be strong because there was no one other than me to take care of my little sister.

Few month later I got a letter from the land lord in which it is clearly written that if she didn't pay the money in time then they have to vacate the house within 15 days . The money they have to pay is 6 lakhs for the past 10 years. she was shock because she didn't have that much money to pay him in next 15 days . So she went to landlord to request him to understand her situation but the landlord clearly told them that the house is now owned by WILLIAMS so she has to pay the money to them...

Her eyes widen in shock she has almost forgotten about him in the past few months. But know she remember her graduation day and his each and every word that he told to her that he will get everything whatever he wants either by hook or crook. She ran toward her house and once she reached there she closed the door of her room and cried heavily. What will she do now, how she will raise her 12 year old sisters. Did she have to stay on roads now. What she will do now , she didn't even find any job for her now. She kept on thinking the whole night. And finally she come to a point that she will go and meet Mr Williams tomorrow at his office and clear out things. And Find a job whatever the job may be as soon as possible.

She went to her sister room and found that she is already sleeping so se kissed and forehead, and whisper to her everything will be fine and closed the door and leave to her room.

Charles POV

I was very happy to get the news that she already know about that the house . Now I will make sure that she will become mine at any cost. I will make her mine. I have done all this in past few months and waited for this opportunity and things are going according to my plan. And now I will see you soon my baby . He smrinks.....

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