The Trial

After two weeks, I was discharged from the hospital. I was brought to the police station for questioning. Again they told me to recount my testimony, and they told me I have to take a polygraph test, I willingly complied. 

What a bunch of idiots! A polygraph test can be passed by anyone good at lying. I don't know why they still administer it even though it can't be used as evidence in court. 

I passed the polygraph test. Later that day, I received a subpoena from the court. It stated the place and time of my brother's trial and was asked to testify. In some cases, a victim can refuse to testify, it depends on the severity of the crime. Nevertheless, I will be there. 

The trial was set on September 17th, and it is tomorrow. I am sure that most of the evidence will be pointing to my brother, but I should come prepared. I've been waiting for this time since I was 14.

The next morning, I was awake by my lawyer's call. I looked at the clock and was already 8:00 a.m. I need to prepare now the lawyer would be here any minute. 

We reached the courthouse at 10:30 a.m. 

The trial officially started at exactly noon. 

"All rise. Department Two of the Regional Trial Court is now in session. Judge Nelson, presiding. Please be seated." The bailiff stated. 

The judge went on, asking if both sides were ready. Both agreed. The trial continued, and I was spacing out. It is my first trial, and I can't help but look at my brother's face, he looked tired and hopeless. I want to smirk at him since he is looking at me, but I can't take off my mask of acting. 

After a few hours, I was called to the witness stand. 

"Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" The clerk said.

"I do," I replied.

"Please state your first and last name," He continued.

"Nicola Realonda," I replied.

"You may be seated."

For the past 45 minutes, they asked me the same questions as the police. It went well for my side.

"Miss Nicola, why do you think your brother killed your father?"

"I don't know, Your Honor. Michael is usually away from home, and he is kind to us. It was the first time he became hostile. Growing up, he is my role model. I knew he loved us, and I want to know why he had done that," I said directly looking at Michael. I was sweating and shaking while saying those lines. Maybe, some of it was true.

The fact that the judge stated that my brother killed my father, it was now the end game. I won this case. 

The judge asked the prosecutors their theory of why Michael killed our father. The prosecutors said that when Michael heard of my research, he hatched a plan on getting rid of our father. They claimed that because Michael is in debt. He doesn't want our father to know that he was penniless. Then, they showed the bank transactions of Michael, it has millions of debt. The debt was caused by Michael failed business ventures and his partying. It was said that he liked to treat his friends, and he usually spent $20,000 per night. 

The prosecutor believed that Michael doesn't want to disappoint our father if he learned that he can no longer support our father's lifestyle. If that happened, he will be useless, so he killed him. They also believed that Michael has no plan on killing me because he will make me the suspect. Wow! Just wow! The wild imagination of the prosecutors almost moves me. 

I don't know that my brother is in debt. Good thing he is, I cemented the crime without much effort. 

The trial ended, and my brother was found guilty of one count of first-degree murder, one count of second-degree attempted murder, and tampering with evidence. He was sentenced to 2 consecutive life terms, plus 20 years of imprisonment with no possibilities of parole. 

Months passed, and my life grew quiet. Since the trial, I haven't seen or spoke to my brother. 

I want to visit my brother in prison just to mock him about my victory. But, I can't do that, eyes were still on me, and no victim wants to see their assailant. Simple as that!

I want to see his face, how hard his life has been ever since he "killed" my father.

His suffering is my pleasure.

It is like a trophy I secretly possessed. 

If time passed, and I can visit him without getting anyone suspicious, I want to say to his face. "Where did your obedience lead you?"

I bet he will be angered. 

Who doesn't? I ended his worldly life. 

Now that I successfully eluded the police.

Who should I do next?

You? Nahh.

I need to hone my skills further, then I'll decide.

I've done something great but I need to be spotless.

I need to be perfect.

For the sake of humanity.


She was the victim of her own game but won.

So don't be scared to turned your iceberg upside down.

Come with me, I'll show you what is underneath.