Operant Conditioning

Months passed, life grew quiet. I continued my college education, and now I'm in my last year.

Everything went back to normal.

I moved out and sold our house. I moved not too far from my school, and I do have a part-time job. You might be wondering why I need to work if I have money from the house I sold. Well, it is because I have bills to pay, rent, food, internet, and tuition fee. Now that I am an orphan, I need to do things for myself.

I worked at a famous coffee shop near my apartment, and I have a roommate named Jeremy. He is a classmate from one of my subjects in school, and I don't know he will be my housemate until I saw him outside of the building. He is pretty cute but kinda shy. I've been living with him for two months now, and I have so much fun talking to him because he will always stutter. He is nervous around me which I find cute.

In school, I don't see him with someone, basically a loner. A perfect roommate for me, indeed! Not only we are housemates, but we are also workmates. He is the one who gets the job for me because I beg him and kiss him on the cheeks. His reaction is so funny that I almost laugh at his face. But I can't do that! I need him for myself.

Jeremy is easy to manipulate. One time he cooked dinner for us, and it is so yummy that I kissed him on both cheeks. Since then, he always cooks for me. In return, I kissed him on the cheek. Why not lips? I want him to earn it. I want him to realize that I am not easy to get ( in a sense). He needs to do things that will increase my likeness to him. In that way, he'll have a taste of me. When the time comes that he is addicted to me, I'll use him to please me.

Some of you might not be familiar with operant conditioning, well it is pretty easy to understand because I gave you the perfect illustration. In this process, if a person or an animal did a good job, you'll give them a reward to continue doing it. If he disobeys, you'll remove the "reward" and gave them punishment. We do operant conditioning to strengthen positive behavior and weaken undesirable ones. In this case, Jeremy is doing a great job.

I decided to be gentle with him first because he needs to fall in love with me. If he did, it would be a lot easier for me to manipulate him.

My thinking was interrupted when Jeremy enter the house with sad eyes. I immediately followed him up to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Tom t-told me that y-ou are da-t-ting him," Jeremy replied. Tom is one of our workmates in the coffee shop. That douche! How can he make my baby sad?

"No, I'm not! He asked me out a few times, and I said no."

If Jeremy got angry, I'll lose my boy toy. I couldn't afford to find someone as gullible as he is.

"But.. don't you l-like him? He is pretty popular just like you." Oh, come on! The unending stutter.

"Nope, not interested. BTW, why do you ask?" Hmm, as if I don't know but, I have to play pretend. I have this innocent, and sweet image since my first year in college. Take note, it is so hard to pull off!

"Ahm N-nothing!" then he rushed to his room. He is so naive but funny. Now that I confirmed he has a little crush to me, I'll start now on teaching him stuffs.

The next day I was awakened by a knocking on my door. I immediately went to my vanity and checked my appearance. Yeah, I look pretty hot but still not content, so I put a little bit of lip gloss and comb my hair. Finally, I opened the door.

I looked at him while acting that I just woke up while checking my eye booger.

"H-hi? I-ii made y-you breakfast," he said while looking at his feet. I find it cute HAHAHA

"Oh, that is so sweet of you!" I said while smiling but, I can't see his reaction since his gaze is down to his feet.

"Look at me," I said, he slowly put his gaze to me. I can feel his still nervous around me. When our eyes met, I mouthed him, "Thank you." Then I hold the bottom of his shirt and drag him to my bed. HMM! Stop what you are thinking! Its breakfast in bed duuuhh.

I started eating and noticed that he is looking at my face. Is my face dirty or what?

When I saw him looking at me, he looked away. Suspish!

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"N-nothing. I-its just that you looked really pretty in the morning." He said the latter part fast but, I managed to comprehend it. He is so cute when he is shy. I like it!

I smiled at him, then close the gap between us and kiss him on his nose. He looked shocked, and it is cute. He is like a dog given a treat. His face turned red, and he is clenching his fist while looking down. Seeing his reaction, I can't help but to cup his face and kiss his temple.

It was known that when you kiss someone else's temple, they felt special and respected. I have to act polite, that way he will be at ease around me because I know his guard is up and I'm slowly breaking it down. So, I shouldn't work faster to match his phase.

After I kissed him, there is an awkward silence between us. So. I continued eating as if nothing happened. Minutes passed, he is still quiet. I looked at him and handed a piece of bread. He wanted to take it from me, but I insisted to open his mouth.

He did.

I smiled and laughed.

He looked cute munching a big piece of bread.

I think for a moment, I genuinely smiled.

But it's not enough to stop me...