Entering the Palace

Yu Feng climbed up the carriage with Chu Yi's help and noticed that the Prince was already waiting for her inside. Seeing the smile on his face, Yu Feng gradually calmed down.

"Come over here." Qin Zhi Hao motioned for her to sit down beside him. 

As he looked at her face, Qin Zhi Hao recalled his conversation with Zhou Ming a while earlier. Zhou Ming and his mother planned to make Yu Feng the adopted daughter of the Zhou family and make her life in Capital City smoother.

After listening to the pros and cons, Qin Zhi Hao thought that Zhou Ming's suggestion was pretty good. However, before they parted, Qin Zhi Hao had not given his friend any answer.

He wanted to wait until they knew what the Emperor was going to say to Yu Feng before he could make any decision.

Yu Feng tilted her head to one side as she looked at him in hesitant. "Do I look alright?" Her hand pulled at her clothes slightly.