Ch. 177 Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn a bit.

-3rd person POV because I just kinda felt like it.

Inside an office with an academics flare, bookshelves filled with tomes and journals, new and old artifacts, and parchments covering a finely crafted ebony wood desk, one could hear the animated voice of the WWN radio host announcing this month's latest scandal coming from the radio behind the man working at said desk.

"We have another damning report from the reporters of the Herald.

From the investigation and evidence submitted to the DMLE, Frederick Bulstrode, Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, has been charged of several crimes which have not only endangered the statute of secrecy and the lives of those living in this country, but also embezzlement, bribery and forgery to name a few.

The most distressing acts this man has committed were to accept bribes from various sources, letting dangerous, rare and/or illegal creatures and beings into our country. The kinds of creatures illegally imported without anyone's knowledge was said to contain various species of dragons, Nundus, a Quintaped, Chimaeras, Whampus Cats and he was even found to have been involved in the infamous Phoenix egg theft a decade ago. Meanwhile, he smuggled in Vampires and Werewolves wanted in other European countries, A few Trolls and most distressingly members of a giant tribe.

You heard me right listeners, the man helped smuggle in Vampires, Dragons and Giants!

All of which are currently loose in our country without any of us having a single clue. Any of these could seriously endanger both our lives and our safety through secrecy.

And although this process has been brought in front of the Wizengamot, and a conviction is nearly assured with how much evidence was said to have been submitted, we cannot let this go. This has been another example of how corrupt and utterly broken the ministry of magic had become. So called Pureblooded wizards have again been shown to only care about themselves and not about the majority of witches and wizards considered half-bloods or Muggleborns, with only scant few truly trying to better our lives or uphold the duties given to them.

Our so called 'Minister' has once again claimed he knew nothing of these matters and quickly distanced himself from his former ally Frederick Bulstrode, claiming that 'Frederick always seemed so driven to properly regulate magical creatures,' and that 'he was very efficient in the handling of his duties.' But we have found two reasons for these words: His drive was regarding the harsh punishment of those he considered subhuman like werewolves and Veelas, while he had sadistic tendencies towards animals which was proven when a Hit wizard raid was conducted in his home and multiple heavily abused creatures were found in his basement, while his work efficiency has now been attributed to Mr. Bulstrode forcing his work onto his subordinates while he went to lavish establishments, drank, engaged in intercourse in his office with random women or simply didn't come in for work days at a time..."

The outraged man's voice continued but the man at the desk turned down the volume of the radio in favor of the newspaper he had picked up from his desk.


A large list of previously unknown names was released after an extensive investigation in various cold cases resting in the DMLE, which our Aurors and Hit Wizards were forced to let rest because of the ever increasing restrictions the department had placed on them from our very own Minister.

This list connects 23 current Ministry employees who were found to have assisted He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's efforts in the war. These individuals actively disconnected registered homes from the Floo network when they were informed an attack was planned on said home. Their actions have been linked to 184 murders so far, as well as implicating the current vice-head of the department itself.'

The Prophet article was put down and another paper was picked up.


Readers might remember that almost two years ago, nearly half of the Hogwarts Board of Governors was removed and heavily fined because of a scandal led by Lord Lucius Malfoy.

Well it would seem the Minister himself felt the need to emulate his actions.

Evidence was found that most members who were able to escape prosecution last time, were now involved in the Minister's attempt to take control of the famously independent Hogwarts, due to the political war he is waging against Albus Dumbledore.

That's right, Minister Cornelius Fudge, who we reported earlier this year to be attacking Albus Dumbledore because he believes he is trying to gain a position many have been begging him to take for the last 60 years, has been trying time and time again to control and shackle Hogwarts. These attempts have come in the form of so-called 'educational decrees', laws the ministry somehow passed in order to feel more in control of the school.

These decrees vary widely in scope. One actually said that only teams, clubs, societies or groups approved by an inquisitor could exist, effectively trying to cancel even the historic Quidditch cup. Another dictates that no professors are even allowed to talk to students about things outside their teaching matter, attempting to neuter the right to free speech. Next we have the ministry banning any and all means of students enjoying themselves, meaning no chess, toys, pleasure reading, minor prank objects, Muggle Toy Box products or even candies. And the most alarming was the ministry trying to give itself the right to punish any student of any age in any way they deemed fit, which was thankfully modified by a few of the more outstanding members of the Board.

The worst part dear readers, is that all of this is currently being overseen by one of the worst individuals in the ministry: Delores Umbridge. That's right, the infamous bigot and racist. A woman who has attempted to classify people with magical being ancestry as beasts, has a record of extreme blood supremacy, was reported on by multiple ministry employees for abuse of power, showcases fanatical levels of worship for the 'absolute power' of the ministry, and many other negative associations. She was put in charge of creating laws which directly impact your children, your alma mater and/or the place your children would attend based on whatever she felt was right.

All this enabled by the corrupt Board of Governors which has been seen to only remain functional because of the minority which continues to fight for the bettering of the historic school. These men and women like Lady Andromeda Tonks-Black, Dowager Augusta Longbottom and Lord Aedan Bones, have all passionately defended the schools against such acts and now is the time for us to step forward to help.'

The man once again put the paper down and this time he picked up a report given to him by his intelligence network.

'Fudge has been undergoing extreme stress and pressure. We expect he will commit to drastic measures very soon.

He has also been confirmed to have an increased dependence on alcohol, some banned substances from Brazil and has been taking out loans to pay his way out of the media's eyesight. But with the loss of so many corrupt officials he is rapidly losing support.

We have already heard of many starting to push for a replacement, most heavily supporting Amelia Bones due to the record high arrest and conviction rate she has been spearheading with out covert assistance.

PS: I think the Quibbler would love to spin an interesting theory on why Fudge is rapidly losing his hair.'

With a chuckle from reading the last lines, the man simply watched as the report bursted in blue flames and turned into nothing in mere moments.

He then looked at the pile of newspapers behind his desk, the ones about the great number of scandals and crimes which had happened in the last two months.




"Still find it amusing that they meant it literally when the ladies said they would drain the life out of him." The silver haired man said with a smirk on his face.









"So much chaos in the Ministry and only the Departments under my influence and the DMLE are working properly and without any significant scandal. This is going to really screw Fudge and the Pureblood supremacists." The silver haired scholar said in a smooth voice.

He then picked up another report from his private vanishing box. A perk of being its creator.

'My lord,

The primary target has shown signs of accelerating his plans, but cannot move immediately due to his desire for his right hand being healed.

He has expressed displeasure over the loss of contacts and connections within the Ministry, but declared that once his forces are gathered that they would simply take over the ministry, hence it was of no concern.

Target has even shown bouts of positivity from time to time, hinting at a plot he was working on but has not revealed.

Beyond the primary target, target geh has become increasingly desperate after realizing he lost almost everything, secondary target has shown a great deal of dedication to her rehabilitation, the cloaks are currently in Russia since everything there is already cold and depressing, the bats are said to be located somewhere in London's old sewers because it's always dark and people won't notice if a person disappears in a city as big as London, and the big boys are currently in the Dartmoor region because the terrain and history can help hide them.'

"Bastards really smuggled actual vampires into the country. Are they that desperate? The Ministry brokered a deal with the Transylvanian royal clan so they would stay out and now they bring some blood addicted little shits and let them loose on London.

I'll have some of the guards from the werewolf town team up with Fortress to sweep the sewers and find all their hidey holes in one shot. Werewolves are perfect to hunt vampires and vice versa since they can't infect each other, and the wolves can help sniff them out if necessary. Most have been trained in white magic and I'll ask James if he can come up with something to detect vampires, if he can't I'll have to have the Toy Box figure out how to protect thermal-vision devices." The young silver haired man said with distaste apparent in his voice.

"Oh well. I lit the fire, gotta be responsible for the flames." He then added with a sigh as he started writing instructions to the afore mentioned people.

But suddenly he brought out his vanishing box again and read the new message it displayed with great focus. This was because it came in with the box indicating the message was 'urgent' and 'important'.

'I just received a report from my girl in Fudge's office. He gave the toad permission to use goddamn veritaserum on school kids! The incompetent bastard is that desperate.

We have a copy of the order, but you can't let her do this, it might psychologically traumatize whoever drinks it.'

With that warning and the sudden alarm that the toads office which just signaled that she had brought someone with her. A quick check of my version of the Marauders Map and he finds the name Harry Potter next to the toad's.

The next moment the man bolted out of his office and ran.

-1st person POV like god intended.

'That fucking bitch. I am going to wreck her. I couldn't fucking flame myself near them because there were too many people around her office and I didn't want to burn or explode anyone by flaming there.

I also don't know if she actually has the veritaserum. In canon Snape just gave her some water and she couldn't tell the difference when she dumped the whole bottle in a cup of tea, but she might have not went to him this time around. Good thing I have the antidote on me at all times.' I thought as I ran through the halls, ignoring anyone spotting me.

'How the hell did she even catch Harry so quick? I just received confirmation that Fudge gave her permission, so how did the kid get caught immediately after?' I then thought in annoyance and astonishment at the bad luck needed for that to happen.

The kid somehow came across Umbitch as soon as she's 'allowed' to fuck with the minds of kids at the exact moment she can somehow punish I'm for something.

In less than 2 minutes I made it to her abomination of an office, and I could hear her yelling.

"YOU WILL TELL ME! CRU-" I heard the bitch yell through the door.

'Oh fuck no.' I thought as I just bust down the door like a damn Spartan and cast Protego Sanctum around Harry.

"-CIO!" Umbridge finished as the invisible bolt shot towards my little bro, only to be blocked.

The both of them then finally noticed my presence after that. My very, very angry presence.

So angry in fact, that the toad couldn't breath because of the overwhelming amount of power I was crushing her with.

My eyes were emitting pure power as blue energy seemed to leak out of them and dance like flames from the corner of my eyes. My long silver floated behind me and shined slightly as Magic coursed through every inch of me.

"You insignificant toad. Did you just try to use an Unforgivable on my little brother?" I rhetorically asked in a tone of voice filled with an icy edge.

Not seeing her capable of answering I turned to Harry and reined in my power and emotions.

"You ok Harry?" I asked with some worry she had done something before I got here.

"I'm ok. She tried to get me to drink a potion, but I just tossed it in her plant when she wasn't looking." He answered with a smirk on his face.

"Good." I replied with a nod and turned my attention to the toad.

I retracted the power used to pressure her, making her gasp for air immediately. In the meantime I waved my hand to repair the door, put it back in place and make it so no one would be able to hear what happens next.

"Could you go get the Headmaster Harry? I am sure he would very much like to hear what the Inquisitor just tried to do." I asked a bit forcefully, making Harry jump up from his seat in a hurry.

"No problem." He seriously answered and headed out the now repaired door.

A few moments later Harry was gone and Umbitch had finally caught her breath.

But in a bout of what I can only assume was insanity from the crazed look in her eyes, she then quickly pointed her wand at me and started to yell: "AVADA-!"

Only to be disarmed before she could finish the curse, resulting in an unearthly shriek of pain.

Yeah, when I said disarmed, I meant she lost an arm. I didn't use Expelliarmus, no I used a super heated cutting charm to remover her arm from the shoulder. It's like she got lightsaber'd.

I then summoned her wand to me, it being excellent evidence since the last spell it casted was the Cruciatus curse. If they could try to blame Harry for the Dark Mark at the World Cup because his wand casted it, then this will do as well.

In the meantime, I was casted a silencing bubble over the bitch and undid the one around the entire office, then just watched as she rolled around clutching her stump and silently probably yelled out every insult or threat she could muster.

Just to mess with her more I conjured some chains to tie her up and left her on the floor to glare at me with absolute fury.

A few minutes later, Harry came back with our headmaster and his deputy.

"My goodness. Professor Bones what have you done?" McGonagall asks with a gasp as her complexion visibly whitens.

"I would like a proper explanation as to why you have dismembered Miss Umbridge Aedan." Albus supported as he focused on me for a proper answer.

"She tried to make Harry drink Veritaserum, which he nicely dodged, but when that didn't work she wanted to torture whatever information she desired out of him so she casted the Cruciatus curse at him. I was on my way here and heard her yell out the first part, so I kicked the door down and shielded Harry, then I immobilized her. After that I sent Harry to notify you Headmaster, but after he was gone she seemed to become desperate enough to try and cast the killing curse at me, so I took her casting arm off and confiscated the wand." I calmly answered the elderly duo.

"This is very troubling indeed. But I assume you already have plans in place. You are not one to lose yourself in anger, you would use it for greater payback." Dumbledore responded as he looked at me for the reveal.

"This signaled the end of Fudge's time in office. He won't last another month." I said with absolute certainty.

"It would appear you have things under control then. I look forward to Amelia's time in office. She will make a wonderful Minister." Dumbledore said with a slight smile as he turned around and took his leave.

"What? Aunt Amelia is going to become Minister?" A shocked Harry asked as he looked at me.

"Not hard to guess with all the shit happening lately, but don't worry she is very ready for it." I said to the kid, getting a slow nod.

"Well, then I guess I should prepare something to congratulate Amelia. First a wedding and now becoming a Minister, quite a year for her. Come along Mr Potter, we shall go see Poppy to make sure nothing is wrong with you." Minerva said as she moved on from the now left handed Umbridge and dragged Harry out.

She worked in the DMLE and actively participated in the last war, the woman has seen worst than someone losing an arm. Hell, I'm half sure she's seen worse just teaching here. Just those apparition fuck ups can really do some damage.

"Well you annoying bitch of a toad, I am going to leave too. I have things to do which are much more important than you. Besides the Aurors will be here for you in not too long so you can just stay here. Cool?" I said to the muted, chained, wandless and one armed woman on the floor.

She tried to yell something, but yeah, muted. So I just blocked off her fireplace since it's connected to the floo network and sealed the office completely so no one could help her get away.

I then left to contact my mother.