Chapter 1

It was my first day of school, and I don't feel like going, I wish I can stay in bed all day but of course, mom won't let me. Trying to go back to sleep but the knock on the door woke me up again, "Melanie come on you're gonna be late", mom shouts.

"But I don't want to go," I mumble burying my face back in the pillows and putting the covers over my head.

"Melanie I'm only going to say this one more..." she was about to say when I cut her off.

"Okay okay, I'm up I'll be down in ten minutes", hearing her footsteps fading into the hallway I scream into my pillow before getting up and going straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

The hardest task was to choose an outfit when you don't want to go. Putting on whatever looked decent, I take my bag and walk down to the kitchen. Well, unfortunately, mom didn't have any breakfast ready and I was already late so I grabbed an apple and went directly to my car.

Let's start this day.

Reaching school I get out of my car and realize that the parking lot was filled with so many cars and had no student there but me, well great I was late for my first day! I hurried to the administration office to get my schedule then rushed to biology class, fortunately, the teacher didn't complain about me being late.


The first couple of periods went smoothly, and it was finally lunchtime. I went to my locker to put my books and there was my best friend Lauren leaning on the lockers. When she noticed me between the crowd of students she ran towards me and hugged me, "Mel I missed you so much, you didn't text or call all summer. I was worried about you after that incident...  I'm so sorry for your loss," she said.

Talking about the incident I remembered what happened on my last day of school last year when my mom called to tell me that my father had a car accident. I was so shocked and started sobbing and couldn't stop even after my mom picked me up from school. No words came out of me for a week and I wouldn't reply to any of the texts and calls I got, even when my friends came to visit I wouldn't meet them, I loved my dad so much that I never thought in a million years that he would leave me. Then my biggest shock was when my mother got married a month after the accident, I was still mourning that I couldn't say anything about it and just let her do whatever she wanted. The only thing that I had left from my father was a letter that was found in his closet addressed to me but I can't open it as it says that I should wait till I'm sixteen, which is in four days.

I can't wait to read what my dad wanted me to know.

"Mel, Mel, Melanie..." said Lauren in a worried tone.

I snapped out of my thoughts, "What?"

"What's wrong? You were crying, I'm sorry I reminded you about your father I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay, don't mind it. Oh, I didn't tell you, my mother got married."

"Oh dear, are you okay? How do you feel about it?"

"I don't know, like why would she do something like that, I just couldn't ask her. Anyway, let's go to the cafeteria."

"Okay and I'll tell you what happened between Daniel and me. Some heads up, we broke up."

"Oh my god, what happened?!" I asked as we were trying to walk to the cafeteria without losing each other in the crowd as she was talking about Daniel and how she knew that he was cheating on her.

Suddenly I smell something unusual, something that smells like rain and pine trees. I look around puzzled and then my eyes land on his brown ones. Everything faded away and it felt like we were the only two in the hallway...